Seeing situation at hand I'm for annexation with autonomous status inside the Empire and possibility of referendum down the line.

Or instead of annexation we merge and form personal union with golden feather family ruling it called simply the Empire.

This. Annex them as a couple of semi-autonomous provinces or something able to decide their own economic policies, taxes, a small militia, etc. so long as they pay a federal tax and leave foreign affairs to the federal government. If they have any leaders to negotiate with I don't think it would be hard to get it done, certainly not much harder than integrating the city states was considering how much more they need us.

In time, I would like to ease tensions by switching to a more democratic/constitutional monarchy type system with the provinces electing their own governors and assemblies as well as an assembly on the federal level with the emperor acting as the head of the executive branch but forbidden from directly controlling the military.
Right, so I am definitely in the annex side on this. Like everyone has said this is a short term loss but we will eventually gain it back long term. Their are thing of value in their even short term, the crystal mines for one, that we can access. Plus looking at the raw size of the territory I think having it will be worth it in time for natural resource we might find alone long term.

One thing I haven't heard anyone discuss is defense though. With a little work the problem of attacking a frozen wasteland can keep use safe from threats to the south as much as it was a problem for us in this campaign. The crystal empire is a very good buffer state for us at the moment.
Wait a minute, something about that map... *compares map to real-world map of Japan* aha! We be magical Cat-Bird Russia! Interestingly enough, that would make the Crystal Empire Korea, North Korea to be specific.

...Yup, not touching that comparison with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole.
Wait a minute, something about that map... *compares map to real-world map of Japan* aha! We be magical Cat-Bird Russia! Interestingly enough, that would make the Crystal Empire Korea, North Korea to be specific.

...Yup, not touching that comparison with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole.
Not really we are a mix of Prussia, France and Italy. The Yaks are Mongols and Neighpon is Japanese. The Crystal Empire would be one of those many ancient fallen empires throughout history.
For the first time in the entirety of this quest, I have to say that I am heavily in favor of annexing them, with the referendum being a good option to. Because compared to the yaks who are stable and are likely going to form their own kingdom with many ties to us, the Crystal Empire May as well be dead. They NEED our help to rebuild, and with a good chunk if not most of their population migrating to our lands..... they basically are apart of us already.
Not really we are a mix of Prussia, France and Italy. The Yaks are Mongols and Neighpon is Japanese. The Crystal Empire would be one of those many ancient fallen empires throughout history.
Was more talking relative geographical location than anything cultural, I just looked at the map and found the coincidence kind of hilarious. On a more serious note, unless the Crystal Ponies are against it, I think we should annex the Crystal Empire. The Crystal Ponies have just survived through a truly outrageous amount of hardship, to expect them to just pick up those pieces and build a functioning nation again when they don't even have any leadership anymore would just be cruel. The only forms of government we're even aware of right now are various flavors of Monarchy, chiefdom, tribal councils, and oligarchy. Any new leadership we try and install would be almost totally reliant upon us for legitimacy, and pretty soon that reliance would turn any attempt at an independent Crystal Empire into a sham of a puppet state. In the end, once we're done helping them rebuild their infrastructure will be as much a part of Gryphus as it is the Crystal Empire, their economy will be tied to ours (by necessity mind you), and again, whatever leadership we install will derive authority from Gryphus, they'll essentially be a part of the greater empire anyway.

If we try and force them to be independent all that will do is limit the amount of aid we can render (as they'd be a friendly foreign polity and not a new territory), put them heavily in debt to us, force them to live in what is categorically the worst and most barren part of the empire, and push off onto them the backbreaking labor of rebuilding practically their entire society from scratch. And by the time they finally do? They'll be surrounded on all sides by the Empire of Gryphus, stifling them and limiting future growth. As for the Crystal Heart... well, it's the CP's sacred artifact, I think they should get a say in what we decide to do with it.
People want to change the name of the Empire because they think it is named for our species. It is not it is named after the region where it was formed Gryphus or after the mountain the Capital is built into like Rome.

The Hell? Why would we change the name of our Empire?? Because we graciously ALLOWED some Mutts and now Ponies to share it? Nay I say, the majority of our population are griffons, the majority of our army are griffons and the ENTIRETY of our upper/ruling class are griffons (with the exception of one incredibly adorable Dragon). Not only would we anger or at best affront many MANY important Griffons, we would do so for basically NOTHING. (the diamond dogs and crystal Ponies owe us EVERYTHING they have after all and they know it.)
The only justifiable reason I can see to change the Empire's name is when we unify our entire continent under our rule!
By the way, what's our home continent's name again?
I know there isn't a vote yet, but we may as well start preliminary votecrafting:

[] Annex the Crystal Empire.
-[] Convince as many crystal ponies as possible to leave this barren wasteland and move to Gryphus where we can help them properly.
-[] Publically announce a referendum in 20 years whether the crystal ponies want independence. We'll work on getting the lands of the former Crystal Empire habitable by that time.
-[] Move the Crystal Heart to our capital where it is safe and able to recharge, surrounded by people who love their country.

We could thank the neighponese by either giving them some coastal lands for some colonies
If we plan to eventually offer the crystal ponies the chance to return to their ancestral lands, we can't give parts of that away.

Should we do something nice for the Yaks that joined us as well?
If you have an idea what to give each individual Yak volunteer, sure. The clans didn't join the offensive, so a general reward wouldn't work.
While the leaders of the Yak Clans will not order their people to risk their lives in a Southern Offensive, they will not stop any Yaks who wish to join the Campaign. And, to the surprise of many, hundreds of Yaks volunteer.
Yak Volunteers
800 Yak Chargers
Yak Volunteers
684 Yak Chargers
684 survivors, 116 bereaved families
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This turn is gonna be weird now. Not having a goal to go after anymore and just being free to do what we want. The question remains though should we explore?
This turn is gonna be weird now. Not having a goal to go after anymore and just being free to do what we want. The question remains though should we explore?
I'd say no for now. We should take 2-3 turns to integrate/heal the crystal ponies, clarify the details of our alliances with yaks and qilins, develop the cannon-ships and start our long term projects (trains, airships, better school system, magical studies..)

Once we've done that AND our army has recovered, we can start exploring again, either the rest of our continent or the ocean beyond neighpon (maybe as a joint project with them?)
The only justifiable reason I can see to change the Empire's name is when we unify our entire continent under our rule!
By the way, what's our home continent's name again?
No not even then. When the Romans took control of most of several continents did they change their name? Did Napoleon change the name of France's Empire when he conquered Europe? Did the British Empire Change when they spread to every corner of the world? How bout the Mongols they had the largest land Empire in history yet the name stayed the same. We are never going to change our name.
People keep jammering on about the name of our empire for so long that it might as well be when it comes to demoralizing the reader.
People keep bringing it up so it needs to be addressed. You think I like have to keep telling them the same things over and over again? I do not but we have established some things already and we need to have people understand that.