Turn 17 Rumor Mill
End of a Dark Age: Celebrations break out across the known world, from the steppes of Yakyakistan to the Cities of the Empire to the shores of Neighpon, peoples of every race, class and creed rejoice at the news of Sombra's final defeat and the liberation of the Crystal Empire. Already stories of the battles of Redstone, the Peregrines, and the Crystal Keep are passing into legend, growing ever more mythical and exaggerated with each retelling. You are certain that the war will be an event talked about for generations, a defining moment for the Empire and its neighbors.

Konrad Hardbeak is being hailed as the war's greatest hero, much to his consternation and despite his protests that he wasn't really responsible for the "final death" of Sombra. This does nothing to stop him from being idolized by the public. You personally think it's because "thus the hero Hardbeak slayed the Shadow King three times over" sounds a lot better than "and so the Scary Pony was vaporized by a shiny rock he'd been hiding in his basement." Indeed, while the Crystal Heart and its role in ending the war is publicly known, most choose to focus upon the heroic efforts of the tens of thousands of sapients who fought and bled to lay low a tyrant. You are of course not spared from such adoration, though your role in the stories is more that of a steady hand of leadership or a stoic commanding presence rather than a legendary fighter. You're more than ok with that.

The Crystal Conundrum: Of course, though Sombra is gone, the mess he left behind still remains. Though the Windigos have been banished, the lands of the Crystal Empire remain barren and infertile. It's limited infrastructure has been ravaged by war, its population deeply traumatized and scarred by Sombra's reign. After decades as slaves and prisoners in their own bodies, none are capable of stepping forward to lead their people. Once the joy of freedom has passed, a universal feeling of uncertainty grips the former servants of the Shadow King. Most now look to their liberators for guidance and assistance as thousands of Crystal Ponies are forced to relocate to the Griffonlands or Neighpon to avoid starvation, their homeland incapable of supporting even their greatly reduced population, those who remain behind relying primarily upon food exports from the North as they struggle to re-establish their meagre agricultural base.

Already there is much debate within the halls of power as to how the situation should be resolved. Should the Crystal Empire be reformed into a new nation? If so, what sort of nation should it be? What will it's relationship to its neighbors be? What of the thousands of Refugees who already call the Griffonlands home? Should the Empire simply annex its newly pacified neighbor, or leave it to fend for itself? And not least of all, what is to be done with the Crystal Heart? There is no consensus among the public or the Imperial Leadership, nor a clear right or wrong answer.

Forged in the Fires of War: There is no question that the Winter War has had a great impact upon its participants. Every race, every nation and clan and class was affected by the conflict. The Yaks learned the horrors of true war, and became aware that the world beyond their homeland was both very big and very dangerous. The varied races of Neighpon were forced to reevaluate their differences and rivalries in the face of a mutual threat to their freedom and existence. And Gryphus? The nation that fought and bled and suffered the most at the dark hoof of Sombra, the nation that served as a bulwark against his cruel ambitions?

The Empire of Gryphus went from a collection of fiefdoms loosely affiliated by virtue of a shared history to a unified nation under a centralized authority. It's people, once divided along cultural, economic or racial lines, are now united in the face of a dangerous outside world. The demand for material to fuel the Imperial War Machine has led to a massive increase in agricultural and industrial output and the creation and spread of numerous revolutionary innovations. Though countless lives have been lost, some dare to say that the Empire has emerged from the war stronger than it was before.

This has not gone unnoticed by its allies. The Yak reformists point to the victory, growth and continued prosperity of their western neighbors as further proof that their nomadic lifestyle is unsustainable, and the Neighponese who fought and bled alongside Griffons and Dogs have come to respect and be interested in these mainlanders. Already the Dragon Emperor Kōryū Ryuō has expressed an interest in forming a more formal alliance between the twin empires, hoping for a reliable ally against unknown foes yet to be encountered. Regardless of its consequences and aftermath, the Winter War will surely be remembered as a defining moment in the History of the Empire of Gryphus.

Link to the last time I did this.

Archival purposes: "Turn 17 Rumor Mill (posted by QM on Friday, April 26, 2019)"


The Front Page as it appeared to me on Friday, April 26, 2019.

Character Sheet (last edited by QM on Wednesday, April 3, 2019)
- Not Changed
Name: Garrick Golden-Feather

Age: 44

Titles: Emperor of Gryphus, King of Griffonia, Inheritor of the Imperial House of Gryphus, The Unifier, Great Winged Alpha

Description: Before your wife got her talons on you, you were a fairly typical example of the Griffon species. An unmistakably masculine build, a strong, prominent beak, feathers and fur that seem to be perpetually well-groomed, and a pair of piercing amber eyes hiding a fierce intelligence. Not anymore though. Oh, you still have all those qualities, they're just overshadowed by the massive amount of muscle you've put on since you started your wife's "enhanced training regimen". Your wings can lift dumbbells, and your legs are like tree-trunks supporting a barrel chest rippling with abdominal muscles. In short, you have the build of a person who has been lifting heavy objects his entire life.

Martial: 9+2+1+2=14

Diplomacy: 14+2+2=18

Stewardship: 13+2=15

Learning: 16+2=18

Intrigue: 11+2=13

  • Trait-Attractive: You are a very handsome fellow. +2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship
  • Trait-Genius: Smart doesn't even begin to describe you. +2 all skills
  • Trait-Strong: Working out with your wife has done great things for your body. +2 Martial


  • Blade of the King: an ornate and deadly sword you had forged for yourself after being crowned King of Griffonia. +1 Martial
  • Royal Armor: Serving to protect you as well as display your royal status to onlookers, this armor is both durable and aesthetically pleasing.

  • Orichalcum Sword: A blade made of an extremely durable, magic resistant metal

Wife: Gabriella Golden-Feather

Opinion of You: 10/10

Age: 43

Martial: 15+1+2=18
Diplomacy: 11+1=12
Stewardship: 8+1=9
Learning: 13+1=14
Intrigue: 10+1=11

Trait: Strong - Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Experienced - Has been a mercenary for several years, ranging across the lands of the former Empire. Knows much about the world. (+1 All Stats)

Son: Gawain Golden-Feather

Age: 13

Martial: 14+2+2+1-5=14
Diplomacy: 13+2+2+2-5=14
Stewardship: 14+2-5=11
Learning: 10+2-5=7
Intrigue: 11+2-5=8

Status: Teenager-Malus to all Stats (-5 to all Stats)
Status: Designated Heir. Will become player character in event of Parent's Deaths.
Trait: Strong-Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Attractive-A cute kid, and eventually a handsome fellow. (+2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship)
Trait: Genius-Smart doesn't begin to describe him. (+2 All Stats)
Trait: Game Master-Years of playing games of strategy and wits with members of the Imperial Court has honed his sense of strategy and taught him how to read others. (+1 Martial, +2 Diplomacy)

(Adopted) Daughter: Gwyndlyn Golden-Feather

Age: 9
Status: Child-No Stats
Status-Designated Regent: In the event that no heir is capable of taking the throne, or in the event the rightful ruler is otherwise unavailable, she will take control of the kingdom until the situation can be resolved.
Trait: Dragon-A fire breathing reptile. (+4 Martial)

Daughter: Gilda Golden-Feather

Age: 6
Status: Child-No Stats

Informational: State of the Nation (last edited by QM on Wednesday, April 24, 2019)
- Not Changed

Treasury Reserves
: 7310

Net Income: 6715

Yearly Income: 7550

-Tax Revenue: 3325
-Farming Income: 2225
-Mining Income: 800
-Logging Income: 200
-Trade Income: 1000

Yearly Expenditures: 835

-Army Upkeep: 415
-Navy Upkeep: 100
-Office of Disease Control: 10
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 10
-Peregrine Line: 100
-Crystal Refugees: 200


Imperial Army
: Professional soldiers, paid and supplied by you. 500 soldier battalions cost 150 gold each to raise or replace. Additionally, Imperial Army soldiers have an upkeep cost of 200 gold per every ten thousand soldiers.

Imperial Army Morale: 70/100 (Above Average)

Imperial Army Numbers: 22,401

-9,873 Warriors: Armed with a sword or hand-axe and shield, these Griffons make up the bulk of your army.

-4975 Polearms: For keeping your enemy at arms length or taking down opponents larger than a Griffon.

-5987 Archers: Griffons with bows and some arrows. Not much else to say.

-1286 Diamond Dogs: Armed with a variety of swords, maces, war axes, and other weapons suitable for close-quarters, Diamond Dogs are masters of subterranean combat, and are well suited to ambush tactics.

-280 Artillerists: Responsible for the transport, maintenance and operation of heavy weaponry, these Gryphons and Dogs are highly trained in their chosen field of ranged combat.

-4 Mobile Ballistae: Massively oversized mechanical bows that fire bolts big enough to pierce through tree trunks from vast distances.

-19 Cannons: Firing iron balls through the power of explosive black powder, these metal siege engines are one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal.

-10 Flame Projectors: A product of Archimedes's "liquid fire", these static contraptions can shoot jets of flaming liquid vast distances, burning all in their path.

Knightly Orders (Self Maintained): In the old Empire, Knightly Orders were typically made up of Griffons of noble birth who joined a fraternal militant organization dedicated to martial excellence, honor, and a number of various edicts of moral strength. These great warriors dedicated themselves to the Emperor and the protection of the common Gryph. Tragically, few of these brave souls survived the reign of Discord. But a new breed of Knights now seeks to serve as your sword and shield, and will rally to your banner whenever you may need them.

The Knights Lion
1 Grandmaster Konrad Hardbeak, "The Kingslayer"
35 Knights of the Inner Circle
180 Imperial Knights
60 Squires
400 Griffons-at-Arms
Citadel: The Lion's Den, Griffonia

The Knights Talon
1 Grandmaster Colombroni Pigeonio
25 Knights of the Inner Circle
200 Imperial Knights
75 Squires
330 Griffons-at-Arms
Citadel: The Crow's Nest, Wingbardy

The Knights Panther
1 Grandmaster Adrian Dawnquill
30 Knights of the Inner Circle
200 Imperial Knights
50 Squires
250 Griffons-at-Arms
Citadel: The Black Fortress, Aquileia

Royal Navy: The vessels that guard your coastlines and patrol the oceans. Crewed by career sailors, they have an upkeep of five gold per ship, per year.

20 Cogs (Bolt-Throwers)

Auxiliaries: Auxiliary units are forces not part of a Knightly Order or the Royal Army and Navy that can be brought into battle alongside both of the former groups. They can be made up of allied nation units suborned to you, units drawn up from the militia, and mercenary outfits.


Nobility Opinion: 10/10 (All Hail the Glorious Emperor!).

General Public Opinion: 10/10 (All Hail the Glorious Emperor!).

Roll Bonuses

Improved Army Communications: +3 on certain Army Rolls
Naval Navigation Tools: +5 on certain Naval and Exploration Rolls
Gun-Cotton: +5 to all Cannon Rolls
Pre-Discord Map: +10 to next Exploration Roll
Scatter-Shot: Bonus to Certain Cannon Rolls
Blasting Jelly: +5 to Certain Explosive Rolls
Camouflage 101: +5 to Certain Intrigue/Army Rolls
Firebender Designed Flamethrowers: +5 to all Flamethrower/Liquid Fire Rolls
Imperial War Memorial: Army Morale may not fall below 20, Militia count as Regulars when defending Core Territory

Informational: Diplomatic Relations/Persons of Interest (last edited by QM on Wednesday, April 3, 2019)
- Not Changed
Diplomatic Relations

Kingdom of Neighpon: 7.5/10 (Friendly Neighbor)

Yak Clans
Raw Hides: 7/10 (Friendly Neighbor)
River Walkers: 7/10 (Friendly Neighbor)
Broken Horns: 7/10 (Friendly Neighbor)
Thunder Warriors: 7/10 (Friendly Neighbor)

Persons of Interest

???: A friendly and strangely casual Griffon female you met at your inaugural ball. Despite having a wonderful evening chatting with her, you never got her name.

Garibaldi Talonuelli: Formerly the Duke of Wingbardy, now the Grand Duke of Wingbardy, Talonuelli is a beloved public figure in his home province and an experienced administrator. After saving his city and people from Brochard's attempted invasion and negotiating his province's vassalage over a few drinks, you'd like to think you can count him among your friends.

Federico Montefeathertro: Duke of the (former) City-State of Urbirdo, and your Father-in Law. He might just be the friendliest of the former Feathersians, having agreed to back you and your kingdom without question or condition during the Brochard Crisis, and hiring a mercenary outfit as a belated wedding gift. You're reasonably certain he likes you, as much as In-Laws can like each other anyway.

Koryū Ryuō: The draconic Emperor of the Island Kingdom of Neighpon. Having agreed to assist you in the war against the Shadow King and making fast friends with your adoptive daughter, you consider him a decent fellow who you can trust to keep his word, and a valuable ally against any destructive forces the world can throw at you.

Konrad Hardbeak, "The Kingslayer": Grandmaster of the Knights Lion and Hero of the Empire. Beheaded Brochard the pretender, crippled Sombra the shadow king twice over, and received the very first Imperial Medal of Honor. Despite it all, he is surprisingly humble, insisting in vain that he was, and is, merely doing his duty to the Empire, and to you. He is the very model of an Imperial Knight.
No, vassalize then integrate later. We don't have the numbers, nor would it be wise to station troops and move population in until the land is healed. We don't want to overextend and the CE is almost equal in size to us. I just don't see the point in controlling barren wasteland.
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No, vassalize then integrate later. We don't have the numbers, nor would it be wise to station troops and move population in until the land is healed. We don't want to overextend and the CE is almost equal in size to us.
pretty sure the ideois to diplo annex not military annex. Just skip the vassalization step and integrate.

that's just inefficient.
Let's have a referendum!
YES! Referendums are love, referendums are life.

In fact, let's hold two referendums. One to decide a course of action then we help them towards it and another to double check. That way we know everyone is fully informed of what they are doing. The informed is an important part of informed consent.
Annex them. We need to do that anyways in order to start repairing the land.

Also looks like his reign did start before the fall of Discord. Since it has only 17 years since then. Not the decades it is talking about.
I think we should peacefully add the crystal empire to our empire, and work to revitalize their old land so that eventually it can be settled, they can feel more at home, and we have more land and resources coming in.
If the crystal empire is nothing but barren frozen wasteland, I think its best to just move and integrate the crystal ponies into the empire. At this rate we need to rename the empire to include all races not just griffins.
I think we should peacefully add the crystal empire to our empire, and work to revitalize their old land so that eventually it can be settled, they can feel more at home, and we have more land and resources coming in.
That is annexing them. Also the people are inside our Empire only a very small amount of their massively reduced population is staying in the land.

Why doesn't the map also include the Yak-lands?

Because the map would be about 3 to 4 times larger with little details in it. That is only half of the Empire and Neighpon is actually much bigger than what the map makes it seem like.
besides all the 'annex' suggestions a autonomous state may possibly work better diplomatically as it allows for the formation of a greater state if leadership does show up.-think more colonial general of the british colonies or even modern day northern ireland.
Didn't most of the british colonies violently rebel, and doesn't northern ireland still hate the brits?
I'd say annex too.

Only other thing that might be an issue would be some way to pay back the neighponese. I'm sure theres tech sharing and mutual alliance pacts and whatnot, but on the current, more tangible scale... its possible to set aside a bit of the coastal land of the empire for the neighponese, being our allies and all and having fought with us. Not saying to do that, but given their aid was free and we seem fast allies, could be a thing. On the other end, though, not sure how the crystal ponies would take that.

But, again, we could always make just a super official pact and all the things that come with that instead. Best buds for centuries!
I say we help them set back up with support and such (annexing them will worry our neighbors as it will seem as if we are greedy for land), we keep close ties with them and give them the final say on intergration later down the line after we know they are in the right state to actually choose... when our neighbors will be less worried about war (the Yaks are spooked and the Neighponese are abit wary as well, they respect us atm but us showing we are expansionist probably wont end well).

Tldr: Honourable Neighbors! Not Hungry Expansionist Warmongers! (Perception matters)
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If the crystal empire is nothing but barren frozen wasteland, I think its best to just move and integrate the crystal ponies into the empire. At this rate we need to rename the empire to include all races not just griffins.

I propose initially if you want to be unambitious just naming ourselves The Empire. Once we have integrated more than one significant polity I would then propose The Federation. Of course if we wanna be ambitouswe could ignore both of those suggestions and skip straight towards naming ourselves The Culture and get a goal to strive for and maybe feast on that memetic utopia.


Not that kind of imperialism!

I say we help them set back up with support and such (annexing them will worry our neighbors as it will seem as if we are greedy for land), we keep close ties with them and give them the final say on intergration later down the line after we know they are in the right state to actually choose... when our neighbors will be less worried about war (the Yaks are spooked and the Neighponese are abit wary as well, they respect us atm but us showing we are expansionist probably wont end well).
Our neigbors are actually on pretty decent terms with us and nobody wants this land. This land is the shittiest land grab land there is. There is a whole lot of land grab land for expansionism. This? This is charity work. There's no profit here. This is a frozen wasteland and the best it can really hope for in anything but the long term is maybe feeding the people who live there maybe.

This is us coming to the aid of the suffering.
literally every major european power.

But we aren't trying to trick them with cheap baubles or planning to make them slaves or second-class citizens or anything like that?

Hell, it isn't like we could reasonably keep them independent as anything but a sham. Most of their population is in Griffon land or over in Neighpon, their land is so devastated that they probably won't be able to support themselves for decades if not centuries depending on how bad this stuff is. Their people are badly damaged and psychologically fucked up by who knows how many years of slavery etc... so they would be utterly lacking in any sort of army and utterly dependant on us and our allies in pretty much every way possible...

Like, the question is basically, do we want to take them over fully or make them an "independent" state that is basically gonna do anything we say anyway for fear of making us angry.