[X] Sometimes the small things in life can make a world of difference.
-[X] Bait her out (Roll 1d100 (Maneuver), Best of 4 or Roll 1d100 (CHA), Best of 3) (Mark which one you would prefer in the vote)
--[X] Charisma
-[X] Talking is a free action
--[X] "Who are you?"
---[X] "If you don't know that is fine as many people live their entire lives without being able to truly answer such a question, but you might be able find find your answer by following your rage by to the pain in your heart that gave birth to it, and your friend whose in need of your care. Furthermore if you power down your mobile suit we can formally accept your surrender, and making our duty as soldiers to provide what aid we can to those under our aegis."
AN: The italics are an attempt by Alex to make Wolf 06 realize she is alive, and has emotions. The part where she refers to "our" is more her interpretation of the duties of a soldiers through the opinion of someone whose goal for fighting is protect those she cares about per her interlude talking with Shin, and is probably character development as she is extending that belief to individuals based upon what she was taught a soldier is supposed to do.
Anyways I've already covered this, but in brief a cornered soldier is like a rat, and a Newtype with their first real emotion in this case hatred to channel their focus allowing them to pick up all the instincts/emotions that make them so dangerous on the battlefield is a sufficient risk that using a combat round to attempt a social resolution is prudent. Because with three dice even if it fails we should roll high enough to introduce doubt into Wolf 06 making her less likely to follow her instincts, and now that I think about it her instincts would be telling her that Alex is being honest meaning she'd have to ignore them then follow them.
Feel free to suggest changes to the dialogue to make it better as I'm not very good with it tbh, but unless someone makes a very persuasive argument I'm sticking the the CHA approach for this round.