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It will.[X] (write in): Long Range Equipped forces hang back to provide support and target elimination while the rest of our forces rush the cannon in order to destroy or disable it.
@manofjay this work as a write in?
So 2D100 best of three then?
What is this roll of maneuvering and shooting?
We would be much less useful in a charge not only would it put us in close quarter range where we are little more than a liability our main loadout is meant for long range combat. By staying back we can keep the forces trying to break through covered and force TZ to split their attention so our own men have a better chance to reach the cannon.Lean more part of the spear head, our number isn't high to begin with and more suits will spread out the melee/range fire.
still need another roll I guess?
Edit: Looks like my luck came through for once
Well if he had rolled lower my average rolls would have been the results.You known just once I'd like an average success, writing with a double artificial 100s as the result.