There really was plants? Huh.

@manofjay Can we get Earth development actions? Like anti-air networks, civilian bunkers, and heavy industrial complexes?
[X] Demand a public explanation from Zeon- Zeon vastly undersold the threat of 'True Zeon', it's time for them to answer why (Result 72 < DC 70)- Zeon it seems lied not only to us, but also their own task force, it seems that they didn't want anybody to know that the weapons that were stolen were specifically designed to fight the Federation. (Incoming list of special weapons controlled by 'True Zeon'.)
Well at least we know this now.

[X] Counter Ops- (Results 79 > DC?? Success) -Counter Spy operations successful, 'True Zeon' plant rooted out.
Hey there! Time for a chat in a dark room :evil:

[X] Beam weapon miniaturization- (Result 76 > DC?? Success )- We've done it. (MS Parts unlocked: Weapons: Standard: BOWA XBC-M-83D-2C Beam Carbine, BOWA·BR-S-85-C2 Beam Rifle, BOWA-XBR-M-79-07G Beam Rifle. The BOWA XBC-M-83D-2C Beam Carbine and BOWA·BR-S-85-C2 Beam Rifle are now useable by the GM and EMS-11.)
Yessss, sweet sweet beam carbines/rifles :D

[X] Alien on Ice- (Result 96 < DC ??)- To be continued in "New Old Friends"
Sweet! :)

[X] Ask to be a part of it and found our own- Zeon has agreed to the proposition, as long as they remain on the level everything will proceed smoothly. (Newtype Research unlocked, Zeonic cooperation has lowered related DCs.)

[X] Train a skill (Result 94)
-[X] shooting

Your getting a lot better at this. (Shooting Increased to 8/10)
Nice :cool:
True Zeon controlled special weapons
x1 XMA-05-3 Bigro Rex Destroyed
x10 x5 Big Gun
x1 MS-10 Pezun Dowadge
x1 MS-06RD-4 Zaku High Mobility Test Type Destroyed
x3 MS-06MP Manipulation System Type Zaku II
x5 x4 MS-06 Zaku II Propellant Unit
x3 MS-09R Rick Dom Destroyed (By Char)
x2 MS-06 Zaku II dead-men custom
x1 QCX-76A Jormungand Captured
x2 Nuclear Bazooka
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My god it's literally every spaceborne Zeon weapon designed up to this point except the Zakrello. Is there anything they don't have? We'll be staring down the barrel of a Big Zam next month.
Research Report #05
"The weapons of the alien vessel are formidable indeed. It's "main" battery consist of larger versions of the energy weapons of the alien suit, their larger size has allowed us a more in dept look at the mechanisms. The cannon collects an unknown gas in it's chamber (we have not identified the mixture but we have replaced it), then using a sort of electron manipulation the gas is spun until the the mixture is stretched thin. Once the mixture is thin enough it is then ignited via laser, then using the same electron manipulation as before it is propelled out the barrel in beam form. The electron manipulation alone gives us ideas for a solid slug "railgun", however that is not the most impressive thing we've uncovered. The main weapon of the ship is some kind of "reaction cannon". We not exactly sure how it works but low-balled estimations say this gun will make nukes obsolete. Unfortunately we'd need to get the ship space-worthy to find out more, as testing a weapon of this power in atmosphere is likely a bad idea."

With regards,

Dr. Michal Chistov

(Weapons researched, heavy energy weapons unlocked, energy weapons can now be placed in the main battery, New Tech unlocked: Railguns, New MS Part: Sniper: MSSaR Mk. 1 (Moblie Suit Semi-automatic Railgun Mark 1), the GM and EMS-11 are now capable of using this weapon. But of course, you know this already.)
My god it's literally every spaceborne Zeon weapon designed up to this point except the Zakrello. Is there anything they don't have? We'll be staring down the barrel of a Big Zam next month.
They don't have an RnD department and no manufacturing capacity. Just how do you expect them to get the Big Zam. We have told you to stop trying to blow this out of proportion. They have less than 30 MS. And they can only get more stuff from stealing and we have improved our protection detail now. And Zeon will not keep letting them steal as that makes them look incompetent.
They don't have an RnD department and no manufacturing capacity. Just how do you expect them to get the Big Zam. We have told you to stop trying to blow this out of proportion. They have less than 30 MS. And they can only get more stuff from stealing and we have improved our protection detail now. And Zeon will not keep letting them steal as that makes them look incompetent.
Steal it, like they stole everything else.

They have god damn nukes.

And no, those are just their special weapons. They have 13 high end testbed and custom Mobile Suits, and 3 latest generation units that take a dump on basically everything we have. We have no clue how many conventional (Zaku I and II C or F) MS they have. Or Space-Type Goufs and Efreets, those are also technically possible.

Additionally, I suspect that at this point Gihren may be bankrolling them deliberately by letting things fall off the back of the space-truck. Sure, it wasn't deliberate initially and it's not making a great impression on the public, but it's doing a hell of a god job softening the Federation up for if he wants to try and pull something in the future.
Steal it, like they stole everything else.

They have god damn nukes.

And no, those are just their special weapons. They have 13 high end testbed and custom Mobile Suits, and 3 latest generation units that take a dump on basically everything we have. We have no clue how many conventional (Zaku I and II C or F) MS they have. Or Space-Type Goufs and Efreets, those are also technically possible.

Additionally, I suspect that at this point Gihren may be bankrolling them deliberately by letting things fall off the back of the space-truck. Sure, it wasn't deliberate initially and it's not making a great impression on the public, but it's doing a hell of a god job softening the Federation up for if he wants to try and pull something in the future.
Right because Zeon is really going to let itself look so incompetent that they keep losing all of there gear. They have 20 Zaku IIs with no new upgrades. As for the Nukes so what they can threathen to use them but the moment they do they lose. We have more Zeon has more and no one will complain when we carpet bomb them for using a Nuke. Again they are not all-powerful they are lucky and Gihren isn't stupid enough to arm and let these forces humiliate him and his government like this. Not everything is a grand conspiracy sometimes things really just go bad.
x1 QCX-76A Jormungand

first off that is going to be a pain to deal with, that thing can hit a battleship from the front make it go though its backside and i hope we can capture it.
however, it will be surpported better then it first test run.
when dealing with this we need to make the fleet as agile as possable and run Minovsky particle density to max as i do not think even our biggest guns can come near it firing range

if that come with nukes we will have more then enough reason to deploy our own.
Right because Zeon is really going to let itself look so incompetent that they keep losing all of there gear. They have 20 Zaku IIs with no new upgrades. As for the Nukes so what they can threathen to use them but the moment they do they lose. We have more Zeon has more and no one will complain when we carpet bomb them for using a Nuke. Again they are not all-powerful they are lucky and Gihren isn't stupid enough to arm and let these forces humiliate him and his government like this. Not everything is a grand conspiracy sometimes things really just go bad.
They have 20 Zaku IIs? I feel like you just made that number up. And maybe, but it's not the craziest idea in the world when we know he was specifically investing in gear designed to take us down.
They have 20 Zaku IIs? I feel like you just made that number up. And maybe, but it's not the craziest idea in the world when we know he was specifically investing in gear designed to take us down.
Literally what the QM just said. Of course they had gear to fight fight us up until a few months ago both sides were gearing up to fight a war for years. This is the same thing like last time when you tried to say that we lost a 20th of our fleet when it was nowhere near that number.
New Escorts
(Size locked to Light Cruiser or smaller)

Class Name: (write in)

[] Light Cruiser (Main Battery slots 3, Secondary slots 6, Auxiliary slots 6)
[] Destroyer (Main Battery slots 1, Secondary slots, 8, Auxiliary slots 3)

Main Battery (options can be picked more than once)
[] Ultra-heavy (cost 3)
[] Super-heavy (cost 2)
[] Heavy (cost 1)
[] Heavy Railgun (cost 2)
[] Heavy Energy (cost 1)
[] Medium (cost 0.5)
[] Medium Railgun (cost 1)
[] Medium Energy (cost 0.5)

[] Medium (cost 2)
[] Medium Energy (cost 2)
[] Light (cost 1)
[] Light Energy (cost 1)
[] Missile (cost 1)
[] Anti-MS guns (cost 1)
[] Anti-Air guns (cost 0.5)

[] Coms center (cost 2)
[] Hanger (cost 2)
[] Large Hanger (cost 3)
[] Extended Barracks (cost 1)
[] I-field Generator (cost 3)
[] Energy Conversion Armor (cost 2)
[] Minovsky Craft System (cost 2)

(There is a 1 hour minimum before voting)

Edit: Fixed

Edit Edit: Fixed. Again.
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He didn't, the QM edited their post to include it.
Ah I see.

That's... oddly low, considering they have a Gwazine which has 20 MS by itself, and then multiple other ships on top of it, but sure. That's a very top heavy force in terms of Ace Customs: Normal MS.

Well I mean I guess we can afford to throw away a hundred Mobile Suits for every one of theirs, which is good, because that's about the ratio we should be getting.
Literally what the QM just said. Of course they had gear to fight fight us up until a few months ago both sides were gearing up to fight a war for years. This is the same thing like last time when you tried to say that we lost a 20th of our fleet when it was nowhere near that number.
I mean the only counter to that was someone bringing up like, what was it, 17k warships? Over the entire Universal Century.

A couple hundred ships is fairly well supported by the actual canon, mostly Origin. Although I admit I was IIRC lowballing it when I said the force was only 150 warships by the time of Loum, I think that was just the combined Revil Fleet by itself.
Mainly a anti-air/MS build with nice punch.
Variant 1: Hanger plus ES armor with double barracks for really long escort runs.
Variant 2: Hanger plus I-Field for anti-beam packing enemy
Variant 3: Es armor plus I-Field for everything, also got a barrack. No hanger tho.

[] Variant 1
-[]Class Name: Bartok
-[] Light Cruiser (Main Battery slots 3, Secondary slots 6, Auxiliary slots 6)
-[] Heavy Railgun (cost 2)
-[] Medium Energy (cost 0.5) x2
-[] Anti-MS guns (cost 1) x4
-[] Anti-Air guns (cost 0.5) x4
-[] Hanger (cost 2)
-[] Energy Conversion Armor (cost 2)
-[] Extended Barracks (cost 1) x2

[] Variant 2
-[]Class Name: Bartok
-[] Light Cruiser (Main Battery slots 3, Secondary slots 6, Auxiliary slots 6)
-[] Heavy Railgun (cost 2)
-[] Medium Energy (cost 0.5) x2
-[] Anti-MS guns (cost 1) x4
-[] Anti-Air guns (cost 0.5) x4
-[] Hanger (cost 2)
-[] I-field Generator (cost 3)
-[] Extended Barracks (cost 1)

[] Variant 3
-[]Class Name: Bartok
-[] Light Cruiser (Main Battery slots 3, Secondary slots 6, Auxiliary slots 6)
-[] Heavy Railgun (cost 2)
-[] Medium Energy (cost 0.5) x2
-[] Anti-MS guns (cost 1) x4
-[] Anti-Air guns (cost 0.5) x4
-[] Extended Barracks (cost 1)
-[] I-field Generator (cost 3)
-[] Energy Conversion Armor (cost 2)
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Mainly a anti-air/MS build with nice punch. Hanger plus ES armor with double barracks for really long escort runs.

[] Escort Ship
-[] Light Cruiser (Main Battery slots 3, Secondary slots 6, Auxiliary slots 6)
-[] Heavy Railgun (cost 2)
-[] Medium Energy (cost 0.5) x2
-[] Anti-MS guns (cost 1) x4
-[] Anti-Air guns (cost 0.5) x4
-[] Hanger (cost 2)
-[] Energy Conversion Armor (cost 2)
-[] Extended Barracks (cost 1) x2
I think that swapping out the ECA and the second barracks for an I Field would be a better idea.
Ah I see.

That's... oddly low, considering they have a Gwazine which has 20 MS by itself, and then multiple other ships on top of it, but sure. That's a very top heavy force in terms of Ace Customs: Normal MS.

Well I mean I guess we can afford to throw away a hundred Mobile Suits for every one of theirs, which is good, because that's about the ratio we should be getting.

I mean the only counter to that was someone bringing up like, what was it, 17k warships? Over the entire Universal Century.

A couple hundred ships is fairly well supported by the actual canon, mostly Origin. Although I admit I was IIRC lowballing it when I said the force was only 150 warships by the time of Loum, I think that was just the combined Revil Fleet by itself.

Yeah that was me and that quote was from the wiki. You don't go from 150 or 200 to 17k with 35 fleets in active service at the end without having large numbers of ships already available. And the quote is that during the entire time they had about that many not that the built that many over the time. Like I said production was already increased prior to the OYW and it was tripled by our actions. We were building at least 1 new carrier a month before and several of the New Nova classes a month before the increase. You have been trying to make True Zeon as a world-ending threat when they are not. They are a danger but one that can be dealt with. We simply rolled bad and so did Zeon. Now that we know what they have and both task forces are properly informed, the moles have been captured and our spy core is stronger than ever they are losing what makes them so dangerous. Like I said the moment they try to us the nukes they get carpet bombed by our own and no one will say anything. It is called appropriate retaliation you use WMDs you die.