(Man when is this asshole going to update his thread, oh wait, I'm that asshole. Better get working then.)
(TZ: Check passed DC increased by 10)
TZ Crew
< Engines are still holding, but barely! >
TZ Crew Commander
< Keep it together! I can taste victory! >
The enemy GMs swarm defensively around the Lancelot mostly taking pot shot at your squad to keep them from closing in, one of the TZ GMs however, is carting around some kind of heavy weapon and is leveling it at the Phoenix. Lining up your sights you pull your Shotgun's trigger sending MS sized buckshot through the void.
(Shooting roll: 67 Success!)
The holes in the GM's cockpit marks your success, as the Mega Beam Launcher it held misfires into the void.
Phoenix Crew
< Holy shit! >
< Nice shot Skadi! >
GK was having a much harder time with with is chosen opponent a trade of beam and gun fire leaving both combatants about were they started.
(GK/TZ GM Rolls: Exact Draw)
< Damn bastard wont sit still! >
Thunder meanwhile had effortlessly dispatched her first target and had already engaged the second.
(Thunder Roll: Crit! Starting strong Tiv.)
< You should surrender well you can. >
TZ Pilot
< See you in Hell you Federation Devil! >
< So be it. >
< Sgt. Mason, you need to get more Troops, arm anyone who isn't already and take the Crew Quarters. >
Sgt. Mason
< You heard him boys gab a gun and get going! >
Federation crew
< For the Federation and the Lancelot! >
(Contested roll: Federation Crew :100! Vs TZ Crew:??)
The sound of fighting and gunfire fill the radio for a full five minutes before a woman's clear crisp voice cut thought the gunfire.
< Sgt. Mason, it's about time. >
Sgt. Mason
< Captain Fairbrooks! Your alive! >
Cap. Fairbrooks
< If only just, but it will take more then a zeek 9mm to put me down. >
(Crew Quarters taken! Lancelot's Captain found! 1 armed group and 2 unarmed groups join the Federation Marines.)
The battle is nearing it's end.
[] Take out the GM fighting GK (Shooting 1d100 Best of 3)
[] Assist Thunder (Shooting/Piloting 2d100, Best of 4)
[] Demand the Surrender of the TZ Crew at gun point (CHA Roll 1d100 -30 before other modifiers, Best of 3)
[] (write in)
Talking is a free action
[] (write in)
(Your Assault Shotgun has 14 shots, you have (1) reload(s) )
(Your Head Vulcan has 5 burst left)
(You have a Beam Sword and a Beam Rifle on your MS)
(1 turn(s) before the Lancelot reaches Zeon Radar range)
(6 turn(s) until the Lancelot is in range of Side 3)
(The Lancelot's engine is critically damage and the crew must pass a check to advance the ship forward.)
Federation marines have 3 squads (2 in Recator, 1 in Armory, 2 in Crew Quarters )
[] Marine actions
-[] Arm more of the crew (Armory, 3 groups unarmed)
-[] Turn off main power (Reactor)
-[] Assault an enemy position (How many squads and where)
--[] Mess Hall
--[] Secondary Bridge
--[] Engine Room (Currently on fire)
--[] Officer Quarters (Captain Fairbrooks has informed you that this position is guarded by an MG)
--[] Hanger
(Keept you waiting hun, sorry everyone)