I hope Gamlin doesn't bite it, he is the only one without lunar armor.

Nuke bazooka please don't show up.
It is probably because he hasn't scored any kills yet to allow him to update his MS. I am saying we stick with him Ace or not the two of us are the least experienced members of the Squad. Roy and Shin as one team of wingmen and Pixie and Thunder as another team. Depending on how much of the other ships are still left and how many had hangers we should have some more regular units around.
Where would you want this and what exactly do you mean?
Just in the spoiler tab You could add it under the last data point before the bio. Like this:
aka "Crossbones" aka "Bones" aka "Undying Reaper"
Age: 30
Rank: Captain
Current Moblie Suit: MGU-79B Pixie Warlord
Kills: ?? Fighters, 5 MS, 0 Ships
Roy is an easy going man who enjoys the little things in life. As a captain, he's fair but surprisingly stern, as he expects the best from his squad. He also likes to prank his subordinates who in retaliation tease him about his age.

Makes it easier to keep track of things.
Sure I'll get to it after posting the update.
Cool I didn't add anything for fighters because we don't know what Roy's kill count before the quest was aside from him being an Ace. Also pretty sure none of us have destroyed a ship yet so that is 0 as well. MA are the only weird thing but since the are technically Moblie weapons maybe just change Moblie suit kills to Moblie Weapons kills instead.
Counter Attack-Battle Turn 1
Your vulcans rip apart the Gattles charging your Suit, you have to conserve your Beam ammo for the enemy Zakus.

< Is that what's left of the Rome? >

Wasn't that the 15th's Carrier? >

It was. >

< Charge! Slaughter the lot of them! >

< No! Not again! All ships move to protect the carriers! >

< We can't do anything against that cannon! >

< Shield them with your hulls if you have too. >

This is bad, Pixie stick with GK, Shin with me. Skadi, I want you and Thunder too- >

[] "protect the wreck of the Rome. We've got reports of survivors in the front of the ship and TZ is out for blood".

[] "cover the Battlecruisers, the enemy Mobile Suits seem to be gunning for them."

[] "work with the Destroyers. We need to cover the Carriers to have a home to get back too."

(There is a half-hour minimum on this vote.)
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Carriers or Battlecruiser it is a hard choice. Both have their advantages. The carriers are needed to allow us to leave but the Battlecruisers have the most powerful and long-range weapons. The Destroyers have a bunch of weapons to deal with swarms so they might be okay for now. If there are any Hela-classes around now is the perfect time to use those railguns the cannon can not move once it is assembled aside from minor adjustments to fire. The Railguns have faster and unlimited range and a sitting duck like the cannon is the perfect target. The Battlecruisers are more exposed so they need escorts and the carry there own MS hangers so if they don't get destroyed they can launch their suits to help out in the fight.
[X] "cover the Battlecruisers, the enemy Mobile Suit seem to be gunning for them."

The cruiser have the only remaining long range guns capable of counter fire enemy cannon.

This fleet is crippled, might as well use it to sink their asset.
[X] "cover the Battlecruisers, the enemy Mobile Suit seem to be gunning for them."
[X] "cover the Battlecruisers, the enemy Mobile Suit seem to be gunning for them."

If there are no Light Cruisers with railguns we need to keep the Battlecruisers alive. They are the most heavily armored ships in the whole fleet at the moment so they should be able to get in close enough if we escort them to the cannon.
[X] "cover the Battlecruisers, the enemy Mobile Suit seem to be gunning for them."

Fleet is kinda fucked, so lets make this a good trade against TZ.
What would the benefit of covering the Rome have been if picked since it doesn't matter anymore? Aside from being something that could be considered noble, I done see a mechanical advantage.
Hey everyone, me again, I probably won't be able to post form my computer until later today. Until then why not not post characters for our support crew! I'll post an official vote when enough have been submitted.

A note about Alex's relationship with the support crew, it's a bit love/hate. Love in that since she knows so much about engineering she often knows what's wrong with her Suit, hate because she will often try to fix "minor" problems on her own.
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Counter Attack-Battle Turn 2
As you move to the Battlecruisers, you see one of them breaking of to make a run for the enemy fleet.

< Screw this! We're not gonna sit here and die! Flank speed! >

Don't break formation, you'll be a sitting duck! >

< I'm not listening to someone who got the last fleet killed. >

Andrey Dolzaev
Enemy ship breaking formation, kill it. >


< Copy, we have more than enough ammo. Target is clear of friendlies, firing. >

Plasma lurched from the cannon, the shot hit the Bila high in the bridge. It plowed though the rest of the command tower before slamming into the top of the engines. The ship slowed to a stop before beginning to drift almost lazily.

< Target is still intact, should we fire again? >

Andrey Dolzaev
Leave it, it'll make good cover. >

What a waste, Skadi you have better eyes than me, whats the priority? >

[] Aim for MS with Machine Guns, this should help our other MS (Roll 3s100s)

[] Target Anti-Ship teams (2d100s)

(Your Beam Rifle has 25 shots, you have 1 reload)

(It will be a wile before my next update, visiting family)

"Skadi"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord

"Thunder"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord
[X] Target Anti-Ship teams (2d100s)

Whelp we're going to run out of carriers at this rate, and why the hell is that guy who lost a fleet to a TZ ambush still around? Guys like those always keep fucking up, its in history...