[] HWF GMG·MG79-90mm Bullpup Machine Gun
This is a dual space/ground weapon, and isn't particularly useful as Alex's high ranged stat make the sniper version superior.
[] HFW-GR·MR82-90mm GM Rifle
An all around improvement of the previous weapon, but unless you're squad is expecting everyone on the other side to have anti beam coating, which is unlikely as maintenance on that is no joke.
[] Franz EF-ASH114T Assault Shotgun
A close ranged assault shotgun, and would work well with a shield.
[] BOWA XBC-M-83D-2C Beam Carbine
Honestly not sure on this one, but it is from my recollection of this quest a medium to close ranged weapon whereas beam rifles are more long ranged to medium.
[] BOWA-XBR-M-79-07G Beam Rifle
More shots, and extra E-Caps in exchange for not having capital grade beam weaponry.
[] BOWA·BR-S-85-C2 Beam Rifle
16 shots of capital ship grade beam weaponry meaning if you want to live you'll need to dodge, have an I-Field(Not yet invented to our knowledge), or be a Newtype with High Force alongside a relevant ability. This is rather important for this mission if it turns out not so quiet, and well a New Year's celebration is where I'd expect a bunch of terrorists to you know use the nukes they have on hand.
Furthermore it doubles as insuring anyone with second thoughts no longer has a home to defect to if successful, and well the reason they did it now is part Task Force Comet being gone alongside it being Federation units that replace them.
[] BLASH HB-L-03/N-STD Hyper Bazooka
An anti ship bazooka that can double as a dodge or die against mobile suits when in a pinch, but not recommended as they have limited ammunition.
[] GR MLR79-90mm Long Rifle
This is the Bullpup Machine Gun except with features that turn it into a viable sniper weapon, and in certain circumstances i.e access to an ammo dump to ferry you as many of the 120 ammo cases as necessary it can double as a squad support weapon.
It's a beam pistol that is perhaps useful in close quarters inside an asteroid base for those terrible at melee.
Now in regards to squad makeup from my recollection their areas of expertise are as follows.
Roy: Based upon his fight with one of the aces he has a very high piloting skill, and is a maneuver warfare type of Ace. He shot be all around good between melee, and ranged with an emphasis on the latter due to being a fighter pilot.
Larry: He was playing rocket tag with a Bazooka against another ace meaning he is a ranged focused. Also a newtype with medium sensitivity, and force.
GK: The newcomer, and is as a result of not being a Newtype of more sword, and board when paired with his trait makes him have synergy with Tiv.
(GK Trait activation: Helping Hand: Interrupt an enemy's turn if an ally is in danger)
Tiv: Close quarters focus, and has a trait that I believe involves bonuses to pursuing an enemy whose trying to disengage from what I can infer from the name.
(Thunder Trait activation: Relentless Pursuit)
Just to be clear on where the nuke theory is coming from a previous update,
"Tactical use only, about four warheads, their only a problem if the big men up stairs figure out how to get in shooting range of a colony."
When paired with from te briefing.
Zeon's own 'Task Force Comet' is busy with a preemptive strike on a TZ Cell and most of Zeon's other units are assisting with some sort of colony wide New Years celebration.
So the opponents are liable to be pushing hard to get an opening, and thus the shotgun will prove effective. The 16 shot beam rifle while far less useful in actual combat is a pretty effective last resort if they prove successful enough to get in position to make a shot so long as Alex has enough room to make a shot on the opponent alongside an opening to do so, and GK has a trait to pull a paragon interrupt on anyone trying to force Alex to dodge, or just interrupting the mobile suit with the nuke itself when it shots if he is close enough.
Also if the group manages to get engage the group with the nuke Tiv should help with preventing them from disengaging.
[X] Loadout
-[X] Franz EF-ASH114T Assault Shotgun
-[X] BOWA·BR-S-85-C2 Beam Rifle
[X] Pick your wingmen (2)
-[X] GK
-[X] Tiv
So this has my vote for the moment.