Lunar Hunt-Battle Turn 1
- Location
(I hate living in the midwest)
Zeon Control Tower
< Welcome to Area B7R ....... M-Particle density is higher than expecte-.....-e can not provide long ran-......port. You are on....-ur own MS team. >
< This is the Radiance Team, we roger. *sigh* I'm going to kill Roy for this, he knows I hate commanding. >
Pixie's Gundam hefted it's bazooka to its shoulders as it stood from it's crouch.
"You are the second in command sir," You say, "It is your job."
< Don't remind me. I'd run this squad into the ground if anything happened to Roy. >
< I think you would make a fine captain Pixie. >
Thunder's own Gundam was carrying a GM rifle, a shield, and the large heat blade she had 'acquired' from last mission.
< Don't jinx me. Anyway, on to the first order of business- >
[] Move to the first way point
[] Search the area (Roll 1d100 (default to Int) DC??)
[] (Write in)
[] Talking is a free action (write in)
(Your MSSaR Mk.2 has 5 rounds, your battery has enough charge for 5 rounds, you have 4 reloads, you have 4 replacement batteries)
(Reloading and replacing a battery are counted as the same action unless specified otherwise)
(M-Particle density at 64%)
"Skadi"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord
ECA- Green
Status- Green
"Pixie"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord Solo Wing Custom
ECA- Green
Status- Green
"Thunder"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord
ECA- Green
Status- Green
Zeon Control Tower
< Welcome to Area B7R ....... M-Particle density is higher than expecte-.....-e can not provide long ran-......port. You are on....-ur own MS team. >
< This is the Radiance Team, we roger. *sigh* I'm going to kill Roy for this, he knows I hate commanding. >
Pixie's Gundam hefted it's bazooka to its shoulders as it stood from it's crouch.
"You are the second in command sir," You say, "It is your job."
< Don't remind me. I'd run this squad into the ground if anything happened to Roy. >
< I think you would make a fine captain Pixie. >
Thunder's own Gundam was carrying a GM rifle, a shield, and the large heat blade she had 'acquired' from last mission.
< Don't jinx me. Anyway, on to the first order of business- >
[] Move to the first way point
[] Search the area (Roll 1d100 (default to Int) DC??)
[] (Write in)
[] Talking is a free action (write in)
(Your MSSaR Mk.2 has 5 rounds, your battery has enough charge for 5 rounds, you have 4 reloads, you have 4 replacement batteries)
(Reloading and replacing a battery are counted as the same action unless specified otherwise)
(M-Particle density at 64%)
"Skadi"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord
ECA- Green
Status- Green
"Pixie"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord Solo Wing Custom
ECA- Green
Status- Green
"Thunder"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord
ECA- Green
Status- Green
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