Lunar Hunt-Battle Turn 1
(I hate living in the midwest)

Zeon Control Tower
Welcome to Area B7R ....... M-Particle density is higher than expecte-.....-e can not provide long ran-......port. You are on....-ur own MS team. >

This is the Radiance Team, we roger. *sigh* I'm going to kill Roy for this, he knows I hate commanding. >

Pixie's Gundam hefted it's bazooka to its shoulders as it stood from it's crouch.

"You are the second in command sir," You say, "It is your job."

Don't remind me. I'd run this squad into the ground if anything happened to Roy. >

I think you would make a fine captain Pixie. >

Thunder's own Gundam was carrying a GM rifle, a shield, and the large heat blade she had 'acquired' from last mission.

Don't jinx me. Anyway, on to the first order of business- >

[] Move to the first way point
[] Search the area (Roll 1d100 (default to Int) DC??)
[] (Write in)

[] Talking is a free action (write in)

(Your MSSaR Mk.2 has 5 rounds, your battery has enough charge for 5 rounds, you have 4 reloads, you have 4 replacement batteries)
(Reloading and replacing a battery are counted as the same action unless specified otherwise)

(M-Particle density at 64%)

"Skadi"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord
ECA- Green
Status- Green

"Pixie"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord Solo Wing Custom
ECA- Green
Status- Green

"Thunder"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord
ECA- Green
Status- Green
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Say we move to the first waypoint then start looking for things. No point in looking around just yet. We want these things to find us if we don't find them first. We want to end this threat once and for all.
[X] Move to the first waypoint.
[X] Talk
-[X] Who do you think these guys are?

Better to get something productive out of our free actions.
Lunar Hunt-Battle Turn 2
"Can't handle the paperwork, Pixie?"

Let's just say my last command didn't end on good terms. >

Sensing that was a sensitive subject, you move on to the first subject you can think of, "Who do you think these guys are?"

If we're lucky it's desperate mercs looking for a quick buck, if we're unlucky it's TZ's new bunch of physicopaths that they've kept hidden until now. >

That sounds highly unlikely. >

Thats why I said if we're unlucky. Anyway eyes up we're at Waypoint 1. >

(Pixe roll: Crit!, Pixie has gained the Recon Skill at 4/10, words fail to describe my pain)

Nothing for miles, don't bother to double check. Terrain's too flat for an ambush. >

"You sure?"

Positive, if their trying to kill us it will be up head in the hills up ahead or from the mountains past that. >

We are pressing on then? >

Of course. >

Your trio of GMs moves into beginning of small hills and valleys, almost like dunes. At the their highest they are taller than your GM by two meters. Moving though the rough terrain is slow going and it's taking longer then expected to reach Waypoint 2. (??? Roll, ???)

You feel a shiver down the back of your neck.

You are being watched.

[] Continue to the Waypoint 2
[] Search the area (Roll 1d100 (default to Int) DC??)
[] Mention that you think your being watched
-[] Be subtle about it (Roll 1d100)default to Int)
[] (Write in)

[] Talking is a free action (write in)

(Your MSSaR Mk.2 has 5 rounds, your battery has enough charge for 5 rounds, you have 4 reloads, you have 4 replacement batteries)
(Reloading and replacing a battery are counted as the same action unless specified otherwise)

(M-Particle density at 72%)

"Skadi"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord
ECA- Green
Status- Green

"Pixie"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord Solo Wing Custom
ECA- Green
Status- Green

"Thunder"-Vehicle: Pixie Warlord
ECA- Green
Status- Green
Cool looks like we are going to play a game of cat and mouse here. Maybe in that case we didn't take the best group. But oh well we will make due either way.

[X] Mention that you think your being watched
-[X] Be subtle about it (Roll 1d100)default to Int)
[X] Talking is a free action: "Have either of you two gotten any info on the new Mobile Suits the EFF has made and our own upgrades?"
Do our GMs have point-to-point laser comms, or is it just the contact comms? Is that folded into the "be subtle about it" option, or does specifying using the laser comms give us modifiers to do so?

[X] Mention that you think your being watched
-[X] Be subtle about it (Roll 1d100)default to Int)
[X] Talking is a free action: "Have either of you two gotten any info on the new Mobile Suits the EFF has made and our own upgrades?"
Do our GMs have point-to-point laser comms, or is it just the contact comms? Is that folded into the "be subtle about it" option, or does specifying using the laser comms give us modifiers to do so?
We have secured comms the issue is the M-particles make it more difficult to talk to each other. That is what code phrases and subtle motions are for to convey message without being too obvious about it.
[X] Mention that you think your being watched
-[X] Be subtle about it (Roll 1d100)default to Int)
[X] Talking is a free action: "Have either of you two gotten any info on the new Mobile Suits the EFF has made and our own upgrades?"
[X] Mention that you think your being watched
-[X] Be subtle about it (Roll 1d100)default to Int)
[X] Talking is a free action: "Have either of you two gotten any info on the new Mobile Suits the EFF has made and our own upgrades?"
[X] Mention that you think your being watched
-[X] Be subtle about it (Roll 1d100)default to Int)
[X] Talking is a free action: "Have either of you two gotten any info on the new Mobile Suits the EFF has made and our own upgrades?"
[X] Mention that you think your being watched
-[X] Be subtle about it (Roll 1d100)default to Int)
[X] Talking is a free action: "Have either of you two gotten any info on the new Mobile Suits the EFF has made and our own upgrades?"
[X] Mention that you think your being watched
-[X] Be subtle about it (Roll 1d100)default to Int)
[X] Talking is a free action: "Have either of you two gotten any info on the new Mobile Suits the EFF has made and our own upgrades?"
[X] Mention that you think your being watched
-[X] Be subtle about it (Roll 1d100)default to Int)
[X] Talking is a free action: "Have either of you two gotten any info on the new Mobile Suits the EFF has made and our own upgrades?"
[X] Mention that you think your being watched
-[X] Be subtle about it (Roll 1d100)default to Int)
[X] Talking is a free action: "Have either of you two gotten any info on the new Mobile Suits the EFF has made and our own upgrades?"
We might need to get a list or information post that has all of our current tech and equipment. Along with our older techs in a spoiler so we know what we had before. That way we can know what we have for when we are upgrading Mobile Suits.
[X] Mention that you think your being watched
-[X] Be subtle about it (Roll 1d100)default to Int)
[X] Talking is a free action: "Have either of you two gotten any info on the new Mobile Suits the EFF has made and our own upgrades?"