@BoneyM can I ask a question about the often neglected '[ ] get to know someone' as we are about to become more dip based in the job.
can we do something like
[ ] get to know (wizards of the jade order) 'find out if there is some college event or group meeting you could go to that a lot of jade wizards will be at and get to know them, if you want to recruit a jade for your branch, or even more daunting, get them to reveal some of their secrets. Knowing what the average jade wants or is generally considered about would help
[ ] get to know (scholars of Nuln) "there is always something going on, a debate, lecture, book club etc etc that is followed by drinks and socialising. if you can get passed the whole wizard thing, you have enough knowledge to fit in and find out the local gossip and some of true more interesting figures.
or [] get to know (collectors of Aldorf) 'while your not thrilled at the idea of more parties like what you had to deal with at the celestial college. If you want some copies of the more valuable and rare books out there, your going to have to get to know their owners.. or even just find out who they are
The idea of theses is not about traits or stats or even getting to know someone: but to find out gossip, things they are generally worried about or interested in, and people of interest we might lake to talk to or make deals with.
e.g scouting... but with people. (To put it in mathy terms.)