I'm not making a demand on the elves - I'm saying that a solution that leaves humanity dependent on them is worse than a solution that means humanity is independent.
If you think that we can rely on the Eonir to maintain the waystone network forever and don't need a way for humans to do it I would argue that you're the one with unreasonably high expectations of the elves.
At some point they stopped doing it. They had better things to be doing than taking care of the world-saving devices in human lands. At some point the Eonir will also stop being willing to get involved in waystones in human lands, so I want a solution that doesn't require them.
And if we develop a solution that does require them they have every incentive to pull out of further research - it gives them far more leverage if they can go "we're the only ones who can fix your waystones" - and they need leverage to keep Nordland at bay.
I frankly disagree with the assessment that hosting the project in Laurelorn means we will be dependant on the Elves there in the future, it's only hosting it there that means the Elves give us access to all the lore that predates the waystones and gives us that fundamental knowledge, if anything if you're looking to make the Humans able to handle waystones independantly then being able to learn and pass on the lore from figures such as Caledor Dragontamer makes that vastly more likely. As opposed to learning without that lore which may leave the fundamentals black boxed in a way in which we can never replicate.
So yea I disagree with fundamental premise of your argument, where we place the Waystone projects impacts who will get helped the most initially in the short term but I think if we want to be truly successful it's going to involve uplifting our own magical traditions with Elder knowledge and that's not something that we can do if we don't have access to the magical lore of the Laurelorn libraries.
Absolutely do not ping me to make me a party to you making a strawman of every argument you don't like. And I will remind you that SV has rules about spaghetti posting, and it's not even been a day since the last time I told you to wind it back.
Very well, I'll cease talking about this topic until voting opens up.
A few things I'd like to simply point out to explain myself and a couple Yes/No questions I'd like to ask about then while trying my best to not be confrontational about it.
1. There are a lot of messages and I'm trying to avoid double posts (also multiple quotes were from the same message) which I believe is also against SV rules.
2. I was asked to use prior references to prevent confusion and show where I made my assumptions from. And given many of the things I get "counterargued" on, are things I've put in another post, I think it's fair for me to use reference quotes to avoid that. Else having to split my posts then runs into problem of point 1 where I am either double posting or spaghetti posting.
3. Are you giving us a WoQM saying it's feasible for us to go through with the project without the elves if they pull out just because we aren't in Laurelorn?
4. Is it a strawman argument if I say it's reasonable to assume we might need Qhaysh casters for Waystones given they're half an elven project and afaik only elves can cast with Qhaysh and humans can't?
5. A point of complaint: You've been using "gotcha" statements against me when you told me to wind it back. Background: A user made a statement saying that in canon Boris nearly bankrupted Kislev modernizing it which showed that he was willing to commit. I replied that in such a case with Boris willing to spend money to defend Kislev I'd see it more like as Boris not prioritizing any monetary expenditures for the project which might take decades to pay off above the army (which I also said was reasonable). Iirc I had also previously said that money wasn't as important to the project as favours and rep and artifacts.
You replied with
What is it you expect Mathilde to be getting up to that could bankrupt the entire nation of Kislev? "Okay, the solid ruby Waystone didn't work out, now let's try sapphire. Tell the Tsar to dismiss another regiment from the army."
At no point did I mention the project would bankrupt Kislev nor that it would compromise its defence by forcing the Tsar to dismiss regiments (in the latter case, the opposite), and it was pretty clear I was talking about the hypothetical condition of the treasury if Boris proceeded with his apparently canon actions of modernizing Kislev to the point of nearly bankrupting it while faced with funding the Waystone project on the side. And while my case may not have been 100% accurate, you stretched it to an extreme I never mentioned and then mocked the result.
I avoided saying anything yesterday as I was not interested in getting into a disagreement with the QM, but I am pointing this out now, because I believe I am being treated unfairly.
I am being told by a user that the problem with my posts are that they are too short, scattered and confusing without enough references, but when I take steps to change that I am being told by the QM I'm spaghetti posting.
I am being told I am strawmanning the idea of when I say elves are quite likely needed for the project just as much as dwarves, beyond just the initial lore dumps they give us, and we can't necessarily go on with the project without them; when you have been pretty clear previously on the difficulty of this project and the fact Waystones are extraordinary artifacts the elves once made alongside the dwarves. I am also not being told how or why that assumption is not reasonable, simply that making it, is apparently a strawman argument. If it is WoQM, I am obviously wrong but AFAICT we have no WoQM on this matter.
When I have been shown to be wrong in other cases, I have acknowledged it and apologized. In short, I am not expecting to be right all the time. I'm not expecting for everyone to agree with me or even like me all the time. But I would like to be treated fairly.
If you believe I am wrong in this post, so be it. I am not interested in getting into a confrontation with the QM, and will cease talking about it with a full apology, but I would ask why I am wrong, both because I feel it is in everyone's interests to clarify the double/spaghetti posting and elf situations and for my future reference when it comes to future updates/posts.
Maybe ( maybe! ) throwing a die as a meme promoting worship of Ranald is not the best way to choose the site of the research facility, so I decided to write up a Conclusive Guide on Why Everybody Cares And Why We Should Too as a compensation.
Two disclaimers: I'm not so hot on Warhammer Fantasy, more, like, I'm passingly familiar with it after looking it up after ( trying to ) playing WH40k for half a year, then promptly diving into the lore instead, so this is my analysis based on what I know from the updates of the quest this chap BoneyM is writing somewhere on this forum, I've heard it's pretty good.
oh, and also, I'm still voting Karak 8 Peeks because the dice god decreed it, that's how you know I'm Completely Unbiased, because I told you so.
Firstly, Grey College.
This is a vanilla virgin option, but it doesn't mean it's not a good one. Frankly, I don't think we can find any other place with so much readily available immediate magical expertise. All 8 Colleges are here, with most of their wizards, and if that doesn't entice you, then there is also the Cult of Sigmar, the largest religious organization on the continent. The challenge here would be not about finding expertise, but about getting everyone to actually cooperate and work for your project instead of showmanning, bickering and using our project as a battleground for a proxy war between different institutions that we have to convince to work with us in the first place.
Secondly, Karak 8 Peaks. The benefits here are that Belegar is a nice guy, he has a lot of political power, he wants the project to succeed and he also likes Mathilde, but not in that way, baka. The problem is, correspondingly, that he thinks High King fucked his Karak over, and this will absolutely come into play sometime in the future, especially when High King finds out about the project and maybe tries to poach it from under Belegar.
Thirdly, the elves.
Benefits: sexy magical forest promised us more books about magical and probably relevant information on Waystones than there are days in Mathilde's life.
Problems: they are still in the middle of the Cold War with those assholes cutting up their trees, who happen to be our countrymen and whose side we technically are obligated to take if they somehow maneuver into making Emperor choose between improving the relationship with an enigmatic polity or having an entire province of his own subject together with an Elector-Count be very pissed at him. Or, from the other side, the elves might swallow their own words about looking at the big picture and if at any point the project won't be doing so hot, using their continued cooperation as a lever into pressuring the Emperor to Do Something.
Fourthly, Brettonians. They, uh, don't actually care about the project itself, they don't really even know what it's about except for the Fey Enchantress who seems to be very interested indeed. It's a nice neutral ground with not a lot of oversight, but also not a lot of immediate resources to draw on, and the Duke will be using the project as a pretext to build better relations with the guys we invite over.
Finally, Kislev. Benefits: Boris says that he's willing to give everything he has and use every favor owed to him, and I believe him. Not only because it's a very important for Kislev project ( but obviously also because of that ), but because it's a huge political flex to consolidate his position, show that he's going to be very involved in the future of his nation and willing to do a lot for it ( and to earn goodwill from doing so ). Everyone dissatisfied with his lazy father will likely elevate him for this, which is pretty nice, since he won't have to worry about a rebellion from them or some shit once he ascends the throne.
Problems: since he's willing to give a lot, he's going to demand a lot, too. This is the project his political career and probably the future of his entire nation would hinge on. Everyone will expect concrete results, and he will expect the same from us in turn. I dunno anything about him "asserting dominance" over Mathilde ( in fact, I think that any man willing to treat a woman as someone beneath him living in a country where every hundred years or so a woman becomes an ice-wielding-demigodess-tsaritsa willing to freeze shit and people in ice at the slightest provocation is a bloody fool who would have gruesomely died generations ago, thus cleaning the Kislevite genepool from his stupidity ), but he's going to be a very demanding boss. Not an unreasonable one, I don't think, but it'll be a high-pressure project. Also, the Chaos might invade.
I think that the options presented are pretty good ( except for Bretonnia, which seems a little weaker than the others ), so it's a question of problems and opportunities. Who are you willing to work with ( and under )? Who are you willing to fight over this? Basically, what are your... Divided Loyalties?
*a riff on a guitar somewhere in here*
And I'm pretty okay with everything in here. Well, I'd have liked Stirland to exist as on option, too, but objectively I know that Countess has her own fucking problems and maybe not as much to offer as some of the candidates here.
I frankly disagree with the assessment that hosting the project in Laurelorn means we will be dependant on the Elves there in the future, it's only hosting it there that means the Elves give us access to all the lore that predates the waystones and gives us that fundamental knowledge, if anything if you're looking to make the Humans able to handle waystones independantly then being able to learn and pass on the lore from figures such as Caledor Dragontamer makes that vastly more likely. As opposed to learning without that lore which may leave the fundamentals black boxed in a way in which we can never replicate.
So yea I disagree with fundamental premise of your argument.
I wasn't making an argument for not working out of Laurelorn, I was making an argument for why a need for Damsels or Ice Witches was better than a need for elves.
You disagree with a fundamental premise of an argument I wasn't making.
My impression was the opposite. Seeking the grail is something frequently rolled into when still young and convinced of one's own invulnerability, frequently taken up immediately after their errantry or with only a little bit of time to touch base in between.
The typical path established by the books I'm aware of is Errantry->Rule a fief for a few years->Hand fief over to son or, if unavailable, a trusted steward and go on Quest->Become Grail Knight and either retire to a shrine or return to fief.
The Imperial colleges. A project to strengthen the Empire against chaos attacks that lasted a few decades before the elven participation wandered off.
The waystones mark 1 - after the war of vengeance the elves could have kept on doing maintenance throughout the parts of the old world that dwarves didn't occupy. They didn't, they decided to stay out of the human zones. (As, of course, did the dwarves).
Elves and dwarves may be long-lived, but human polities have never been able to consistently rely on either one to intervene for the good of the world; because "the good of the world" just plain isn't that strong a motivator for most folks.
By the time the Asur had finally obtained peace (a good nine hundred years after the end of the War of the Beard), the knowledge to maintain the Waystones was likely lost. Which is probably tied into why the White Tower got started around that time.
Meanwhile, the Asrai spent those years locked in conflict with first the Dwarfs, then Orcs, then Beastmen and when they achieved peace, humanity had moved in. They likely also lost the knowledge needed in this period.
I don't know what the Eonir did during this period, but I doubt it was "sit in their forest and enjoy uninterrupted peace" because that's not how Warhammer rolls. Pls they might have been doing stuff for the Network. This may have been the period they developed their fancy trees, for example.
Meawhile describing the Colleges asa project that the Elves pulled out of is kind of dubious. They were a project Teclis chose to undertake with no support, for one and he got extremely busy. He didn't just decide "nah, can't be bothered any more".
By the time the Asur had finally obtained peace (a good nine hundred years after the end of the War of the Beard), the knowledge to maintain the Waystones was likely lost. Which is probably tied into why the White Tower got started around that time.
Meanwhile, the Asrai spent those years locked in conflict with first the Dwarfs, then Orcs, then Beastmen and when they achieved peace, humanity had moved in. They likely also lost the knowledge needed in this period.
I don't know what the Eonir did during this period, but I doubt it was "sit in their forest and enjoy uninterrupted peace" because that's not how Warhammer rolls. Pls they might have been doing stuff for the Network. This may have been the period they developed their fancy trees, for example.
Meawhile describing the Colleges asa project that the Elves pulled out of is kind of dubious. They were a project Teclis chose to undertake with no support, for one and he got extremely busy. He didn't just decide "nah, can't be bothered any more".
If we end up with a result where we need the elves to maintain the waystones the reason that they eventually pull out is kind of irrelevant. Something will come up - because as you say, uninterrupted peace isn't how Warhammer rolls.
I'm not impugning the elves' honour here, I'm saying that they won't reliably be available. Giving explanations of all the past times they stopped being available doesn't change the fact that they stopped being available.
At some point they stopped doing it. They had better things to be doing than taking care of the world-saving devices in human lands. At some point the Eonir will also stop being willing to get involved in waystones in human lands, so I want a solution that doesn't require them.
Maybe they stopped maintaining them because they couldn't do it? As far as we know, no one on the planet can make new waystones, and that implies that at some point the knowledge was lost.
Also, you're speaking of the Asur, different polity than the Eonir.
We don't know that. And even if it was the case, having access to their supper library would help with that, and we would notice if no book written by Caledor explain things about waystones.
If we end up with a result where we need the elves to maintain the waystones the reason that they eventually pull out is kind of irrelevant. Something will come up - because as you say, uninterrupted peace isn't how Warhammer rolls.
I'm not impugning the elves honour here, I'm saying that they won't reliably be available. Giving explanations of all the past times they stopped being available doesn't change the fact that they stopped being available.
So what about when humans decided to randomly 'ignore'/'forget' treaties so they could start attacking elves to get dosh, just for a comparative example.
Like with the standards you're using (Elves come in, set up a project for the betterment of others/all, then leave = bad), everyone else pretty much are monsters.
So what about when humans decided to randomly 'ignore'/'forget' treaties so they could start attacking elves to get dosh, just for a comparative example.
Yes, that happens. It's one of many reasons that elves might stop maintaining waystones in human lands.
You seem to be stuck on the idea that I'm calling Elves particularly unvirtuous. I'm not, I just don't want all our eggs in the elf-basket if we can help it, and that, like any other group, the elves aren't going to be hugely driven to make themselves unnecessary.
If you have the choice of "solution that requires elves" or "solution that requires Ice Witches, and different solution that requires elves" which is better?
Like with the standards you're using (Elves come in, set up a project for the betterment of others/all, then leave = bad), everyone else pretty much are monsters.
I'm not making a demand on the elves - I'm saying that a solution that leaves humanity dependent on them is worse than a solution that means humanity is independent.
If you think that we can rely on the Eonir to maintain the waystone network forever and don't need a way for humans to do it I would argue that you're the one with unreasonably high expectations of the elves.
At some point they stopped doing it. They had better things to be doing than taking care of the world-saving devices in human lands. At some point the Eonir will also stop being willing to get involved in waystones in human lands, so I want a solution that doesn't require them.
And if we develop a solution that does require them they have every incentive to pull out of further research - it gives them far more leverage if they can go "we're the only ones who can fix your waystones" - and they need leverage to keep Nordland at bay.
The waystone network has, according to our best knowledge, been largely neglected for the last few millennium, and while it has been damaged it is still functional. The purpose of this project is to repair the network so that it can be more than functional, not to kick start it. Thus I believe that a repaired waystone will not necessarily need continual maintenance. If however due to our lack of being golden age elves/dwarves it does need continual maintenance it is in the interest of those maintaining the stone to continue to do so in order to keep their benefits.
With regards to the elves been unreliable if dependent on them your examples given earlier are not good examples of being unreliable. As pointed out there are perfectly good explanations for their actions. They didn't leave humanity in the lurch and suddenly missing a vital resource.
I do agree that of we are sponsored by the Eonir they will substantial influence on who benefits and how and that they will use this influence to further their own goals. However the same will happen with every sponsor - the difference being what goals they have. Thus a crucial factor that we must factor in is who do we want calling these shots.
For me personally the reason I would vote Eonir is that I believe that this is the most likely route to having a success in the first place.
I wasn't making an argument for not working out of Laurelorn, I was making an argument for why a need for Damsels or Ice Witches was better than a need for elves.
You disagree with a fundamental premise of an argument I wasn't making.
Okay and the reason you're making this argument is why? Like what is it you want to achieve with this argument? I'll accept I'm wrong about your motivation and what you're trying to argue but I can't really see the point in what you're saying?
Yes, that happens. It's one of many reasons that elves might stop maintaining waystones in human lands.
You seem to be stuck on the idea that I'm calling Elves particularly unvirtuous. I'm not, I just don't want all our eggs in the elf-basket if we can help it, and that, like any other group, the elves aren't going to be hugely driven to make themselves unnecessary.
If you have the choice of "solution that requires elves" or "solution that requires Ice Witches, and different solution that requires elves" which is better?
That's not the standard I'm using. That's the standard you're using in order to claim that I'm calling elves bad.
Okay and the reason you're making this argument is why? Like what is it you want to achieve with this argument? I'll accept I'm wrong about your motivation and what you're trying to argue but I can't really see the point in what you're saying?
Because people were saying that working with Damsels or Ice Witches was bad because we might get a result that relies on their unique abilities - and I felt like pointing out why that would actually be a good thing in some ways because it would mean we then keep working until we get a second solution.
Thus rather than one point of failure (if elves drop out of maintaining the network) we have a redundancy (it's only a problem if elves and ice witches drop out)
Elves cannot be relied on to always continue doing those good things, so humans should aim to be able to operate without them, rather than being reliant upon them.
Imagine we were talking about the development of gunpowder weaponry and someone was saying "Ah, it's fine to rely on the dwarves for all the gunpowder, we don't need to know how to make it without them". That's what I feel like is being done right now...
If we end up with a result where we need the elves to maintain the waystones the reason that they eventually pull out is kind of irrelevant. Something will come up - because as you say, uninterrupted peace isn't how Warhammer rolls.
I'm not impugning the elves' honour here, I'm saying that they won't reliably be available. Giving explanations of all the past times they stopped being available doesn't change the fact that they stopped being available.
If your standard for this is who is reliably available, then you're out of luck. No one is. The Colleges won't always be able to spend time on Waystones. No one will, because given the choice between "maintain Waystones" and "don't get killed by this year's existential threat" everyone will pick the latter. There's no reason to make this argument about the Elves specifically.
You seem to be stuck on the idea that I'm calling Elves particularly unvirtuous. I'm not, I just don't want all our eggs in the elf-basket if we can help it, and that, like any other group, the elves aren't going to be hugely driven to make themselves unnecessary.
Both us and the Dwarfs are essential in the project, so we can force the Eonir to not ignore avenue of research that could lead to mankind independently maintaining the network.
In any case, the knowledge gained in the research could let us adapt those to humans.
If the Eonir plan to backstab us AND the Dwarfs (famous for their Grudges) by stopping research when they have a massive leverage, having access to their super secret library could help mitigate it.
If your standard for this is who is reliably available, then you're out of luck. No one is. The Colleges won't always be able to spend time on Waystones. No one will, because given the choice between "maintain Waystones" and "don't get killed by this year's existential threat" everyone will pick the latter. There's no reason to make this argument about the Elves specifically.
There is a reason: Because there's a very real chance we end up with a solution that only works when elves are available. And people seem to be fine with that, despite being iffy about a solution that only works when elves or damsels are available, or a solution that only works when Ice Witches are available.
Okay, I'm going to look at this from a different angle: What will each faction give us if we don't pick them.
The collages:
Support and access to research as befitting a Lord Magister of the Grey.
Opportunities to access experts and knowledge from the other 7 collages.
Possible support/advice from the other Grey Lord Magisters, dependent on their schedule and needs.
The dwarves:
Money from Belegar.
Possible runesmith support (likely radical).
Personal connections and resources.
Dwarf craftsmanship.
The elves:
Mages and scholars well versed in waystones and arcane lore.
Other, unstated contributions and support so long as that support is willing to leave their city.
A sexy forest.
The Bretonnians:
Personal favours from Vlag.
Potential to earn personal favours from the Ice Witches via existing connections.
We are getting a lot of free buy in from the collages and the dwarfs, with the elves coming a close third.
So really the question is "do the bonus resources from the elves outweigh the sum total of the resources from Kislev or Bretonnia".
It's kind of annoying, because the elves didn't specify what support they are guaranteeing us, only the "bonus" support if we pick them. I suspect it'll be significant, but it makes the scales hard to weigh. "Though we will contribute no matter where it is that you will pool the efforts of Elf and Dwarf" is literally all they have promised us so far, which is significant, I'm not trying to downplay it here, but it is very unspecific.
Because people were saying that working with Damsels or Ice Witches was bad because we might get a result that relies on their unique abilities - and I felt like pointing out why that would actually be a good thing in some ways because it would mean we then keep working until we get a second solution.
Thus rather than one point of failure (if elves drop out of maintaining the network) we have a redundancy (it's only a problem if elves and ice witches drop out)
Fair enough. I do believe that you are harping on the elves unnecessarily and that you are willing to give other organizations passes, but not the elves even when their 'dropping out' is not abandonment. However I don't think that the goal of this project is to get a method that works for everyone, it is to get a method in the first place, even if it runs the risk of someone dropping out. Thus if the solution requires the simultaneous collaboration of Grey Lords, Ice witches, Kragg the Grim, Algard, Cython, Teclis and the Fay Enchantress and the removal of a single person shuts the entire project down this is still a success. Future mages can build on this foundation to simplify the process.
I wasn't making an argument for not working out of Laurelorn, I was making an argument for why a need for Damsels or Ice Witches was better than a need for elves.
You disagree with a fundamental premise of an argument I wasn't making.
Well then you are making shitty argument anyway, because much like Elves, Damsels and Ice Witches almost never leave their native lands and have command of magic that is not replicable by different polities, so its the same as if the Elves were doing it.
They never stopped. Elves still maintain waystone network as best as they are able. They are just short on manpower, so hey, why not use these newly established colleges to take some of the load off.
Like, look i dislike Asur for exactly the reason Cadaeth mentioned. They are controlling, never share more than they explicitly need to and are haughty. But they are still doing their damned best to make sure the world stays as little fucked as possible.
The long lived elves are a lot less likely to forget a project than the humans. By the metric of 'who is more likely to hold though all this' it's the Empire that is most likely to forget, not only because they have a habit of poor and incompetent Emperors, bu also because the fear and hatred of magic is likely to lead to another purge. Personally I think that is a bad metric, because it sort of places the onus on unknown future factors or else forces to do do a character judgement on each realm and I don't think character matters...
Also on a more down to earth level how the info will be treated centuries from now is not really relevant since that is far beyond the scope of the quest. To be honest I would rather vote for what I see as more narratively interesting as opposed to the judgement of what might happen in the future both obscure and unseen.
There is a reason: Because there's a very real chance we end up with a solution that only works when elves are available. And people seem to be fine with that, despite being iffy about a solution that only works when elves or damsels are available, or a solution that only works when Ice Witches are available.
I think it is more likely available with elves and damsels not elves or damsels. Thus increasing failure not decreasing it. However as I mentioned earlier I personally am concerned with achieving success in the first place, not the components of that success.
Elves cannot be relied on to always continue doing those good things, so humans should aim to be able to operate without them, rather than being reliant upon them.
No one can. If their magic users are necessary to répare the new waystones, Kislev, the Karaz Ankor and Bretonnia could all use that as leverage in the future, or have a problem that doesn't let them intervene.
Kislev is on the border with Choas, the entire country could be lost.
If runesmiths estimate that their apprentices aren't good enough to learn the necessary techniques, they will not teach them.
The Eonir are no more or less reliable than any other nation on the planet (or in real life, sadly).
Both us and the Dwarfs are essential in the project, so we can force the Eonir to not ignore avenue of research that could lead to mankind independently maintaining the network.
In any case, the knowledge gained in the research could let us adapt those to humans.
If the Eonir plan to backstab us AND the Dwarfs (famous for their Grudges) by stopping research when they have a massive leverage, having access to their super secret library could help mitigate it.
And when they have a solution, have it implemented, and go "Nope, we don't think we have any way to make it work without us, and don't want to continue funding our project on some human boondoggle"?
That's not a grudge-worthy offence unless they've actually made some sort of oath to fund the project until humans and dwarves can do it without them, which they're never going to do.
Hell, I wouldn't even consider that backstabbing - their explicit goal is to work with the dwarves so they can restore waystones together, once that goal is achieved the project has reached a natural end.
Well then you are making shitty argument anyway, because much like Elves, Damsels and Ice Hags almost never leave their native lands and have command of magic that is not replicable by different polities, so its the same as if the Elves were doing it.
Obviously you didn't read my argument. If we get a solution that requires Ice Witches, we keep access to the Eonir information because they're not done with the project, so we end up with both possibilities.
If we get a solution that requires Eonir, that's their desires fulfilled and we'll need to find some way to convince them they want to make themselves unnecessary - which doesn't seem feasible.
If we get a solution that requires Eonir, that's their desires fulfilled and we'll need to find some way to convince them they want to make themselves unnecessary - which doesn't seem feasible.
Im gonna need citation on that. Yes i read the update where Cadaeth says they want to help bring their stones online. But there is literally nothing saying the Eonir will stop research at that point.
Eonir are literally dabbing at Asur because they think their path diverged from the true path of elves, that being the elves of the time where they helped Old Ones establish the waystones. What makes you think they would stop a virtual gold egg laying goose.