... I just realized.
If we'd gone for the Gazul Secrets and thus taken the corresponding Oaths, would we have had to stick around and provide rites for the fallen engineers in the Urmskaladrak? Or at minimum to have recovered the bodies and taken them with us, to watch over for 3 days. The Oaths do make allowances for troubles and such, but... that allowance is "literally can't stop because it's in the middle of a warzone or battle" rather than "can't stop because I need to remain with the caravan and keep on schedule." If it would kill you to carry it out, the Oaths would probably have reasonable exit clauses. But if it
merely would force you to delay for 3 days on an expedition, then that's the sort of inconvenient-but-not-suicidal zone that the Oaths would probably apply in I reckon. If you're lucky, maybe you can excavate the corpses and take them with you quickly enough.
We also might have been confronted with a decision to make during the Karak Vlag aftermath. Probably looking something like: [] perform the Rites of Gazul for the Slaaneshi Slayers [] do not perform the Rites of Gazul for the Slaaneshi Slayers, I imagine.
What sort of guidelines are there for edge cases like that,
@BoneyM? Or do we not know until we actually go deep enough into the Gazul Secrets and Gazul Oaths? Obviously, the rites and oaths would not apply to the Dawi Zharr. Because they're Dawi Zharr. But the Vlag Slayers, while tainted, were unexpected and new. New means needing to figure things out. Great.
At least the dead Slayers' bodies were watched over for the requisite 3 days, before this disaster with the Urmskaladrak happened. Because we were carrying their bodies in the Urmskaladrak.
That's probably what made it harder to do search and rescue for
recently-dead bodies, too. If all the bodies were getting crushed and mashed up, it might not have been possible to tell the difference easily, so...