Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Is Mathilde capable of actually casting Rite of Way version -1. Aka the version that just put down skywalks everywhere, before she pared it down to only place them where needed because the drain was too high?

Obviously she can't keep it up, but she should be able to do it long enough for the caravan to get over the narrowed section of road.
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[X] Press on

Imagine preparing for an insane journey into hell, get to the edge of it, and turn around at the first shit thing to happen.
Is Mathilde capable of actually casting Rite of Way version -1. Aka the version that just put down skywalks everywhere, before she pared it down to only place them where needed because the drain was too high?

Obviously she can't keep it up, but she should be able to do it long enough for the caravan to get over the narrowed section of road.

No, paring down the Skywalk was the first thing she did and she didn't make any other delivery mechanism for it.
A combination of both of them

I wish I could read this quest fresh from the very beginning, without knowing anything and being able to discovery its joys and excitement anew.

Actually, I wish I had a dozen or so more like it, so that I could enthusiantically binge through them.

Binge reading makes me happier than a pig in mud, and I die a little bit inside whenever it comes to an end, as it irrevocably must.

Off to the shadowlands with you, heretic.
A combination of both of them
We're short wizard who is very sneaky and smug. Our first boss was very tall but then died trying to kill a castle. We killed the castle. Suspecting his height was what got him killed, our next boss is very short and likes to do kickflip 50-50 grinds down a mountainside and lets us construct dubious super doomsday devices to weaponize his religion. We got a uncle that is a cactus but also a rock. We own a business, a dragon chair, and a very good boy. We're dating a druid who only works half the year and takes the rest off because she is smart. We have a rat in a cell who soon will wear a motorboard and doctors robe and don't lose a debate to him or his pupper. We are in a book club with a dragon, but don't lend them our elf smut that's a treat just for us. Or our Necrinomicon which we totally don't have either double super swear.

Sometimes, we ride a horse made of shadows. Not our shadow, that is alive too.
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We're short wizard who is very sneaky and smug. Our first boss was very tall but then died trying to kill a castle. We killed the castle. Suspecting his height was what got him killed, our next boss is very short and likes to do kickflip 50-50 grinds down a mountainside and lets us construct dubious super doomsday devices to weaponize his religion. We got a uncle that is a cactus but also a rock. We own a business, a dragon chair, and a very good boy. We're dating a druid who only works half the year and takes the rest off because she is smart. We have a rat in a cell who soon will wear a motorboard and doctors robe and don't lose a debate to him or his pupper. We are in a book club with a dragon, but don't lend them our elf smut that's a treat just for us.
You know when you put it like that, it almost starts to sound ridiculous. Almost, but not quite.
It's definitely not. The very idea is insulting.

If you don't intend to read the quest, why are you even here?
The idea is fine, there's nothing wrong with participating in the capacity you're able to, but what feels like the demand to be catered to is not.

On the subject of the main vote, we're not over the threshold of desperation I set for myself yet, so:

[x] Press on
Regarding the lost supplies: My understanding is that they are not recoverable mostly as a function of us being incapable of carrying any more food. In that case, could we use the fallen tank to resupply on the way back? (Assuming it has not been completely looted by that point).
Regarding the lost supplies: My understanding is that they are not recoverable mostly as a function of us being incapable of carrying any more food. In that case, could we use the fallen tank to resupply on the way back? (Assuming it has not been completely looted by that point).

Most of it was relying on the cold room for preservation, which definitely wouldn't be functioning any more. They'd be completely inedible in the minimum of two weeks it would take to go to Dum and return.
Plus, given how hard that thing would have fallen, it would probably take a lot of work with heavy cutting equipment to even get at the supplies; you might spend three days' worth of work to recover two days' worth of edibles.
We're more likely to be able to scavenge food in the Chaos Steppes than in the Zorn Uzkul, ironically, and in any case whether we press on or go back we'll still lack a week of food at least, so there's not much reason to go back now. Might as well press on, and we'll see how well we weather the food situation on the return trip. In all likelyhood, casualties from a possible fight in Dum and the Steppes will make it easier.

[X] Press on
The idea is fine, there's nothing wrong with participating in the capacity you're able to, but what feels like the demand to be catered to is not.

On the subject of the main vote, we're not over the threshold of desperation I set for myself yet, so:

[x] Press on

This isnt the same as not reading threa discussion. Not reading story posts means voting would be completely disconnected.from story context that lead to that moment. Its already a little annoying if understandable that some people vote with out reading thread discusion not even reading the story posts though should be unacceptable.

Quests are a collaboration between QM and others if youre not hooked enough to read the story from start to finish you straight up shouldnt vote. Its not unreasonable to say you should have some actual understanding of the greater context beyond the latest update. Frankly speaking its also kind of insulting.

I dont vote in any quest where i dont read all thread discussion because its disrespectful to not engage with the other players. What is being suggested here is a step much further.
Well, that went bad. Shows how frikken dangerous the expedition really is. It's kinda funny it ended up the same way as the previous: Defeated by terrain.

You're glad that the Grey College didn't inherit any major institutional baggage from the pre-Teclisean era, as it seems to be a huge weight on the mind of Jade Wizards. You thank Cyrston for his time and leave him to his study of the landscape.
There's the Hedgewise, but that seems more like a fun diversion/cover to the greys, so maybe they're just more positive.

Thinking about it, if there was some sort of religious schism, then they'd enjoy that too, because it's a great source of endless and confusing debate.
It's not like we were gonna date the dragon
Why do you hurt me so?
I am feeling particularly necromancy today.

[X] Wait for some time while you recover things from the wreckage using "Guild Secrets", then carry on.
This isnt the same as not reading threa discussion. Not reading story posts means voting would be completely disconnected.from story context that lead to that moment. Its already a little annoying if understandable that some people vote with out reading thread discusion not even reading the story posts though should be unacceptable.

Quests are a collaboration between QM and others if youre not hooked enough to read the story from start to finish you straight up shouldnt vote. Its not unreasonable to say you should have some actual understanding of the greater context beyond the latest update. Frankly speaking its also kind of insulting.

I dont vote in any quest where i dont read all thread discussion because its disrespectful to not engage with the other players. What is being suggested here is a step much further.
I guess I'm just used to it from my trpg years, but it's perfectly possible to contribute to a shared imaginary space without having all the context, just the most important bits. It's not the best or most interesting way to participate, sure, but it's valid, and happens all the time in trpgs because it's way harder to keep track of all the context there.
"Could be. But that's a problem with the Colleges, they're so centralized in Altdorf that most of the Wizards that weave theories never go further afield than the Grey Mountains, and that's a very tame range, comparatively. So they've never really encountered the real thing."
On another note, Horstmann might be on board with the K8P research institute.