King Arthur
The Once and Future King
The issue is that Skaven are not merely conditioned to serve the Horned Rat, they are soul bound to it. To put this into perspective, there is no indication of a Skaven serving even the Four (well unless Pestilens are Nurglites with the skill of hiding in plain sight to make a Tzeench worshiper proud).
I mean, maybe this isn't canon, but the Children of the Horned Rat Fantasy Roleplay book from 2e says it does happen
A rare few Skaven dabble in Necromancy and fewer still abandon the ways of their people to embrace another Chaos God.
maybe. The very next line is
Such instances almost always result with the disintegration of the offending Skaven.
though. Whether that happens because their soul can't handle it or because their murdered real hard by other Skaven is unclear.
Though, with either interpretation it's important to note the words "almost always", which means that sometimes they survive, so it's ... probably possible to be a Skaven Chaos worshiper? Just rare and unikely to go well?
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