Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Ok, so we send a message to whole ship to, turn of the lights, then start SoS'ing into rooms hoping to find the last survivors?
Potentially saving dozens of dwarves.
Also potentially killing ourselves, and them, through a miscast.

The light was only the biggest issue we had, we remain in no condition to be casting complex spells, let alone chain casting them dozens of times.
hey @BoneyM

What would you have done if Mathilde rolled three consecutive nat 100's on those chain casting miscast checks?

Would Mathilde have gotten something utterly rediculous like no longer suffering penalties from miscasting?

or is that a step too far even for three consecutive nat 100's.
[ ] Use your spare Power Stone to save any Dwarves left in the ship

I assume Mathilde would attempt to bang on the door to see if any one is inside to answer and not enter if no one does answer?

[X] Use your spare Power Stone to save any Dwarves left in the ship

Assuming mathilde wont go into a room with no answer then I'll vote the above. There's a hell of a vote swing needed to get this up there.
hey @BoneyM

What would you have done if Mathilde rolled three consecutive nat 100's on those chain casting miscast checks?

Would Mathilde have gotten something utterly rediculous like no longer suffering penalties from miscasting?

or is that a step too far even for three consecutive nat 100's.

That would definitely be a step too far, but it would have taken me a fair bit of thinking to come up with something suitable.

I assume Mathilde would attempt to bang on the door to see if any one is inside to answer and not enter if no one does answer?

Ok, so we send a message to whole ship to, turn of the lights, then start SoS'ing into rooms hoping to find the last survivors?
Potentially saving dozens of dwarves.
Also potentially killing ourselves, and them, through a miscast.

The light was only the biggest issue we had, we remain in no condition to be casting complex spells, let alone chain casting them dozens of times.

It's less than 50 dwarfs as opposed to the over 300 we did already. I think we have that much left in us. Especially since they are not all in one big room so she would have to take breaks between each room
I'm not sure how to properly picture the ship, but if we also ask the dwarves to maybe rap to wood etc every 20 sec or so, so we know the largest concentrations - could we SoS inside a compartment, then Branalhune our way upwards? Or would they die from drowning too quickly?
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As a general rule of thumb, a non-permanent enchantment takes as many weeks as a permanent one takes months.
So they should also cost roughly one fourth in CF or gold on average. A one time Stoke The Forge item that gets triggered when a large amount of metal comes close enough it should be well in Marienburg's budget.
Yes. The Gold spell Inscription might also work in the same circumstances.
Does Inscription glow in the dark? And can it inscribe im large letters on the opposite site if the target item?

Also, how does casting the original MMAP work from inside a metal or stone wall? Could we cast SoS, enter, but not fully penetrate the wall/door and cast MMAP a few centimeters away from the other side, using Ulgu present there?
I'm not sure how to properly picture the ship, but if we also ask the dwarves to maybe rap to wood etc every 20 sec or so, so we know the largest concentrations - could we SoS inside a compartment, then Branalhune our way upwards?

Branulhune is not a gentle instrument, and the ship has suffered enough damage already. Mathilde will stick to the chain and pulleys.

Does Inscription glow in the dark? And can it inscribe im large letters on the opposite site if the target item?

No the former, yes to the latter.

Also, how does casting the original MMAP work from inside a metal or stone wall? Could we cast SoS, enter, but not fully penetrate the wall/door and cast MMAP a few centimeters away from the other side, using Ulgu present there?

Best case scenario, the metal will ground the magical energy and nothing will happen. Worst case scenario, Ulgu and Chamon clash and you get Dhar or a miscast.
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It's less than 50 dwarfs as opposed to the over 300 we did already. I think we have that much left in us. Especially since they are not all in one big room so she would have to take breaks between each room
And those breaks mean more casting to move her, and more time to get tired.
chain casting 50 times would be dangerous even when you are fresh, and we are not.
I'm happy people found a way to try to save the dwarves, but i'm not sure i can vote to try the method we have.
Google tells me it takes about 4000 joules to raise one liter of water one degree C. The ship I'm using as a mental model for these monitors has a displacement of a bit over 1000 tons, which isn't the same as internal volume but let's go with that. One kilo of water equals one liter of water because yay for metric, so we've got one million liters of water, so it would take four gigajoules per degree of warmth, which is surprisingly close to the amount of energy in a ton of TNT. To raise water from something that will kill you in a few hours to something that will give you long enough for Barak Varr to arrive, you'd want about ten more degrees C. So 40 gigajoules or ten tons of TNT.

I don't know how to go about comparing the dragonflask to TNT, but I'm pretty sure it's not in the neighbourhood of ten tons.
If it truly vitrified the sand during the test, ten tons of TNT might actually be on the low end, I think.

Regardless, it can not work.

There's a river actively streaming through the wreck. A pretty fast river, and a pretty deep one too, given that the entire ship is sunk below the waves. That means there's a massive cooling effect.
The Dragon Flask releases all it's energy in one instant.

So, either the flask does not provide enough energy to change the temperature meaningfully, or it flashboils all the dwarves instantly.
[X] Use your spare Power Stone to save any Dwarves left in the ship

@BoneyM , not that it'd sway my vote, but will Belegar be willing to replace it as a Dawi saving expenditure?
At this point I'm wondering if we could use our Dragonflask to sufficiently heat up the water to 'not lethal'.. probably a no.

(I bet we'd just turn the water into steam and kill everyone)
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