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No... you misunderstood. I was talking about what would be the only saving grace to make her job more interesting to read about and then pointed out that ultimately a number of the very basic spells that a Green magister learns does the lion share of the magic work needed. Now obviously BoneyM has stated there's something hidden that she's doing which involves the druidic past of the colleges rather than the teclesian magic that they were taught that's so secretive the Jade college has dispensation to murder people over.

So obviously there's something more interesting although so help me if it's a jade a equivalent of chammon apparition binding (not literally equivalent) I'ma be so disappointed.

Any way @BoneyM I thought Pan was more secular than the Jade order as a whole and didn't cleave the non-secular druid stuff?
And i was asking why does Pans work have to involve magic as the important bit.
You answer to it seems nonsensical in the context, it simply does not follow.
Wether or not it would make it interesting has nothing to do with it, sometimes impressive work is super boring for anyone not involved in it.

I still disagree with you on agriculture being boring without magic though.
Anything is boring if written badly, agriculture or not.
To those voting for any of the top three romance candidates: if you've only voted for Romance options, and would rather go straight to those scenes rather than have a subvote on how to treat other winning candidates, add in some non-romance choices you'd like to see in the top four too.

Obviously don't go and vote for scenes you don't want to see just to deny someone else what they want, but if there is a social you'd rather see than a secondary romance scene with another candidate, go add that in to your vote.

I am absolutely, totally, 100% behind the idea of a romantic relationship with a Dragon. Not a sexual one, a romantic one.

There's significant precedence for the idea, both in general media (stories about the bond between a human and their animal companion comes up in basically all cultures on earth), and in Warhammer specifically - observe the bonds between elven dragon riders and their companions, or even Elspeth and the Encarmine Dragon she has befriended.

Acting like this is some utterly whacky and nonsensical idea that people must be warned away from due to them misreading the vote is frankly uncharitable towards the intelligence of the thread.
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No, it's already known. It's just rarely useful because it takes a lot of extra effort to save a small amount of magical energy.
Out of curiosity, does Mathilde get any sort of benefit from using her new version of the skywalking spell? Is it functionally identical aside from being slightly easier for her to cast, or is there more than that?
There's an awful lot less you can do to make agricultural work exciting or add tension. Not when the major thing that could add tension (we all starve) is never on the cards because of our trade links and because Pan can use spring bloom and vital growth in the sections of the valley that are completely fine to grow food any way.
You don't need tension to make story interesting, slice of life is a perfectly valid style of storytelling, and even with tension, the consequences can simply be personal failure, and having to do lot more work, not everything needs to be life or death.
Romancing the dragon is the easiest way of riding the dragon.

Think about that.
If we get Cython to care about our well being, they might sit in front of our only door when they hear we're going on suicide missions and not let us leave. Bam, instant 'damsel locked inside the highest room of the tallest tower of a fortress at the corner of civilization, guarded by a fearsome dragon' story. It even comes with a backstory explanation for why an otherwise normally proportioned building can even fit a dragon inside it. :V

(The rescuing knight might need to have brought some good ale along, if it's not to be a tragedy.)
Out of curiosity, does Mathilde get any sort of benefit from using her new version of the skywalking spell? Is it functionally identical aside from being slightly easier for her to cast, or is there more than that?
I think it's trading 'easy' for 'cheap' very hard, with the idea that a spell that's chain-casting it doesn't care about difficulty but does care about maximum input.

So it's only good for casting a billion times a second.
And i was asking why does Pans work have to involve magic as the important bit.
You answer to it seems nonsensical in the context, it simply does not follow.
Wether or not it would make it interesting has nothing to do with it, sometimes impressive work is super boring for anyone not involved in it.

I still disagree with you on agriculture being boring without magic though.
Anything is boring if written badly, agriculture or not.

If my answer to you is nonsensical it's because you're not reading what I'm writing and not trying to empathise with the point of view i'm putting forth.

You're engaging in a discussion in a watsonian manner which is fine, I'm putting forth an argument for what I would find interesting as a reader.


I am saying, "As a reader Agricultural work is not going to be fun to read about, the interesting part would be the magic involved. I suspect that magic isn't doing the primary load carrying here any way and what magic is being used is the standard spell list"

Now BoneyM has invalidated part of my premise but I really don't see how you couldn't understand what I was writing unless you went out of the way to ignore large facets of it to give it the most uncharitable read possible when I'm talking about what would desire to read.

There's like three levels of discussion happening here and you're only acknowledging that the first exists.
Romancing the dragon is the easiest way of riding the dragon.

Think about that.
The easiest way to ride that particular dragon? Yes.

However, if all we want is for Mathilde to ride a dragon, I honestly suspect becoming a vampire and wandering into the dragon graveyard to raise one might be easier. Dragons are the species who make Elves seem "a wee bit humble" by comparison, after all.
Think about it some more: if you dislike Johann or Panoramia, no matter which one wins, the consolation prize is just a manling you don't care about.

Meanwhile, even if you aren't super hard into being awesome dragon romance, the consolation prize is an Emperor Dragon.

Even if your preferred option loses, it's still a big win!
BY the word of QM we can be friends with the dragon without the romance option people. So please keep that in mind while voting.
If my answer to you is nonsensical it's because you're not reading what I'm writing and not trying to empathise with the point of view i'm putting forth.

You're engaging in a discussion in a watsonian manner which is fine, I'm putting forth an argument for what I would find interesting as a reader.


I am saying, "As a reader Agricultural work is not going to be fun to read about, the interesting part would be the magic involved. I suspect that magic isn't doing the primary load carrying here any way and what magic is being used is the standard spell list"

Now BoneyM has invalidated part of my premise but I really don't see how you couldn't understand what I was writing unless you went out of the way to ignore large facets of it to give it the most uncharitable read possible when I'm talking about what would desire to read.

There's like three levels of discussion happening here and you're only acknowledging that the first exists.
I asked a simple, one levelled question, you chose to answer a question that was not asked.
I did understand it after you clarified, but i am still puzled on why answer a question that was not asked.
Again, the answer is nonsensical in the context i was asking it, it makes sense once you add bits to clarify that you are naswering a differnet question altogether.

I mean, you could have just gone "As a reader Agricultural work is not going to be fun to read about, the interesting part would be the magic involved. I suspect that magic isn't doing the primary load carrying here any way and what magic is being used is the standard spell list" in the first place.

Now, i disagree with you.
I don't think agriculture is necessarily boring, and i'm not sure that magic used is necessarily limited to spells.
Hell, maybe Pan is the worlds foremost expert on calculating carbon content on soil, and is leveraging that somehow.

Also, even if Pans work relies on common spells being used, that does not mean any wizard who knows those spells can replace her, just because you have the tools does not mena you know how to use them right, in the right place, at the right time.
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Is that something we can build on to allow for her insights to be shared more widely?
I'd expect that even though Mathilde's approach is more logic-based, it's still dependent on her own subjective logic and idiosyncratically-derived starting axioms. "Ulgu is a cloud, therefore X" isn't going to be useful to a mage who sees Ulgu primarily in terms of light/shadow.
Okay if you say so, but I have to admit, it's beginning to feel a little silly the number of things where each college turns out to be a hide bound institute allowed to murder any one for knowing their secrets. The colleges are not the dwarven rune smiths and they would legally have no legs to stand on in the Empire if they wanted to do so.

Religious secrets being both plentiful and deadly serious is baked into the setting. The Jade College are canonically a rebranding of a fertility cult older than the Empire.

Expect a lot of people have said 'don't want to romance the dragon, just want to build friendship with the dragon' as their reason for voting.

Please link these posts so I can respond to them and tell them not to do that.

Any way @BoneyM I thought Pan was more secular than the Jade order as a whole and didn't cleave the non-secular druid stuff?

Where to draw the line between the two is an extremely difficult question.

Is that something we can build on to allow for her insights to be shared more widely?

It would require Mathilde to become a full-time teacher at the Grey College to imprint her personal understanding on the upcoming generation.

Out of curiosity, does Mathilde get any sort of benefit from using her new version of the skywalking spell? Is it functionally identical aside from being slightly easier for her to cast, or is there more than that?

It's more mentally taxing to cast and requires very slightly less magical energy.
I'm honestly more interested in hearing more about the Jade College's Druidic traditions than the Gold College's Alchemist ones.
The new Skywalk is probably optimal in the computer sense as it requires the fewest and simplest operations.

It's also complex in the computer sense as that's a tremendously complex code, but it's technically easier on what's going to run it than an easy to program and understand but more costly solution.
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Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 29, 2020 at 11:10 AM, finished with 447 posts and 133 votes.

Have a vote tally!

Belegar looks to be the clear winner, and an automatic lock-in with a commanding lead of 23 votes.

Behind him, Panoramia, Eike, the Ice Dragon are provisionally in, followed closely by Barak Varr and Kasmir. Johann is still in striking distance of catching up, but without a last minute rally it's looking surprisingly unlikely.

Sadly, it seems that Hluodwica is going to have to wait another turn.
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[X] The Amber College, to check in on the salamanders.
[X] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
[X] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
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