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He might not even know more. Contact was lost ~180 years ago.

Hm. Has Karag Dum even heard about the Colleges of Magic?
They didn't exist before the hold was lost. That's why there's been talk about using the Protector to gain a reputation with any holdouts, who might otherwise quite reasonably peg us as another flavor of daemon at first glance.
Gunnars warning is ominous I was planning to take it seriously anyway given how close to the chaos wastes they are I suppose I have another reason to do so.
It's possible, he'll be getting a training action in the second half of this turn.
@BoneyM, you mentioned that our Golden boys were getting training actions after we recruited them. Did either of them pick up anything cool, stat/skill/spell wise?
They didn't exist before the hold was lost. That's why there's been talk about using the Protector to gain a reputation with any holdouts, who might otherwise quite reasonably peg us as another flavor of daemon at first glance.
...harsh but fair.
[ ] DUCK: Recruit all three of your ducklings for the Karag Dum Expedition. (NEW)

Hi @BoneyM? whats the difference between recruiting the ducklings as a group and as individuals? harder roll for each one?
Have the first draft fellow questers.
Let's learn battle magic, make sure Mathilde knows how to assassinate the nastier beasts and test creating a spell!

[] Plan: Assassin Battlemagic Edition
-[][MAX] Have him train in preparation for the Karag Dum Expedition
-[][JOHANN] Have him train in preparation for the Karag Dum Expedition
-[][DUCK] Attempt to recruit Esbern and Seija and their compatriots of the Knights of Taal's Fury.
-[][EIC] Start building a paramilitary river navy to ensure the coming trade explosion doesn't lead to a similar explosion in riverine banditry.
-[] Hire a trainer to come to Eight Peaks and teach you: Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma by Lord Magister Melkoth (10 College Favor)
--[] Coin: The Gambler
-[] Attempt to create a spell: Fog Path also with help from Melkoth
-[] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there. (Advanced Assassination)
-[] Try to see through Pall of Darkness with your improved magical senses.
-[][PENTHOUSE] Add security measures to your Penthouse to prevent forcible entry.
-[][SERENITY] Azyr Lighting mechanism
I'm keeping a list of total prep time for everyone and I'll do a round-up of what everyone's learned when the Expedition sets off.
Makes sense. Thanks!
[] Attempt to learn Battle Magic at the Grey College. (1 College Favour per attempt)
- [] Melkoth's Miasma
- [] Hire Melkoth to help.
- [] Assign the Gambler
Just FYI, this isn't the correct action for learning a specific BM spell. That action is apparently a gacha.
I have never been under the impression that this was a gacha, since Battle Magic spells vary so widely in usage, potency, and difficulty to cast that I feel that "I want to learn Battle Magic but I don't care which one" would be pretty rare, but I guess it doesn't say "specify spell." @BoneyM, is this option catch as catch can, or is it "sign up to learn a specific BM spell at the Grey College"?
You're showing up and seeing who's around and willing to teach. If you want a specific spell, call in the favour to make it happen.
[ ] Hire a trainer to come to Eight Peaks and teach you: Lord Magister Melkoth to teach Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma. (10 CF.)

Something like this?
... we are going to find Dawi Zharr at Dum, right?
Yeah, I'm very worried about that, and it's why getting rare books about the Chaos Dwarves is on my to-do list.
Have the first draft fellow questers.
Let's learn battle magic, make sure Mathilde knows how to assassinate the nastier beasts and test creating a spell!

[] Plan: Assassin Battlemagic Edition
Everything I want. You have my vote.
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"Karag Dum was the first place Morgrim spoke of His father's Doom," he says. "They knew that one day Chaos would come for them, and they would share in Grimnir's fate. They have known it and prepared for it for six thousand, seven hundred and twenty-two years. They survived the Coming of Chaos, they survived Morkar and Vangel and Kharduun. When we fought the Elves, Karag Dum fought Chaos. When we fought the greenskins, Karag Dum fought Chaos. When we fought the Skaven, Karag Dum fought Chaos."
He hesitates, searching for the right words. "There is much that they could have seen as justified, in that time."
Huh. So is that why there's a rift between the Karag Dum Runesmiths, and the rest of the Karaz Ankor Runesmiths?

Because they've taken things to some extremes, or move faster than Dwarfs are comfortable with, or do things the other Runesmiths do not like at all?

... I wonder if they were the ones that created runic binding collars for Shard Dragons. Just a sort of random connection and assumption made, but. Kind of came to my head. I wonder if they'd taken to keeping some dangerous beasts (perhaps even the Bale Taurus or Lammasu?) or even weirder gribblies like Chimera or worse collared with runic collars, as part of war assets for their eternal defense against Chaos. If they started applying runic collars even to Bale Taurus or Lammasu, I could see the Karaz Ankor Runesmiths getting rip-roaring pissed at that. Those are Dawi Zharr associated animals, after all. Doubt they'd go as far as daemonsmithing. But maybe trapping daemons into eternal tombs perhaps -- since if they're bound, they can't come back, right?

But anyway, that's pure wild guessing with literally zero basis.

I'm interested to hear what the Karag Dum Dwarfs were -- or perhaps, are -- like, though.

How old was Borek when the Great War Against Chaos came? And what was his job? Merchant? Or Loremaster or something? How much does he know about Karag Dum, and what was his day-to-day job entail? Presumably a lot of travelling, maybe. But he could just have been out to visit family, when shit hit the fan.
Can I persuade anyone to reconsider swearing the required oaths to get Gunars to read us in on the Cult of Gazul's secrets?

I really want to know anything he can teach us, as the forbidden lore they've used might well leverage some of what his Cult knows. With an ominous warning like that, I really don't want to go in blind.

He might not know anything more, although I doubt that, but I don't want to leave any stone unturned.
No one disputes that the knowledge is valuable. We just don't want to be bound by the oaths.

BoneyM has been very explicit that the oaths aren't that much of an issue, and that people have massively exaggerated them out of all proportion. They even have their own get out clauses to make sure they're not actually a problem in edge cases.
[ ] DUCK: Attempt to recruit Hubert and some Winter Wolves for the Karag Dum Expedition.
[ ] DUCK: Attempt to recruit Esbern and Seija and their compatriots of the Knights of Taal's Fury.
We definitely should take one of these two options for the Duckling club option. Absolutely.

Maybe we can take Adela and human siege weapons, or Gretel and Besiegers, but the cavalry comes first, I feel.

Just... They're so good. And they're free options. (Well. Mandatory half-actions, but.) I want the cavalry.
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