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In these lens, thievery, wit, stealth, risk(gambling), risk with stacked odds (also gambling) and deception are his aspects mostly because these are the only tools someone weaker can use to beat someone stronger. There is one more tool, unity, and it is one Ranald champions as well in his commandments. Ranald wants you to always go against someone stronger, because oppressors are by definition stronger than you. So he asks you to use solely the tools the weak use to defeat the strong.
A: You miss one tool the weak can use to beat someone stronger, a knife to the throat. Ranald does not approve of killing, so that is a notable absence in his repertoire. Now, not saving someone who's dying, that seems to be just fine to him

B: I would have more faith in this if the first recorded theft we have from Ranald was from the Goddess in charge of healing everybody. Even if you assume all deities to be inherently oppressing mortals (which is not unheard of), it stands to reason there would be better targets for him to steal from. And for once I am not just thinking of Sigmar.

In that sense, we didn't lie to Belegar, as he is the closer cultural equivalent to the god of rangers. Dwarfs have no tyrants who forget their obligations to the people, after all, and when they do, they are quick to depose them, so their oppressors are without rather than within. A Ranaldian Dwarf would, in that sense, be a ranger, for there is no dwarf that the Ranaldian talents should be used against.

My guess is that he'll ask us to help bring them back into the fold, which I'll need to think about.
I don't.

If the Cult of Ulrik want the Ulrikadrin back in the fold, it can come ask them itself and not use Mathilde as an intermediary. And if they don't even want to talk to the Cult, well, that's its own fault at this point.

Ulric is a war god, with additional domains of wolves and winter. Ulric is a bit of an old backwards sort: forget magic or gunpowder, Ulricans tend to disapprove of crossbows. Ulricans are more about the sort of warfare that involves grabbing a really big axe and hitting the enemy in face. Preferably while riding a really big wolf. Do not compare them to orcs or they will be mad.
Of course they'll get mad if you compare them to orcs!

Everybody knows that orcs ride boars, you should compare them to goblins instead.
[x] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.

This isn't post lecture cocktails leading leading to drunken wizards coming up with original research proposals and unwise sex but OK.
[X] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.
Well it depends word may have spread that we have a Wolf Familiar might be mistaken for a sign of blessing from Ulric.
Ranald: *Sniggers*
Hmmm. Possibilities:

• He's mad that:
• The Ulricadrin flipped him the bird and left.​
• Our lecture unintentionally offended him.​
• He wants us to teach:
• How to counter Waagh.​
• Ulric how to cast a MAPP.​
• He wants us to help deal with Sigmar's Cult:
• Because he learned we don't like Sigmar.​
• Because Ulric likes our Wolf Familiar.​
• Because he suspects Sigmar's Cult has Chaos infiltrators.​
• It's a trap because:
• He's a fanatic who takes Ulric's dislike of magic to extremes.​
• He's secretly a Chaos infiltrator intentionally inflaming the civil war.​
As far as I know Ulric dislikes magic a bit less than Sigmar, he's in favor of problem solving with thews as the first, and best solution(which means magic bullshit falls under a fairly broad umbrella) and our ability with a greatsword is a mitigating factor.

Now, for the options he'd actually approach us through Algard for...I think its almost certainly Ulricadrin. He's going to want to bring them back into the fold regardless, its a major embarrassment for a religious Knightly Order to practically abandon their central religious authority out of sheer disgust, they're evidently still pious(going by the settlement name), they're too far out to bring to heel by force, and theres no soft pressure left to apply when they're like a few miles short of seizing a Border Princedom already.
[X] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.

Ranald: *Sniggers*

As far as I know Ulric dislikes magic a bit less than Sigmar, he's in favor of problem solving with thews as the first, and best solution(which means magic bullshit falls under a fairly broad umbrella) and our ability with a greatsword is a mitigating factor.

Now, for the options he'd actually approach us through Algard for...I think its almost certainly Ulricadrin. He's going to want to bring them back into the fold regardless, its a major embarrassment for a religious Knightly Order to practically abandon their central religious authority out of sheer disgust, they're evidently still pious(going by the settlement name), they're too far out to bring to heel by force, and theres no soft pressure left to apply when they're like a few miles short of seizing a Border Princedom already.
Weren't the Winter Wolves like, the knightly order for Ulric? And the whole order is now sitting in the Border Princes. And they took their sacred-to-Ulric wolf mounts with them...
[X] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.

It's been demonstrated just what unleashed Battle Wizards can do to a Province. I don't think the Ar-Ulric is willing to test that to kill one mage who spends most of her time on the edge of the world. There's just no sense to killing us, especially given how he's gone about trying to contact us.

This is likely just to do with that Ulrician settlement at K8P, if I had to guess.
[X] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.

Mathilde has a couple ways to easily refuse anything regarding the Ulrikadrin: either with the backing of the Colleges, as Algard mentioned, or as Loremaster of Karag Eight Peaks, since Belegar is already unimpressed with the religious authorities of both Ulric and Sigmar.

If the Ar-Ulric is trying to just re-establish ties with the Ulrikadrin, we can easily agree to carry the message without making any commitment for more. If he's trying to get them back, well he'll probably have to grovel a bit, which is not something religious leaders are good at. The most annoying thing for us, would probably be if he is prepared to make enough concessions to get the Winter Wolves back... although I imagine that would be rather a lot.

Admittedly, I kinda want to see Mathilde using the line "they left because they wanted to fight against the enemies of the Empire. "
Weren't the Winter Wolves like, the knightly order for Ulric? And the whole order is now sitting in the Border Princes. And they took their sacred-to-Ulric wolf mounts with them...
No, that was the Order of the White Wolf.
Slightly different name.

There are several orders affiliated with Ulric, but the White Wolf Knights are basically the martial branch of his church.
Weren't the Winter Wolves like, the knightly order for Ulric? And the whole order is now sitting in the Border Princes. And they took their sacred-to-Ulric wolf mounts with them...
The Winter Wolves are as far as I know the most famous and prestigious Ulrican Knightly Order because the whole idea is that to tame the wolves they ride you NEED Ulric's blessing anyway.

But I could be wrong.
E: Wow, wrong so fast.
[X] Refuse to meet the Ar-Ulric.

he likely wants to meets us as a way to reassert authority on the Ulrician faction that moved to eight peaks and rejects his authority
It occurs to me that this is a trap. With no idea what the topic is Mat can't research it, which means we get to see diplo 11 in action live. Mat is not a diplomat on the level of the Al-Ulrik.
[x] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.

The lecture went well, but not perfectly is My thinking.

Why: the apprentices had to duck out. The best teachers can explain college level topics to 14 year olds.

And I think, that at the stage the colleges of magic are at, expanding what the beginners can learn is better then coming up with super duper spells that only the Lords can get their heads around.
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we are being sent by Algard, if it is a trap, it is bait that algard has set to draw the ar-ulric into a larger trap.
No, no, no. It's a self-inflicted trap. We passed our Diplo Magister test by using preparation and learning and knowing the subjects. Algard doesn't know how bad Mat is at diplo. No one does. Mat hid that weakness. He thinks she is one of the better Grey Wizards, and one of the things Grey's do is diplomacy. Hell, she negotiated with a Dragon and Spiders, why wouldn't Algard trust her to speak to the Al-Ulrik?

Except, whoops... His highly trained Grey Mage isn't any better a diplomat than a middling trader. She's just really smart and good a preparing meetings. So they all think she is a stellar Diplomat, just look how well it worked out with the Dwarves! ;)

That's why he's trusting Mat with that meeting, Algard thinks Mat has the skills for it, when she really, really, doesn't.
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