Gosh dangit, it was in the 'juggle warpstone' post after all. I had specifically excluded that passage and post from my list of stuff to check, because I thought I saw that post already referenced recently and it didn't have the 'evil shoulder devil' thing I was thinking of... so I dismissed it and specifically not looked for it.
But it was in this post all along, the quote I was thinking of.
"If you had this in Sylvania you would have just had to deal with occasional minor flashfires on your skin instead of those ominous 'go on, raise the dead, you know you want to' options popping up all over the place. It probably says a lot about Kragg's opinion of manling wizards that he saw that as the main sort of 'protection' you needed."
Now while the most obvious example of the 'go on, raise the dead' options was when the option to use necromancy on Abelhelm Van Hal cropped up, I think it not unreasonable to think that... having Mathilde's internal narration occasionally pop up with stuff like 'Look at them, they're using it so badly!' definitely fits the same overall wavelength and theme, no? The idea of providing reasons for using it. For wanting it. Providing excuses, too.