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Hmm... Actually I dunno if it'd make assassinations harder as opposed to normal infiltrations and sneaking about?

If you think about it, you are more likely to encounter fog and smoke and mist when you're doing scouting and general infiltrating; because you're spending all that time and effort moving around everywhere. It is more likely for you to run into gas or smoke or mist of some sort, simply because you're doing a lot of moving. An assassination is getting to a guy and then getting away. Not sure if it'd be made harder. Unless they are surrounded by smoke or something.

Also they'd have to know to watch out for smoke and mist or whatever. And if you're not invisible, for example, but disguised then that might make the mist and stuff less of a tell. Or more? I dunno.

... Anyway. I don't think this makes assassinations or infiltrations skewed in balance one way or another.

I think what it does mean, however, is that when Mathilde is holding her wizarding meetings in her penthouse, she's going to be shrouded in mist or fog from the mists that the towers create above.
The idea goes like this:
For Infiltration/Sabotage/Scouting what you get is there is Smoke/fog over there, and it's moving. Way I see it, as long as we are moving with said smoke fog, there is no reason to suspect this fog/smoke to be the one to worry about.

With Assasinations it's like: I cast Invisibility. Now, instead of disappearing before everyone's eyes, the Mat disapears, but a cloud of fog/smoke runs off starting from the very spot she was at.

So, I think the issue is that with Smoke/Fog on stealth, people aren't looking for you in specific, or looking at you in the instant when your disappear, so it's much easier to just dismiss the Smoke/Fog as just regular stuff. But when you do it while your stealth is broken, you don't turn invisible, you turn into a moving cloud/whisp of smoke/fog. Understand?

It's about broken stealth. This makes it sligtly easier for our stealth to break, but much easier for people to keep up once the stealth is broken if we try to turn invisible while in sight. Because instead of turning invisible, we turn into a cloud of smoke/fog.
obviously it doesnt mean that it hits mathilde as well if it did it wouldn't be abloody mastery. Hard to see how spell which always hits you could pissibly be considered a mastery.
How much favour would it be to get an item that either de-scents us on activation, or (assuming it won't conflict with the rest of our gear) constantly removes smells from our body? They don't seem like particularly complex effects, but you never can tell.

I'm sure there's a canon spell that does something like that. Light Magic, I think. Can someone dig through the spellbook?
Can't be selectively applied, though. Which is unfortunate and annoying. Means it's not a spell to use while in a group. I don't think it can even be aimed or herded, either; it says it just affects everybody nearby.

We also did not learn Cloak Activity and Shadow of Death, so we don't have the All Spells Known bonus yet.
We might be able to influence it with our new Arcane Mark.

Also, we only need Cloak Activity for the bonus. It counts total spells known, not just those in the spell book.
I'm sure there's a canon spell that does something like that. Light Magic, I think. Can someone dig through the spellbook?
(Light) Cleansing Glow: Cleans touched item, unspoils spoiled food or drink.
(Celestial) Polish, Clean and Gleam: Makes a touched item spotlessly clean. Apprentices are not allowed to use this for chores.
these two look close at least
How much favour would it be to get an item that either de-scents us on activation, or (assuming it won't conflict with the rest of our gear) constantly removes smells from our body? They don't seem like particularly complex effects, but you never can tell.
I think an auto-cleaner was a very minor spell in the light college, and would cost about 3 favors.

The true cost would be suffering the light's company, though.
(Light) Cleansing Glow: Cleans touched item, unspoils spoiled food or drink.
(Celestial) Polish, Clean and Gleam: Makes a touched item spotlessly clean. Apprentices are not allowed to use this for chores.

Either applied to your robe would take care of enough of it that you couldn't be sniffed out, though so would a good bath and a change of clothes. Normal costs as per info threadmark.
Come to think of it, if its spells of cleaning and removing smells, that sounds like something we might have in our Bathroom or quick-decontamination room. Making it so that we don't just get clean, but magically clean of smell and stuff, too.
Either applied to your robe would take care of enough of it that you couldn't be sniffed out, though so would a good bath and a change of clothes. Normal costs as per info threadmark.
Hm, how would that interact with our Aethyric Armor enchant on our robes? Or on any buff spells we place on ourselves?
I just wonder how badly we fucked up that we couldn't ground the Ulgu with our usual carry-rods or something. Still, it's fucking ironic to learn Invisibility only to get something that immediately renders it non-viable or at least severely limited for the purposes most of us were hoping to use it for (Fucking up the Skaven harder).
Come to think of it, if its spells of cleaning and removing smells, that sounds like something we might have in our Bathroom or quick-decontamination room. Making it so that we don't just get clean, but magically clean of smell and stuff, too.

Hm, how would that interact with our Aethyric Armor enchant on our robes? Or on any buff spells we place on ourselves?

I'm assuming it'd be something activated you'd apply as needed. Trying to have a constant enchantment that does that would be very disruptive.
You know what. I nominate Mat for a new title. She's the Scarecrow now.

M / Dread Aspect: Makes you seem absolutely terrifying to all those who look upon you for one minute.
Mastery - Roiling Shadows: Your shadow is empowered by the spell and thrashes about in a turbulent aura, lashing out at your enemies to wrap around arms and legs and throats, causing death, distraction and even more terror in all who must face you.
M / Universal Confusion: Bewilder, but applies to a whole group at once, up to about a ten meter diameter. Short range.
Mastery - Cloud of Confusion: You can cast the spell as a billowing cloud of bewildering gas, which pours from you for several minutes, constantly effecting everyone nearby. Cannot be selectively applied.
Scarecrow. Everyone around you is drugged up to their gills and scared shirtless of you. With the exception of Skaven with Gas Masks, like Pestilens and Skyre, Mat is now the Bane of Skaven, and most Goblins. Anything not Immune to Psychology and with low Leadership.

You know, the combination of all this:
Mastery - Indefatigable: While Aethyric Armour is active, you do not tire from physical exertion.
Mastery - Blessed Hands: You instinctively channel Ulgu along any weapon you wield. Any weapon held by you counts as Magical.
Mastery - Shadowrider: Your Shadowsteed is as familiar and easy to control as your own two legs. +5 Martial when mounted on a Shadowsteed, no penalty to rapid distance travel.
Mastery - Roiling Shadows: Your shadow is empowered by the spell and thrashes about in a turbulent aura, lashing out at your enemies to wrap around arms and legs and throats, causing death, distraction and even more terror in all who must face you.
Mastery - Cloud of Confusion: You can cast the spell as a billowing cloud of bewildering gas, which pours from you for several minutes, constantly effecting everyone nearby. Cannot be selectively applied.

Add Shadow Knives with Smoke and Mirror on top, and, well...

@BoneyM Would all those (without Shadow Knives and Smoke and Mirror) combine into a single Battle Magic? Something from Avatar and Warrior of Fog and Mantle of Mist into a spell like :"Avatar of Ulgu". A battle spell that turns Mat into all those masteries at once?

And since she attracts and produces her own smoke/fog, if we can turn Substance of Shadow into Substance of Fog, and add intangible on top, this turns into real Avatar Of Ulgu, or Dread Revenant territory. Mat becomes a damn terror on the field. A teleporting, intangible, terror.

EDIT: Hell, even if she has to recast the spells in battle, every time she refreshes Cloud of Confusion or Roiling Shadows, she can integrate a teleport with Smoke and Mirrors.
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I just wonder how badly we fucked up that we couldn't ground the Ulgu with our usual carry-rods or something. Still, it's fucking ironic to learn Invisibility only to get something that immediately renders it non-viable or at least severely limited for the purposes most of us were hoping to use it for (Fucking up the Skaven harder).
You are way overblowing the effect of the mark on stealth. The smell part is easily mitigated, and the visual part will come into play only in very specific circumstances.

The cumulative effect is very minor and can mostly (but not totally) be prevented.
@BoneyM, Realms of Sorcery says that this spell only works on items related to perception like windows, mirrors, and telescopes.

Amended, thanks.

@BoneyM Would all those (without Shadow Knives and Smoke and Mirror) combine into a single Battle Magic? Something from Avatar and Warrior of Fog and Mantle of Mist into a spell like :"Avatar of Ulgu". A battle spell that turns Mat into all those masteries at once?

You can try, but the result you get out the other end would be the result of multiple AP, a lot of dice-rolls and, unless Ranald was particularly generous, probably some compromises.
if we can turn Substance of Shadow into Substance of Fog, and add intangible on top,
We could just cast Substance of Shadow while using Pall of Darkness. This would make our enemies blind as well. We just have to do the action that lets us see through the Darkness in Self Improvement.
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