[X] [TOWER] Ongoing
Night and poor-weather operation are high priority if this is going to be as central a keystone to the overland defense as it looks to be. I would prefer to add those at the cost of time even if it meant delivering on the late end of things, let alone for delivering early.
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Nothing much we need, except of course the glorious, glorious books.
Focused Spending
Plan: Finding the Mines
I see no real reason to stint on spending a few college or dwarf favor, especially when we're reasonably flush and have no immediate major purchases lined up.
As far as next turn goes, my priorities are as follows:
1) Learn invis to avoid a negatrait. It costs us very little to do so and helps us a lot long term.
2) Finish the tower. Done and done right in a year is something excellent to shoot for, and this place becoming perhaps the single safest dwarfhold from above-ground siege might make Belegar happier about taking it back and the logic involved.
3) Get more from the Skaven. While his lifetime is not indefinite, he is very much a long-term asset and outside of time-sensitive intel it really doesn't much matter if we squeeze things out of him now or a year from now. Take another turn learning about what he knows about the strategic situation of the Traitor-clans, pass it on to Imperial intel/the Greys, and then see if we can twist him/his loyalty enough to learn Queekish.
4) Writing papers if they're still fresh. We have a number of tactically relevant and rare insight papers on the docket. One action, Serentity, and a Max action could likely clear out the full time-sensitive backlog and let us pull through the rest with free Serenity actions going forward.
5) Snekjuice. Just enough to figure out if we want to suggest it as a project next time. Because constant ancestor runes are cool, and Kragg did something nice for us just now. Yeah, it's our own personal development, but getting wounded by the troll was our resident Celestial's personal development of the six month period and we still think he's an idiot for not coming to us and avoid sitting around on his ass from a wound for six months.