Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Anyway, I think we want to spend two actions as we're supposed to. One to ramp up the paranoia and one to see if we can integrate Runecraft into the design effectively. That leaves us two left over. One I think we should spend getting a grip on our Skaven friend, and the final one working at clearing our Unprepared trait, either learning the two spells we missed or doing another spell gacha.
We should spend 3. One to see if we can get a light source to do it at night. Because that adds an entirely new vector to the threat.
You know, while this is an amazing response, I think no one actually talked to Belegar about miscasts and how at worst they can summon demons or open the way for Chaos. I think with how good Mat has been about her casting, he has no real practical idea how bad it is to be next to a wizard miscasting. Kragg does, he respects us despite it, but Belegar may be getting a bit stary eyed from this response.

Then again, it can kill armies. So it isn't without reason to respond like that.

I loved the final lines.

Bewildered, dismissive:"You have any other apocalypse weapons?"
Shuffling, not meeting eyes:"None ready for deployment."
Spit take, disbelief:"Wizards"
What miscasts? At our level, Burning Shadows are miscast-safe (barring extreme fatigue or enemy sucessfully counterspelling and inducing miscast on us. Even then it's relatively tame RPG miscast table for us, not the murderous battlemagic miscast table).
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No, we don't have the actions for it. The first time we pull this, it'll catch people by surprise, and most factions will attack in the daylight overland.

The secret is going to be having the light source ready for round two, when they try a night attack.
Sidenote: The use at night thing for the tower? That's important. Not only does it allow us to extend the usable time for the tower significantly, being able to use it all night long, not just dawn or dusk, but it lets us pick which direction we are using it in during the night, adding North South to our Blast Zone Area, instead of just East-West. It gives extra utility and should be part of the first plan, to be integrated from the start.

It means we can aim the shadow, not just depend on the time of day and the sunlight.
But yes, two of our main actions, we should spend on seeing if we can incorporate Runecraft into the design, and one to ramp up the paranoia. To more actions, one to get a feel for our new Skaven prisoner, find his levers and whatnot--and the other to work on our spellcasting so Unprepared doesn't fuck us.

That seems to be the best use of our time.

The question is what to do with our free actions then. EIC to back Edda's search seems like a good one for instance, but I have no idea what would be good for Johann for instance--though Max deserves some fun after the wet fart the Karagril campaign was for him, so we should give him a vacation.

Sidenote: The use at night thing for the tower? That's important. Not only does it allow us to extend the usable time for the tower significantly, being able to use it all night long, not just dawn or dusk, but it lets us pick which direction we are using it in during the night, adding North South to our Blast Zone Area, instead of just East-West. It gives extra utility and should be part of the first plan, to be integrated from the start.

It's not something critical, people won't even know we have a literal doom laser tower until the first time we use it, the time to have a surprise night activation is after we use it the first time.

Actions are tight, and Unprepared will fuck us hard if we let it. And we can't not interrogate our Skaven friendo either, so that means 2 actions max, and the ones picked are the ones most important to do in the construction phase.
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Er, question, what is the mechanic for recovering from Overwork?

Is it 1 turn per mark? 2 turns per?

Also added a Waystone class to the College Rep part of the info threadmark, just in case you had too much time on your hands and were looking for a new avenue of study.
There needs to be an "evil" Like.

Some people complain how there's no "screaming in horror" Like and so they have to use the Funny because that's the closest we've got. I say that we need an "evil" Like or a "Calm down there, Satan" smiley. :p

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Sidenote: The use at night thing for the tower? That's important. Not only does it allow us to extend the usable time for the tower significantly, being able to use it all night long, not just dawn or dusk, but it lets us pick which direction we are using it in during the night, adding North South to our Blast Zone Area, instead of just East-West. It gives extra utility and should be part of the first plan, to be integrated from the start.
I think dwarven engineers should be able to provide some kind of magic-free chemical type of light. Something which burns extremely brightly. Or just brightly and enough mirrors to focus the light.
"Why am I just hearing about this now?!" He smacks the paper with the back of his hand. "Why was that not how you introduced yourself back in Averland?! 'I'm Mathilde Weber, I can kill things with mountains'."
This man is asking the proper question: Why haven't we been introducing ourselves like that?

And it's a sign how far Belgar has changed that his reaction to a wizard super weapon is "Yes, please". That's radical for a human. Hell, it's probably pretty wizard happy among wizards.

Or maybe he's ok with a Mathilde super weapon, the same way he's fine with a Kragg super weapon. Which would still be quite the thing.
You think of the Aethyric Vitae, of the Liber Mortis, of the Second Secret of Dhar. "None ready for deployment," you hedge.

He stares at you, realizes you aren't joking, and shakes his head. "Zhufokri," he says, stands, and leaves.
Oh, another standard for Dwarfen Court Wizards: Must create Weapons of Mass Destruction.
"A generous gift, from an unexpected quarter." Daroir smiles in anticipation. "It is a rare gambit of Teclis that does not bear fruit. I am glad to see the blossoming of this flower." He lifts a hand to his long, snow-white hair, and though you could swear it was unadorned, he plucks a tiny black raven carved from onyx from his locks and holds it out to you. "If you have the inclination and time to spare between now and when the world ends, seek Lothern and present this to any of the Sea Guard. For ninety-nine days you may call Nagarythe your home, and shall shed blood alongside us to defend it. Our Arhain are not as sought as Saphery's Sariour, but you of the grey of eight may be able to appreciate them."
"As your reward, I'm offering you an unpaid internship with one of our killsquads!"

Just when Mathilde thought she was hitting her career's stride, it's back to the bottom, being expected to work for the experience. Life's rough.
The quest voting options and formatting are great. I didn't see a need for it until it was done, compression and formatting make for easier comprehension of the options. Good job!

I also enjoyed the story but thats a given and you seemed to want feedback on the format
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"As your reward, I'm offering you an unpaid internship with one of our killsquads!"

Just when Mathilde thought she was hitting her career's stride, it's back to the bottom, being expected to work for the experience. Life's rough.

He did just admit that they use Grey Magic as part of their routine, even if it's not as prestigious.

A chance to intern with Grey Archmages who also operate like Mathilde does is second only to studying at Hoeth itself.
@BoneyM, if we do end up voting to see if we can key others to operate the battle mountain, will it synergize with trying to advance Mathilde's enchantments?

Basically I am asking if we have reason to believe that studying enchantment could be meaningful for the task (or even possibly useful) or not to bother.
To be a Grey Magister is to be in the service of the Empire, whatever else you might be doing, and that gets you in the door. Your cargo, carried in a wheelbarrow you borrowed from a cabbage merchant, gets you a meeting with the Ambassador himself, who introduces himself only as Daroir.
I can only assume the look on the guards' faces when they realized what we were bringing to them was first surprise, which quickly transformed into what is best known as "sadistic glee."
Prince Kazrik, Diplomat of Karak Eight Peaks

> Prince Kazrik was very clearly made Diplomat because of his family rather than his ability, but he's yet to fumble in any significant way and might be coming into his own.
< Karak Azul has been isolated since before the birth of Sigmar. To him, humans are a strange and exotic species that he never expected to actually meet. And Wizards are the most exotic of all.

Adult: Having passed the age of 30, this Dwarf is considered an adult and ready to begin studying their trade in earnest.
Apprentice Runesmith: Kazrik spends some of his time learning Runesmith from Thorek Ironbrow. While not quite a breach of tradition, it is unusual for royalty to study the Runes.
Clan Donarkhun: This Dwarf is of the Royal Clan of Karak Azul.
Sharpshooter: Many years of hunting with his father have made Kazrik a crack shot with his crossbow.
Umgongr: This Dwarf has an interest in and an affinity for the manlings.
Wow, this is a bigger deal than the bit in the update:
I've been spending time amongst the Undumgi whenever I can."
made me expect. Rather good for the diplomat of an already heavily manling involved karak, especially if the other dwarves are gonna keep playing silly buggers...

Current Operations:
Complete dominance over Stirland government contracts.
Moderate dominance of inter-Stirland trade.
Moderate dominance on the Aver.
Moderate dominance of supplying goods and services in Karag Nar.
Moderate presence in interstate trade in Stirland, the Moot, and Talabecland.
Minor presence in interstate trade in Averland and Wissenland.
This was previously
Transporting goods for third parties along the Old Dwarvern Road between Averland and Talabecland.
Transporting goods from towns and villages of the counties of Wurtbad and Worden to the capital for sale.
Controls all docks on the north bank of the Aver.
Growing dominance over Talabecland-Wissenland and Talabecland-Averland land routes.
Supplying all four Divisions of the Army of Stirland.
Minor transportation contracts in Southern Stirland.
So partially just a switchup in how the info is presented/what level of info is relevant, but also seems to be a fairly good increase in dominance. In particular, while 'supplying the entire army' was already pretty ridiculous, especially with a mil-focused Elector Countess, 'complete dominance' over gov contracts is. Wow. Damn good show there. Interesting that 'controls all north-bank docks on the Aver' is only 'moderate', which just puts the government contract bit in even better contrast; if 'moderate' is so big, then 'complete' is even more ridiculous! Also shows us what kind of scale of karag nar dominance Edda let the EIC get; its not just 'working way into vacuum', its 'on the same scale as CONTROL OF LITERALLY HALF THE DOCKS ON THE RIVER'

Minor thing @BoneyM shouldn't it be 'intra-stirland' trade? I.e. 'within stirland'? To contrast with the later 'interstate trade between stirland/moot/talabecland?
But yes, two of our main actions, we should spend on seeing if we can incorporate Runecraft into the design, and one to ramp up the paranoia. To more actions, one to get a feel for our new Skaven prisoner, find his levers and whatnot--and the other to work on our spellcasting so Unprepared doesn't fuck us.

That seems to be the best use of our time.

The question is what to do with our free actions then. EIC to back Edda's search seems like a good one for instance, but I have no idea what would be good for Johann for instance--though Max deserves some fun after the wet fart the Karagril campaign was for him, so we should give him a vacation.
One concern I would have with only getting to know Skaven-boy this turn is that I'm pretty sure BoneyM mentioned at some point that there was no guarantee that we'd have indefinite access to our prisoners if we kept them. Whether that means disease, or Eshin assassins, or drunken dwarves taking potshots through the bars, I don't know, but I'd definitely feel more comfortable if we put some time into learning from him this turn as well. Plus, if anyone decides to check up on us it'd look better to be able to go 'I've been learning Queekish from him' rather than just 'I've been getting to know him better'.
@BoneyM, if we do end up voting to see if we can key others to operate the battle mountain, will it synergize with trying to advance Mathilde's enchantments?

Basically I am asking if we have reason to believe that studying enchantment could be meaningful for the task (or even possibly useful) or not to bother.

If you try to advance your enchanting skill, it will happen 'before' the enchanting of the tower and your increased skill would apply.
He did just admit that they use Grey Magic as part of their routine, even if it's not as prestigious.

A chance to intern with Grey Archmages who also operate like Mathilde does is second only to studying at Hoeth itself.
It's probably better than Hoeth for Mathilde in her capacity as a field wizard, if very much inferior in her capacity as a magical researcher.
Also, I think an internship with Nagarytheans might include several less than savory elements, such as 1001 ways to extract knowledge from a Druchii.
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