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Adhoc vote count started by Derpmind on Mar 3, 2018 at 7:11 AM, finished with 6625 posts and 41 votes.
[x] Plan Three: Pre-existing roads and bridges are necessary for a proper supply line. We should go via Pfaffbach.
[x] With the dwarves; you hope to make a good impression on them.

If Schultz says fording the river in spring is madness then it's madness. Especially with a sizeable artillery train. I also prefer to hit the town before castle which this plan does.

We still want dwarven tunnel fighting trainers. Also, if we're going into the saltpeter business or maybe even the gunpowder business we should see some artillery in action and chat to engineers.
[X] Plan Two: We can't leave the 'Countess' in play. Strike at the town of Drakenhof.
[X] By Van Hal's side, whatever happens
Guys we have no intelligence about what we will face on the other side of the so let's not rush this. We have a lot of artilary to put all of our cards on one bridge that the dwarfs might not even be able to put up as per the GM's post. If that happens we will have played our hand and lost time and the ability to do anything but Plan three. Question what do you think the dwarfs are going to build the bridge out of because I doubt they brought the stone needed for one with them? If they build it out of wood which, is not something they use for anything permanent, how are we going to stop a Vargulf for example from tearing it apart while we are distracted and then the army gets cut in half. Our opponents could also just wait until we cross the river and then cut the one supply line we would have in that plan. We will need ammo for the cannons in large amounts if we want to have a real chance of destroying the castle in a reasonable time frame. Remember we are attacking castle Drakenhof which is steeped in more then 400 hundred years of dark magic. It has been the home base of one of the first vampires and his successors for even longer. Destroying this place of evil is not something we will do easily or quickly.
Guys we have no intelligence about what we will face on the other side of the so let's not rush this. We have a lot of artilary to put all of our cards on one bridge that the dwarfs might not even be able to put up as per the GM's post. If that happens we will have played our hand and lost time and the ability to do anything but Plan three. Question what do you think the dwarfs are going to build the bridge out of because I doubt they brought the stone needed for one with them? If they build it out of wood which, is not something they use for anything permanent, how are we going to stop a Vargulf for example from tearing it apart while we are distracted and then the army gets cut in half. Our opponents could also just wait until we cross the river and then cut the one supply line we would have in that plan. We will need ammo for the cannons in large amounts if we want to have a real chance of destroying the castle in a reasonable time frame. Remember we are attacking castle Drakenhof which is steeped in more then 400 hundred years of dark magic. It has been the home base of one of the first vampires and his successors for even longer. Destroying this place of evil is not something we will do easily or quickly.
Plan Surprise Bridge relies on a few things:
1. Ability to take beachhead on the other side of the river. Covered by a freaking dragon, a lot of artillery and powerful hero unit.
2. Ability to hold the beachhead for a day or two. That's a gamble, but overall doesn't sound much worse given we have a freaking dragon, a lot of artillery and some regiments of renown.
3. Ability to build the temporary bridge. Covered by a lot of dwarves.
[x] Plan Two: We can't leave the 'Countess' in play. Strike at the town of Drakenhof.
[X] By Van Hal's side, whatever happens.
Let's do this.
A wood bridge considering what we could face is not something we should depend on. We are not going to destroy the castle in a couple of days dragon or no dragon. That means we will be depending on one bridge for a least a couple of weeks and that does not seem very smart to me when we will need ammo for the guns and more besides.
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A wood bridge considering what we could face is not something we should depend on. We are not going to destroy the castle in a couple of days dragon or no dragon. That means we will be depending on one bridge for a least a couple of weeks and that does not seem very smart to me when we will need ammo for the guns and more besides.
Are you sure Pfaffbach bridge is a stone one, though? It's not that big a town, chances are it's shoddier than what dwarves are going to build. Also, even if it is a studry one, fifty miles of supply train in untamed Sylvania make up for that.
[x] Plan Two: We can't leave the 'Countess' in play. Strike at the town of Drakenhof.
[X] By Van Hal's side, whatever happens.

Van Hal had the best sass this update. I'm glad we sent to the Moot asking for help.
I trust the characters will be reasonably intelligent about such things like not depending on a single wooden bridge for a couple of weeks. Especially not when they have thousands of engineers and miners along, which suggests an answer to where they might get stone.
Lords and Heroes
Narfi Hammerfist, Dwarf Engineer
This is not a quest where you have to write in to keep breathing or Mathilde will keel over and suffocate.
While there will be better and worse options, there won't be trap options.
You don't have to ask: is this the booby-trapped option that will cause the QM to cackle and pull the lever marked 'inevitable death'.
Fording the river might go badly. Building the bridge might go badly. Detouring through more of Sylvania might go badly too, both on the original approach and for the supply lines.
[X] Plan Two: We can't leave the 'Countess' in play. Strike at the town of Drakenhof.
[X] By Van Hal's side, whatever happens
Anyway, fucking Grand Theogonist is busy with politics when people are this close of destroying Drakenhof?

And the damn Ar-Ulric that's usually so proud of his martial tradition is the cause of it.
From their perspective, it's probably something more like being busy with several thousand square miles of good Empire land while other people are fucking around in Bloody Sylvania. No one wants to go near Bloody Sylvania if they can help it. If the Elector Count of Stirland is giving Sylvania one of its regular stompings, good for him, that's part of his job, he shouldn't bother me about it. If it's going particularly well for him, he double shouldn't bother me about it. Call me if the vampires are the ones invading Stirland, that would be an emergency meriting intervention.
True, although short-sighted.
The strategic long-view of the Empire's leadership (which def includes Grand Theogonist and Ar-Ulric) should consider removing/reducing such trouble-spots (Sylvania e.g.) when possible and opportune, if for no other reason than that the Empire would be inevitably overwhelmed if by chance or design several such troublespots erupt together in some future, indeterminate moment.
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True, although short-sighted.
The strategic long-view of the Empire's leadership (which def includes Grand Theoginist and Ar-Ulric) should consider removing/reducing such trouble-spots (Sylvania e.g.) when possible and opportune, if for no other reason than that the Empire would be inevitably overwhelmed if by chance or design several such troublespots erupt together in spme future, indeterminate moment.
Sure, but we can't hold Sylvania in its entirety anyway.
It will become a troublespot within some years or decades again, no matter how this works out.
That would need some kind of garrison on the place to avoid the Sylvanians just tearing it down again. I suspect even Dwarves probably don't build well enough to hold up under ten years of tireless wrecking.
A garrison on a fortified Drakenhof town sounds like a good anchor point, especially coupled to settling the hills properly

The Moot sends more soldiers than the rest of the Empire combined? Ha!
So will Van Hal be attending that pie festival they are keep inviting him to?
I dare say they've proven themselves well enough to visit their pie festival. Main issue is our domestic nobles still want Revanchism, so the Elector going over to participate might kind of sour domestic views.

The main reason we're taking a swing at Drakenhof is that its Personal.
Razing Drakenhof is a permanent change. Conquering and assimilating the Woods and Hills (which Van Hal plans btw) is a permanent change.

Do just that, and you have reduced Sylvania's threat level significantly.

Have two more additional successful expeditions like that? Sylvania is no more.
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I'm not sure Van Hal has two more in him. We know this campaign is SERIOUSLY straining on our economy. Asarnil does not come cheap, and Wizard Lord support doesn't grow on trees. Neither do vengeful Dwarf Throngs seeking Jolly Cooperation.

Basically we bust's pretty unlikely to be able to rally the same kind of force without some higher power intervening.
Razing Drakenhof is a permamant change. Conquering and assimilating the Woods and Hills (which is Van Hal plans btw) is a permanant change.

Do just that, and you have reduced Sylvania's threat level significantly.

Have two more additional successful expeditions like that? Sylvania is no more.
I'm not sure Van Hal has two more in him. We know this campaign is SERIOUSLY straining on our economy. Asarnil does not come cheap, and Wizard Lord support doesn't grow on trees. Neither do vengeful Dwarf Throngs seeking Jolly Cooperation.

Basically we bust's pretty unlikely to be able to rally the same kind of force without some higher power intervening.

It need not be just Van Hal's task.
That's why I said in the first place that Sylvanian expeditions should be viewed through long-term strategic lenses (meaning decades/centuries timeframe) by Empire's leadership, and that they are making a mistake by not doing that.
Elected Emperor drawbacks is that no sitting Emperor is actually incentivized to do this unless you get a Stirland Emperor or unless it goes from sleeping pool of shit to a spreading sea of shit. The Empire is large enough that its threat management is largely reactionary, they are currently more concerned with say...piracy, beastmen or orcs.

Theres always SOMETHING oon fire, so whichever is behaving at the moment can be ignored
Okay, guys, just a thought. Let's pass a letter to our mysterious patron:
"About those, as you phrased it, live samples of undead. Countess Gabriella von Bundebad is one such sample. You can pick her up at her castle in Nachthafen."
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Even if we do secure Slyvania who is going to run it hell who would even want it its a shit hole with little resources and a shit ton of corrupted place and items not to mention there will be a vampire uprising every other week and the population is either dead or loyal vampire thralls.
Even if we do secure Slyvania who is going to run it hell who would even want it its a shit hole with little resources and a shit ton of corrupted place and items not to mention there will be a vampire uprising every other week and the population is either dead or loyal vampire thralls.
Actually Sylvania does have a resource that is valuable, incredibly so. However it is only valuable to magic users and the gather, storing and transporting of which is dangerous to the extreme and has a nasty tendency to attract Chaotic creatures and Skaven.

Namely Wyrdstone or as it is more commonly know, Warpstone. Of course we'd be complete and utter morons if we tried to do anything with the stuff or even considered harvesting and selling the stuff.
Even if we do secure Slyvania who is going to run it hell who would even want it its a shit hole with little resources and a shit ton of corrupted place and items not to mention there will be a vampire uprising every other week and the population is either dead or loyal vampire thralls.
Van Hal and the future Counts of Stirland.
Little resources? While it isn't great farmland it is no worse than most of the Empire. Plus it contains, or at least borders, mountains. Which means mines.
Corruption? If we can legitimately claim to have 'secured' Sylvania then there, be definition, there aren't any major necromancers about. Ironically the scarcity of magical items actually helps us here, as corrupted items as just as rare.

It is certainly a fixer-upper but it is still well worth having.
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