Oh I doubt he'll be exactly like Karl Franz, but considering that BoneyM already pegged my post with an insightful rating, I'm willing to bet there's a much greater purpose to this con than just letting Gabriella be Empress. Franz, IIRC, was essentially a mortal incarnation of Sigmar--although given my lack of real Lore knowledge, that could be way off the mark--so couldn't Ranald theoretically do the same? And what makes it unlikely the kid would be connected to the Ranaldian faith? His mother will apparently be one of Ranald's biggest worshippers, given the amount of Divine favor he spent on her, some of that has to trickle down unless she has little to no influence on his upbringing.
Karl Franz was very talented, but he wasn't anything like a mortal incarnation of Sigmar. He was just a man who did his best with the tools he was given, and his best was very good. It was Valten who was (probably) an incarnation of Sigmar.
Remember that the Empire is polytheistic, not henotheistic. Although some people may have a god they feel particularly close to, everyone in the Empire worships all the relevant legitimate gods as regards to their sphere of influence, including the priests of a specific god. The only people who don't are a vigorously suppressed Sigmarite heresy (and Chaos cultists).
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