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Dangerous suggestion, since from his traits he might be pretty offended if we make some kind of statement implying he's inadequate(also he still has better specs than Anton in Diplomacy :V)
Good option is to tell to Van Hal that Gustav needs to brush up on his general strategy after the Purge. A full turn spent on learning will make this 10 to 12, which is acceptable for Marshal of Strirland.

...we're going to wind up paying back much of our embezzlement, aren't we. That's funny. :D
Eh, we'll embezzle it back.
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[ ] Plan War Wizard
-[ ][Intel] Attaché Paperwork: The Intelligence Attachés are your biggest expense by far - see if you can have them paid for by the Army of Stirland instead.
-[ ][Personal] Attach yourself to the general staff, so you can be present for anything interesting that might happen and keep a finger on the pulse of the war.
-[ ][Personal] Bound Spells: Though the corrosive Dhar made them high-maintenance, the design of the bound spells in the castle's infiltrators has fascinating possibilities. The memories had faded but you've managed to refresh them. Try to adapt it for use with Ulgu.

[ ] Plan Money Problems
-[ ][Intel] Attaché Paperwork: The Intelligence Attachés are your biggest expense by far - see if you can have them paid for by the Army of Stirland instead.
-[ ][Personal] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner.
-[ ][Personal] Write up a proposal for Wilhelmina to approve a short-term increase in Discretionary Income, for the duration of the crisis.

[ ] Plan Guns Are Fun
-[ ][Intel] Attaché Paperwork: The Intelligence Attachés are your biggest expense by far - see if you can have them paid for by the Army of Stirland instead.
-[ ][Personal] Gun Shopping: You're currently using a pistol that was a spare for the pistoliers. Visit Nuln to upgrade.
--[ ] Two repeater pistols
-[ ][Personal] Pistols at Dawn: You've taken some great strides in an entirely new form of combat, but you're still not entirely proficient. Finish your training.

[ ] Plan Combat Training
-[ ][Intel] Attaché Paperwork: The Intelligence Attachés are your biggest expense by far - see if you can have them paid for by the Army of Stirland instead.
-[ ][Personal] Pistols at Dawn: You've taken some great strides in an entirely new form of combat, but you're still not entirely proficient. Finish your training.
-[ ][Personal] Really Good Swords: You have achieved proficiency with the Greatsword. Future progress is possible, though it will take more effort to see results.

[ ] Plan Home Affairs
-[ ][Intel] Attaché Paperwork: The Intelligence Attachés are your biggest expense by far - see if you can have them paid for by the Army of Stirland instead.
-[ ][Personal] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
-[ ][Personal] Letters Home: You might be able to wring more information out of your Master, or you might just be able to get news, information and guidance in general from the Grey Order.

[ ] Plan Help, I've Locked Myself In Van Hal's Study
-[ ][Intel] Attaché Paperwork: The Intelligence Attachés are your biggest expense by far - see if you can have them paid for by the Army of Stirland instead.
-[ ][Personal] Undead Research: You know the basics, now. Perhaps a great deal of effort will allow you to advance further.
-[ ][Personal] Snooping: Van Hal gave you a key to his Study. He didn't specifically say not to poke around and see what you could find.

Here's a bunch of alternative plans someone can steal if they like. I'm not a huge fan of veekie's, but it's awfully hard to decide with the reduced action slots.
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Are the divison commanders good enough for their jobs tough to compensate for our marshal cavarly spec? And the EC is available for command will mollifty that issue aswelll to a certain extent is my hope.

Be "attached" to headquarters but be pretty independent and get in fights for max xp gain between any bigger battles ? And we can be a strangely effective scout/messenger.

And i dont know if u have answered this but what about using skywalk to evacuate situitions by tree hopping ? Wouldnt that be strangely effective agaisnt feral undead? Basicly like tarzan but with whatever the cooldown with skywalk is isntead of vine swinging ?

Mollifiying our expenditures is a thing to do please or we might be in debt after purge and dont wanna do that ? Also maybe getting the best gun might worth getting the action since it makes our encahnt weapons thing overpowered( i mean repeater btw)

the trying to get eic to pay for information seems like a pretty great action .

and please stop bandwagoning , waiting for a commitment action with a moeny solving action thrown in altough getting the new leader for the watch for extra action seems like a good idea (maybe do ranalds on this)
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...we're going to wind up paying back much of our embezzlement, aren't we. That's funny. :D
Also I'm pretty sure Van Hal knew how much we were embezzling, considering how amused he was at the clean books when we asked for a budget increase.

A bit of math would probably point to him how the underrun got met
Good option is to tell to Van Hal that Gustav needs to brush up on his general strategy after the Purge. A full turn spent on learning will make this 10 to 12, which is acceptable for Marshal of Strirland.
Probably, after the purge would give him the kind of fireforged Martial boosting he needs to be sure.

For now? I suspect for the duration of the Purge, Van Hal's so INCREDIBLY busy because he knows Gustav's Martial is nothing special and he has to command personally to avoid disaster. Keep in mind Van Hal is REALLY good at Martial.
Mollifiying our expenditures is a thing to do please or we might be in debt after purge and dont wanna do that ? Also maybe getting the best gun might worth getting the action since it makes our encahnt weapons thing overpowered( i mean repeater btw)

the trying to get eic to pay for information seems like a pretty great action .

The only plan so far voted for, and the bunch I proposed, all have Attache Paperwork as their Intel Network action because if it's successful it saves us 120g per regular turn. It's our best option for returning to positive cashflow at the moment, because everyone's focused on the Purge.

You mean mitigate, not mollify, by the way.
Are the divison commanders good enough for their jobs tough to compensate for our marshal cavarly spec? And the EC is available for command will mollifty that issue aswelll to a certain extent is my hope.

You don't know enough about military strategy in general or them specifically to say.

And i dont know if u have answered this but what about using skywalk to evacuate situitions by tree hopping ? Wouldnt that be strangely effective agaisnt feral undead? Basicly like tarzan but with whatever the cooldown with skywalk is isntead of vine swinging ?

It would take a certain level of agility, but it would be effective if the Haunted Hills weren't chalk and almost entirely devoid of trees.

Mollifiying our expenditures is a thing to do please or we might be in debt after purge and dont wanna do that ? Also maybe getting the best gun might worth getting the action since it makes our encahnt weapons thing overpowered( i mean repeater btw)

Repeater Pistol is not the flat-out 'best' gun. Duelling pistols are more accurate and longer ranged, and a dragon would do significantly more damage with each shot. Trade-offs.
Count down't want us to put more pressure on county budget. Offloading our expenses is doing exactly that. Let's start earning some.
[X] Plan No Offloading
-[X][Intel] Information Broker: Start selling tidbits of information, just enough for your information network to start paying for itself.
-[X][Personal] Seek out a new leader for the Watch.
-[X][Personal] Scribe: Altdorf's scribe did not get on well with the Prince. He's going to be rather busy with burning things, but maybe that'll put him in a better mood if you offer your own services. (NEW-ish)
--[X] Ranald's Blessing(if available)
Are the divison commanders good enough for their jobs tough to compensate for our marshal cavarly spec? And the EC is available for command will mollifty that issue aswelll to a certain extent is my hope.

Be "attached" to headquarters but be pretty independent and get in fights for max xp gain between any bigger battles ? And we can be a strangely effective scout/messenger.

And i dont know if u have answered this but what about using skywalk to evacuate situitions by tree hopping ? Wouldnt that be strangely effective agaisnt feral undead? Basicly like tarzan but with whatever the cooldown with skywalk is isntead of vine swinging ?
We are unlikely to be needed in the first turn of the purge. It's just fighting the wild undead in the hills. Nothing that needs a Grey Wizard's personal attention.
Mollifiying our expenditures is a thing to do please or we might be in debt after purge and dont wanna do that ? Also maybe getting the best gun might worth getting the action since it makes our encahnt weapons thing overpowered( i mean repeater btw)
I'm specifically avoiding buying a fancier weapon because we're super in deep shit financially and currently can stay afloat for 2 years by paying the intrigue department out of pocket. If we buy a weapon we'd put that at risk. Mathilde has Burning Shadows for long range fighting. The pistol is a sidearm.

the trying to get eic to pay for information seems like a pretty great action .

Very bad idea because we:
-Don't know how the EIC works well enough to propose what intel is useful and what is not. It would cost an action we don't have to spare to learn this.
-If we pay the network with the merchants, then the network is going to start to align with the merchants. Loyalties move with the gold, so keep that in mind.

QM specifically agreed that there would probably be issues doing it that way.
Personal approach would be to:
-Defray the Attache cost. Once we do that we should no longer be in the red and can solve this barring more expansion
-Start selling small bits of intel for funding. This is just to defray costs and build up reserves.
-Figure out what we need to set up saltpeter production
-Expand the Watch across all of Stirland

The saltpeter should pay for everything.
Count down't want us to put more pressure on county budget. Offloading our expenses is doing exactly that.
We already relieved the pressure on county budget with the Gong Farmers, which paid for a bunch of slack.
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We already relieved the pressure on county budget with the Gong Farmers, which paid for a bunch of slack.
I think that pulling Special Branch then would be more fitting. For one, it's more easy to justify now, with Watch becoming closer to asset rather than a liability. Also, it means not stepping on Gustav's toes and he's a proud guy who can take offense at just about anything (given that anything has Diplomacy score of 7).

Very bad idea because we:
-Don't know how the EIC works well enough to propose what intel is useful and what is not. It would cost an action we don't have to spare to learn this.
-If we pay the network with the merchants, then the network is going to start to align with the merchants. Loyalties move with the gold, so keep that in mind.
I doesn't strike me as a very bad idea - it's just a thing we generally want to do after we bring EIC into our organization list and brush up on stewardship. There's synergy here.
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Okay so the finance resolution problems. I'm open to changing the Attaches to something else:
[ ] Attaché Paperwork: The Intelligence Attachés are your biggest expense by far - see if you can have them paid for by the Army of Stirland instead.

Will cause friction with Gustav by increasing his budget for an idea that he was dubious on.
Can solve itself once they prove their value, but until then we'd need to smooth it over.
Diplomacy based.

[ ] Information Broker: Start selling tidbits of information, just enough for your information network to start paying for itself.

This lightly increases the exposure risks of our network, since agents can get traced and burned if people figure out who have access to intel.
Intrigue based.

[ ] Fixer: Work with the Wurtbad Thieves Guild, supplying them information in exchange for a portion of profits.

Giving the Intelligence network a vested interest in the prosperity of the thieves guild. Expect reports on crime levels to be understated and promoting higher profile robberies. Major shitstorm if it comes out.
Intrigue based.

[ ] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.

This centralizes our finances, which gives us more discretionary funding, however, this endangers the network because it involves passing their payslips through Wilhelmina, anyone can find out the extent of our network by infiltrating the clerks..
Stewardship based.

[ ] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina and Markus to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information.

This is like the thieves guild, makes the network invested as a stakeholder in Stirland economics. They would want to ensure that the EIC becomes a monopoly, which is good for NOW, but keep in mind that Wilhelmina's sons have zero concerns about gouging the state for profit and they're a 1/3 shareholder, while the other 2/3 are silent partners.

This is actually a good option once we get around to being an active partner in the EIC however.
Stewardship based.

On reconsideration, if there are no objections I will switch Attaches to Information Broker. It'd save less money, but buys enough time to take other means
Acquired skill - Pistols: Advanced.
Wow. Whatever else his flaws, Gustav is a really great pistols teacher- standard skill advancement that we've seen is nil/novice/intermediate/advanced/proficient, with one training action resulting in advancing one step. Crits give one extra step. That means we just learned three times as quickly as we could have on our own, without any crits involved, thanks to his teaching skills.

His base Martial is low... but then, ours is 6. We skate by on guts, a giant sword, and a magic horse. He's probably got a bunch of traits that kick him up to ~20 when combined in his preferred form of combat; "low score but huge conditional trait bonuses" seems like how specialists are expressed in this system- it's how Mathilde runs her Martial, after all.

Speaking of our character sheet: @BoneyM, our Pistols skill needs to be added and our Learning score isn't currently including the bonus from our new Undead Lore skill.

The tricky part, both magically and mechanically, is distance. Within about twenty yards, it's simple enough to both cast the shadow and instil it with the required effect, but beyond that it takes a brighter light and greater concentration. You practice at night from the watchtowers of the Fort, where a shadow thrown by a torch can go for hundreds of yards; it takes commensurately more time and concentration to perform, but with enough time and concentration you manage to blacken the shape of your hand into a large patch of grass at just under two hundred yards. Now that could come in handy.
Holy crap. This is well outside the basic spell description, and I'm amazed that we managed it. The implications of this are huge- with a bonfire behind us we could do a ton of damage at a range the enemy can't effectively contest, like a cannon (admittedly strength 3 is puny compared to a cannon, but Burning Shadows has never had trouble targeting a wide area simultaneously, so we could hit entire enemy units, or at least their front rank, as long as we can get the shadows on them). I feel like we got a mastery without getting a mastery.

You don't even have the enchantment vocabulary to keep notes. All you can do is hold a picture of the spell's structure in your mind, and you know it will fade with time. If you had more time or more general knowledge or if the memories were fresher, you know you could manage this, but with so many other priorities you eventually have to put it aside.
[Bound Spell reverse engineering: Breakpoints 50/70, Learning, 58+16-20 (two full years passed)=54. Time penalty reset.]
Of course there's a time penalty. Ugh. Well, I'm glad we got rid of it, at least; this is fairly important research. I do wonder how we would get "enchantment vocabulary"- our general enchantment skill development action gives the loose impression of being independent study rather than referencing literature on the topic of enchantment, but I guess we could write the College for reference material, like with most other magical actions.

I am kind of tempted to re-attempt this research; with both Take No Heed and Burning Shadows solidly learned, all the options that we discussed for using them in combination with this are on the table if we can just learn it- and since the first breakpoint appears to have been "remember what you're doing" the DC might be lower next time in addition to getting rid of the -20. If we want this asset in hand for the battles that matter, it's not yet out of reach.

[Studying the Undead: Breakpoints 20/50/80, Learning, 86+16=102.]
Very lucky crit here; I was expecting to not have the trait yet before going on campaign but with it in hand our undead studies are done (for now) and we can be a lot more confident.

- Events in the Stirhugel came to a head much faster than you expected, with the Watchmen in Ohlsdorf managing to pick up a trail of whatever it was that was preying on the sheep. To the relief of everyone involved, it turned out to be mere bandits; the Watchmen went back to Ohlsdorf, deputized a number of the burly locals with strong opinions about the theft of livestock, and lead them into the camp with sword and bludgeon. Those that survived the assault were subjected to swift and merciless trial, and had already been hanged by the time a report had been prepared. The rural folk Western Stirland take a very dim view of rustlers.
Well, that's a weight off the mind. I was worried that it would be something serious. Also an excellent demonstration of the power the Watch holds- and which we hold as the one giving it orders. If they can independently identify threats, raise a militia, and lead them into battle and win it... well, that's basically all you need to maintain security. Or launch a rebellion.

- The Attachés to the 4th was mostly without problem, though with no retirees coming out of the Army of Stirland she had to cannibalize the Watch for recruits. Their numbers are now stretched worryingly thin, and they may be less effective until numbers are brought back up to a good place.
I'm sure there will be tons of people retiring due to horrific injury soon to fill our numbers back up.

By the way, @BoneyM, thanks for putting more intelligence-related stuff into the turns recently. I feel much less uninformed.

In closer news, the would-be scribe that arrived from the University of Altdorf didn't manage to perform the duty expected of him; the banished Prince quickly grew sick of being asked to explain things every few minutes and sent the scholar packing. As a member in good standing of the University of Altdorf's longstanding rival, it pleases you to see one of them humbled, but as someone that was looking forward to reading the end result it's more than a little frustrating. A shame, but then, you have more pressing concerns than elf stories.
Hilarious. On the other hand, now I have to convince people to not spend an action on the elf all over again.
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[X] Plan Help, I've Locked Myself In Van Hal's Study
-[X][Intel] Attaché Paperwork: The Intelligence Attachés are your biggest expense by far - see if you can have them paid for by the Army of Stirland instead.
-[X][Personal] Undead Research: You know the basics, now. Perhaps a great deal of effort will allow you to advance further.
-[X][Personal] Snooping: Van Hal gave you a key to his Study. He didn't specifically say not to poke around and see what you could find.

This one had a funny name.
This is like the thieves guild, makes the network invested as a stakeholder in Stirland economics. They would want to ensure that the EIC becomes a monopoly, which is good for NOW, but keep in mind that Wilhelmina's sons have zero concerns about gouging the state for profit and they're a 1/3 shareholder, while the other 2/3 are silent partners.

From the Organizations threadmark:

Shareholders: Wilhelmina Hochschild (24%), Dame Mathilde Weber (24%), Sir Markus von Pfaffbach (24%), County of Stirland (28%)

They currently don't hold any shares, though they've been given well-paid positions within the Company. If anything happened to Wilhelmina, the shares would still only render them a minority voice, though they could deadlock the Company until Van Hal nominates a new representative.

Wow. Whatever else his flaws, Gustav is a really great pistols teacher- standard skill advancement that we've seen is nil/novice/intermediate/advanced/proficient, with one training action resulting in advancing one step.

Greatsword training was slow because Fitness training has, by necessity, been part of it. The standard breakpoints would be something like 50 for one level, 80 for two. Gustav dragged your learning roll up a breakpoint with his training roll, and added a third level from traits.

Speaking of our character sheet: @BoneyM, our Pistols skill needs to be added and our Learning score isn't currently including the bonus from our new Undead Lore skill.

I didn't think and added the +1 to the base instead of the bonuses. Fixed.

I feel like we got a mastery without getting a mastery.

It's basically a ritual form of the spell - it takes greater effort and concentration and time and has a higher chance of blowing up in your face, but the results are equally increased. The same could theoretically be done for any spell with a linear effect, which is why it hasn't come up before. Though I suppose you could use it to smack someone in the face with a magic dart from across a battlefield.

If they can independently identify threats, raise a militia, and lead them into battle and win it... well, that's basically all you need to maintain security. Or launch a rebellion

'Raising a militia' is overstating things a little - it was more of a posse, and only possible because the locals take a dim view of rustling.

By the way, @BoneyM, thanks for putting more intelligence-related stuff into the turns recently. I feel much less uninformed.

You're welcome, I've been making an effort to keep your avenues of information in mind and I'm glad it's showing.
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It's basically a ritual form of the spell - it takes greater effort and concentration and time and has a higher chance of blowing up in your face, but the results are equally increased. The same could theoretically be done for any spell with a linear effect, which is why it hasn't come up before. Though I suppose you could use it to smack someone in the face with a magic dart from across a battlefield.
Seeing as how a normal one (one, 1, it's a pun) knocked out a potential martial advisor who was wearing a helmet, being able to snipe people with magical bullets from across the battlefield would be pretty useful, especially if we were aiming at, say, another wizard.
Seeing as how a normal one (one, 1, it's a pun) knocked out a potential martial advisor who was wearing a helmet, being able to snipe people with magical bullets from across the battlefield would be pretty useful, especially if we were aiming at, say, another wizard.

To put it in RL terms instead of gamey terms: it's about the equivalent of a slingstone. So yes, one to the face would inconvenience the average wizard.
He's probably got a bunch of traits that kick him up to ~20 when combined in his preferred form of combat; "low score but huge conditional trait bonuses" seems like how specialists are expressed in this system- it's how Mathilde runs her Martial, after all.
I think much of it isn't even conditional; consider these two traits Mathilde has.
Brave: You can withstand terrors that make others flee. +1 Martial.
Blooded: You've proven yourself in battle. +2 Martial.
I'm confident Gustav also has Blooded even if it isn't listed as known to us, and his Reckless is probably a variation on Brave.
Greatsword training was slow because Fitness training has, by necessity, been part of it. The standard breakpoints would be something like 50 for one level, 80 for two. Gustav dragged your learning roll up a breakpoint with his training roll, and added a third level from traits.
Thanks for explaining.

It's basically a ritual form of the spell - it takes greater effort and concentration and time and has a higher chance of blowing up in your face, but the results are equally increased. The same could theoretically be done for any spell with a linear effect, which is why it hasn't come up before. Though I suppose you could use it to smack someone in the face with a magic dart from across a battlefield.
It hadn't occurred to me that was possible, but I suppose with the heavily narrative-driven nature of this quest and the relatively flexible nature of magic in the flavor there's little reason to claim that the exact spell descriptions are rigid facts instead of flexible guidelines for how things actually work. It's cool to know, at least.

'Raising a militia' is overstating things a little - it was more of a posse, and only possible because the locals take a dim view of rustling.
Ah. Pity. I guess there weren't too many bandits, then.

Seeing as how a normal one (one, 1, it's a pun) knocked out a potential martial advisor who was wearing a helmet, being able to snipe people with magical bullets from across the battlefield would be pretty useful, especially if we were aiming at, say, another wizard.
And if we do it repeatedly, maybe we'll get a mastery where Magic Dart evolves into Magic Sniper Rifle! (We won't, but a man can dream...) Unfortunately no sane wizard will be on the battlefield without Aethyric Armor up and Magic Dart isn't going to do a ton of damage through it.

Actually, as long as we're talking about spells, @BoneyM, could you explain how Shadowsteed as we currently cast it interacts with our buff spells? If we use Skywalk, can our Shadowsteed skywalk, or do we have to be on foot? If we have Take No Heed up, can people still notice the construct-horse even if they fail their willpower rolls?

What methods of control does the Army of Stirland use? It occurred to me that if they use horns/drums/etc. to do their battlefield commands/signaling, it might be worth learning so that we can imitate them with our Sound spell.

Has our Aethyric Armour grown stronger since game start, as our Magic score has increased? I don't think its description has changed and I'm wondering how/if we can improve it in order to increase our personal protection. We've used the spell itself on a number of occasions but I don't think it normally gets rolled, so ever critting for a mastery seems unlikely. Unless we're caught in a melee somewhere and the enemy botches, maybe.

I think much of it isn't even conditional; consider these two traits Mathilde has.

I'm confident Gustav also has Blooded even if it isn't listed as known to us, and his Reckless is probably a variation on Brave.
I agree on both trait counts, though while I know the system doesn't reflect it well and it's not exactly "only when using greatword" level, I would say those are fairly conditional. They apply to the "personal combat" parts of Martial but not the strategy or tactics parts, because having courage and not flinching in the face of the horrors of combat don't actually help you make the right call or manage troops.

Still, I doubt things are granular enough that they wouldn't apply to basic rolls, so no worries, you're basically right.
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Okay, first thing, I would support getting the repeater pistol, a dueling pistol sounds like it would lower the accuracy DC for certain challenges, and narratively increase range, while the shotgun pistol sounds like it will do more damage up close, but a repeater will give more total 'shoot them' rolls in combat and will allow the greatest uses of the auto-bless bullet spell we have.
Edit, going back to make other choices.
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