manage to be only temporarily sidetracked by jotting in corrections in the margins of Waaagh And Hive, which started with half an interesting idea and then flailed helplessly with it for the length of a tome.
Kekekekekeekeke. "Hmm interesting... ahhh fuck its all bullshit. No no no
this is da roight proppa way to do it you nincompoop!"
where an Oswald was commended for decapitating a ghoul before it could chomp down on a Priestess of Morr, and also very sternly reprimanded for the way the Priestess apparently decided to thank him, which also resulted in the next Oswaldson.
First Secret of Dhar: Dhar is inherently unstable, everyone knows that. What they don't know is how to turn Dhar against itself. You do. And now you'll never not know it.
Second Secret of Dhar: Dhar could be made more unstable. A tiny nudge in just the right way and Dhar unravels in just the right way to unravel more Dhar, and so on until nothing remains.
Man. Scary shit.
As for the spooders I think it best to let them go out and seek new homes and new loves and new We's. Getting them to be able to talk long term is a
big and very awkward issue for everyone involved and I don't think it a good idea to recommend Belebro blow his political capital on being even more radical than he already is. And trying to include them in the community is just a social overreach turning into a powder keg waiting to blow the heck up, it'd be too painful for everyone in my view. As for no recommendation well Belebro already made his opinion clear in that he wants em to leave or be starved out, so he'll just fall towards convincing them to leave if possible.
Now someone please let me know if Boney has commented on the communication thing, I'm still catching up on the thread.
[X] [UNDUMGI] Francesco Caravello, Tilean ex-merchant
[X] [SPIDER] The We can be allowed to scutter off into the Underway, never to be seen again.
Either of these is fine with me for the armor.
[X] [ARMOUR] It should be returned to the Hold it was stolen from, to build strong ties among the Karaz Ankor.
[X] [ARMOUR] Make no recommendation.
Its an internal dawi matter, but stating the obvious is probably not offensive.
Runeswords I'm like meh. You folks can figure it out.
Vote will be updated when I finish catching up.