Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Inserted tally

That tally was a fucking mess let me tell you. So people, it's pretty much Van Hal or no one. Take your picks.

Though if people stopped voting for both Van Hal AND Anton then Van Hal is only a few votes behind no one.

Just pointing it out.
Adhoc vote count started by Nix's Warden on Feb 10, 2018 at 3:52 PM, finished with 206 posts and 73 votes.

  • [X]Waifu no one for now
    [X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
    [X] [WAIFU] Van Hal
    [X] Plan Broken Heart
    -[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] [Network] Name: Grey Coats
    -[X] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    -[X] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
    -[X] [Additional] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Julia
    -[X] These agents are getting expensive. Write up a proposal for your discretionary budget to be increased, instead of waiting for Van Hal to decide to increase it. (warning: attracts oversight to your current budget)
    --[X] Budget increase dearly needed as the information network need huge expansion to refill the void left by the demise of the League, as well as watching the Watch to prevent corruption and hostile plants. Push for increase of 100 Gold at minimal, due to need to finding and keeping reliable officers.
    [X] [NetworkName] Shadow Watchers
    [X] [WAIFU] She likes both Van Hal and Anton. Van Hal is so cool and Bad Ass and handsome and he really seems to trust her, and Anton is so friendly and cute and charming and he's always so kind to her. How can a mysterious and beautiful wizard knight spy be expected to choose?
    [X] The Honourable Anton Kiesinger II
    [X] [WAIFU] Sir Markus von Pfaffbach
    [X] Plan EIC and the Watch.
    -[X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina and Markus to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information. (NEW)
    -[X] Improve the training of the Watch, hiring trainers and dedicating paid time each week to sharpening skills.
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner. (NEW)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Extras
    --[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    --[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    [X] Plan Adventure
    -[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    -[X] [Network] Name: Rumor Mill
    -[X] Seek out a new leader for the Watch.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Anton
    [X] Plan Broken Heart
    -[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] [Network] Name: Grey Coats
    -[X] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
    -[X] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Julia
    [X][Organisational] Plan The Best and Most Not-Being-Paid-By-Me Police
    -[X] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.
    -[X] Improve the training of the Watch, hiring trainers and dedicating paid time each week to sharpening skills.
    -[X] Network name: No name. It's a secret network of informants, why would you give it a name?
    [X][Personal] Plan When Do I Get To Do Magic
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team intrigues Van Hal, but he wants more information. Write up a full proposal, including where it will fit in the existing hierarchy, and spend some time sourcing the equipment it would require.
    --[X] Name: Institute for the Study of the Undead Menace as it pertains to the Defence of Stirland, or Stirland Institute for short.
    --[X] Parent Organisation: Independent
    --[X] Reports to: A group of stakeholders (hah) representing the province of Stirland, the military of Stirland, the Witch Hunters, and the Colleges of Magic, all appointed by the Elector-Count of Stirland. In practice, these positions will be filled initially by Van Hal (for both Stirland and the Witch Hunters), Gustav, and Mathilde.
    --[X] Mandate: To gain new insights into the nature of the undead threat and thereby better defend against and destroy it, and to provide a hub for collaboration between various existing Imperial organizations, most notably the Witch Hunters and Colleges, such that they can share their existing knowledge and leverage the force of Stirland's military in mutual pursuit of said goal.
    -[X] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills.
    -[X] Free Time: Gustav von Jungfreud
    [X][Network] Name: Grey Coats
    [X] Plan Broken Heart
    -[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    -[X] [Network] Name: Grey Coats
    -[X] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
    -[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
    -[X] [Additional] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. It's got to be good for something. (NEW)
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Julia
    [X] [NetworkName] Internal Affairs
    [X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
    -[X] Interweave your network with the Watch as it expands, so that you can use the Watch to cover your network's communication lines and actions. (NEW)
    -[X] Expand the administration of the Watch so that they can expand into other counties without your personal oversight.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing on Can I Come Too?
    -[X] Overwork - Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team intrigues Van Hal, but he wants more information. Write up a full proposal, including where it will fit in the existing heirarchy, and spend some time sourcing the equipment it would require. Write in details: Name, who it is technically a part of (Watch, Witch Hunters, Military, College, none), and whether it reports directly to you (becomes a new Organization you command) or not. (NEW)
    --[X] Name: Autopsy Agency
    --[X] Membership: College
    --[X] Control: Van Hal
    --[X] The organization would have wizards from the colleges, along with surgeons and hunters to best locate, combat, capture and dissect the undead encountered. The key difficulties will lie in detection, location and capture, where a wizard is best suited to the parts of detection and capture, being able to identify the Dhar at work and also counter or trace any necromancers involved.
    --[X] While there may be political costs to a formal expansion of the colleges, the value here in Stirland should be well worth it, and there is the alternative of hiring Journeymen and keeping the control under Van Hal's personal authority if the politics prove stubborn about a formal expansion, as his position makes commanding journeymen wizards simple by law.
    --[X] With the information gathered, it'd be helpful to the roles of Gustav, Kasmir and your own office to get the detailed reports. Specific tactics to fighting the unliving would greatly ease the losses on the forces combating the supernatural in the field, while your informants would also greatly benefit from identifying the more subtle forms of undead hidden within the populace or lurking where the people will only report otherwise vague rumors.. Then Kasmir's office to assess if the locals are coerced, duped or in collusion.
    -[X] Enchantment: So far you've still failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try to throw your authority behind commissions from glassblowers and blacksmiths. (-discretionary gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
    --[X] Just buy. Defer setup if you get anything
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Wilhelmina
    -[X] These agents are getting expensive. Write up a proposal for your discretionary budget to be increased, instead of waiting for Van Hal to decide to increase it. (warning: attracts oversight to your current budget)
    --[X] Budget increase dearly needed as the information network need huge expansion to refill the void left by the demise of the League, as well as watching the Watch to prevent corruption and hostile plants. Push for increase of 100 Gold at minimal, due to need to finding and keeping reliable officers.
    -[X] Cut Embezzlement to 0. You have your own estate income now to cover your fees.
    [X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
    -[X] Interweave your network with the Watch as it expands, so that you can use the Watch to cover your network's communication lines and actions. (NEW)
    -[X] Expand the administration of the Watch so that they can expand into other counties without your personal oversight.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing on Can I Come Too?
    -[X] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team intrigues Van Hal, but he wants more information. Write up a full proposal, including where it will fit in the existing heirarchy, and spend some time sourcing the equipment it would require. Write in details: Name, who it is technically a part of (Watch, Witch Hunters, Military, College, none), and whether it reports directly to you (becomes a new Organization you command) or not. (NEW)
    --[X] Name: Autopsy Agency
    --[X] Membership: College
    --[X] Control: Van Hal
    -[X] Enchantment: So far you've still failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try to throw your authority behind commissions from glassblowers and blacksmiths. (-discretionary gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
    --[X] Just buy. Defer setup if you get anything
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Wilhelmina
Last edited:
[X] [WAIFU] None of the above: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her.
[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority

I am going to admit a deep, dark secret here.

I don't care much for shipping in general. So I am incredibly biased in my vote.

The actual plan vote is simply becuase I view it as actually accomplishing the goals Van Hal set for Mathilde.
Apologies, @VoidZero, but you have the leading plan and I've got grave concerns. The Broken Heart plan seems... not to synergise with itself, and carries several risks.

We're embezzling, so lets not invite budgetary oversight. Do we really want to risk destroying our relationship with van Hal? We can cover costs in the short-medium term (hundreds of discretionary gold stashed already), and Special Branch is a much better option long term... it means we don't have to keep asking for budget increases every couple of years. Maybe put Ranald here, we aren't good at Stewardship, and this will probably be a sliding-success roll, where the better we roll, the more of our informant base is covered.

Covering Wurtbad slums is... laudable, but it doesn't help us fulfill our orders. We should put better training in place before hiring more Watchmen.
See this:
[ ] Expand the administration of the Watch so that they can expand into other counties without your personal oversight

Expanding into Woden- in another county- as per Orders... will probably lose us an additional action next turn unless we do this. @BoneyM is this a likely outcome?

And yes... I know you like the name, and so do I, but- naming a half-dozen separate sets of secret informants makes no sense. Let's just uniform the Stirland Watch in Grey Coats and/or Grey Cloaks, and the nickname will take care of itself, for the public organisation.

Digging out our palace takes an action as we supervise... but we've got nothing to do with all those rooms. Can't even set up an enchanters workshop yet.

Lunching with Julia... we just did that. There are blanks and question marks on Gustav and Schultz- we don't know what they think of us. That's a vulnerability. Our job practically demands that we get to know them, now we have a cost free option.

I hope you can take some of these thoughts on board. Thanks for considering them, at least.

Semi-awake now so apologies. I'm not overly concerned about Van looking down on embezzlement as the act is pretty much expected and harmless on it's own. The Count is aware derp grew up poor and now landed large of responsibility (estate to expand and book debt) so pocketing money is fineeee. (Just don't let the order find out.):p

I agree watchman training and independence are both necessary, but the death of the league with funded (stolen during crackdown) underworld makes me nervous. As well as the possibility/responsibility of "why is there gibbly coming out of the slums when you have the watch?".

The "Grey Coat" name was indented to say nothing of the functions and to put image of Grey coat wearing agent in people's mind, where the agents are not uniformed unless it's a crackdown in action. (@BoneyM FYI) May back fire may not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Just want to get the palace cleaned up and make sure there are no tunnels that derp doesn't know about. Palace should have some hidden paths here and there. Also, 1 less action to decide and maybe treasures!

Lunching with Juila is necessary in my view as she is the likely leader when derp delegates the watch or information network, spending enough to really find out her driver will reduce risk.

@Alliterate Don't worry about poking holes in my plan, i know i sometimes trip around with planning or math.
[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
[X] [WAIFU] Van Hal

It's not like we actually need to marry him: we could always be his lover, it is hardly unheard of in a pseudo-renaissance setting after all.

@BoneyM thanks for this amazing quest! I think it would be better if an arrangement could be found that allows its scope to remain more personal, as this is what really sets apart this quest from usual CK2-style quests.
[X] [WAIFU] None of the above: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her.
[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority

@Seventeen the reason I dislike your plan is the organization proposal. It bogs them down with stake-holding bureaucracy, where half the stake-holders hate each other. While I would very much like for witch hunters and witches to work together to fight the undead menace, that's not in the cards for the short or medium-term.

Essentially, it's too ambitious and would end up being more of a headache for Van Hal than a boon. Having it be college-centric now, but adding witch hunters down the line after it has proved useful is what I'm going to be aiming for.
Semi-awake now so apologies. I'm not overly concerned about Van looking down on embezzlement as the act is pretty much expected and harmless on it's own. The Count is aware derp grew up poor and now landed large of responsibility (estate to expand and book debt) so pocketing money is fineeee. (Just don't let the order find out.):p

I agree watchman training and independence are both necessary, but the death of the league with funded (stolen during crackdown) underworld makes me nervous. As well as the possibility/responsibility of "why is there gibbly coming out of the slums when you have the watch?".

The "Grey Coat" name was indented to say nothing of the functions and to put image of Grey coat wearing agent in people's mind, where the agents are not uniformed unless it's a crackdown in action. (@BoneyM FYI) May back fire may not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Just want to get the palace cleaned up and make sure there are no tunnels that derp doesn't know about. Palace should have some hidden paths here and there. Also, 1 less action to decide and maybe treasures!

Lunching with Juila is necessary in my view as she is the likely leader when derp delegates the watch or information network, spending enough to really find out her driver will reduce risk.

@Alliterate Don't worry about poking holes in my plan, i know i sometimes trip around with planning or math.
Thanks for listening... but I don't agree with your analysis. We've already lunched with Julia, we know her ambitions- make Stirland a trade hub, it's right there on the Dramatis Personae post.You know we're taking risks on the embezzlement oversight, but ignore it with a smiley. That isn't how things work here... Van Hal is inherently suspicious. If he finds out we're siphoning money, he will wonder what it's for. He won't be inclined to pass it off as 'well, she was raised poor'. We are a knight now. We swore vows. He will expect better. And... it's unneccessary to request an increase. Special Branch is right there.

So, I've gotta vote for another plan... and this one has momentum.

[] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
[X] [Waifu] None of the above: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her.
Last edited:
[X] [WAIFU] Van Hall
[X] [NetworkName] Shadow Watchers
[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
-[X] Interweave your network with the Watch as it expands, so that you can use the Watch to cover your network's communication lines and actions. (NEW)
-[X] Expand the administration of the Watch so that they can expand into other counties without your personal oversight.
-[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
-[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
-[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
-[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
--[X] Ranald's Blessing on Can I Come Too?

-[X] Overwork - Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.

-[X] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team intrigues Van Hal, but he wants more information. Write up a full proposal, including where it will fit in the existing heirarchy, and spend some time sourcing the equipment it would require. Write in details: Name, who it is technically a part of (Watch, Witch Hunters, Military, College, none), and whether it reports directly to you (becomes a new Organization you command) or not. (NEW)
--[X] Name: Autopsy Agency
--[X] Membership: College
--[X] Control: Van Hal
--[X] The organization would have wizards from the colleges, along with surgeons and hunters to best locate, combat, capture and dissect the undead encountered. The key difficulties will lie in detection, location and capture, where a wizard is best suited to the parts of detection and capture, being able to identify the Dhar at work and also counter or trace any necromancers involved.
--[X] While there may be political costs to a formal expansion of the colleges, the value here in Stirland should be well worth it, and there is the alternative of hiring Journeymen and keeping the control under Van Hal's personal authority if the politics prove stubborn about a formal expansion, as his position makes commanding journeymen wizards simple by law.
--[X] With the information gathered, it'd be helpful to the roles of Gustav, Kasmir and your own office to get the detailed reports. Specific tactics to fighting the unliving would greatly ease the losses on the forces combating the supernatural in the field, while your informants would also greatly benefit from identifying the more subtle forms of undead hidden within the populace or lurking where the people will only report otherwise vague rumors.. Then Kasmir's office to assess if the locals are coerced, duped or in collusion.

-[X] Enchantment: So far you've still failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try to throw your authority behind commissions from glassblowers and blacksmiths. (-discretionary gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
--[X] Just buy. Defer setup if you get anything
-[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
--[X] Wilhelmina
-[X] These agents are getting expensive. Write up a proposal for your discretionary budget to be increased, instead of waiting for Van Hal to decide to increase it. (warning: attracts oversight to your current budget)
--[X] Budget increase dearly needed as the information network need huge expansion to refill the void left by the demise of the League, as well as watching the Watch to prevent corruption and hostile plants. Push for increase of 100 Gold at minimal, due to need to finding and keeping reliable officers.
-[X] Cut Embezzlement to 0. You have your own estate income now to cover your fees.
[X] [WAIFU] Van Hall
[X] [NetworkName] Shadow Watchers
[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
-[X] Interweave your network with the Watch as it expands, so that you can use the Watch to cover your network's communication lines and actions. (NEW)
-[X] Expand the administration of the Watch so that they can expand into other counties without your personal oversight.
-[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
-[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
-[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
-[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
--[X] Ranald's Blessing on Can I Come Too?

-[X] Overwork - Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.

-[X] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team intrigues Van Hal, but he wants more information. Write up a full proposal, including where it will fit in the existing heirarchy, and spend some time sourcing the equipment it would require. Write in details: Name, who it is technically a part of (Watch, Witch Hunters, Military, College, none), and whether it reports directly to you (becomes a new Organization you command) or not. (NEW)
--[X] Name: Autopsy Agency
--[X] Membership: College
--[X] Control: Van Hal
--[X] The organization would have wizards from the colleges, along with surgeons and hunters to best locate, combat, capture and dissect the undead encountered. The key difficulties will lie in detection, location and capture, where a wizard is best suited to the parts of detection and capture, being able to identify the Dhar at work and also counter or trace any necromancers involved.
--[X] While there may be political costs to a formal expansion of the colleges, the value here in Stirland should be well worth it, and there is the alternative of hiring Journeymen and keeping the control under Van Hal's personal authority if the politics prove stubborn about a formal expansion, as his position makes commanding journeymen wizards simple by law.
--[X] With the information gathered, it'd be helpful to the roles of Gustav, Kasmir and your own office to get the detailed reports. Specific tactics to fighting the unliving would greatly ease the losses on the forces combating the supernatural in the field, while your informants would also greatly benefit from identifying the more subtle forms of undead hidden within the populace or lurking where the people will only report otherwise vague rumors.. Then Kasmir's office to assess if the locals are coerced, duped or in collusion.

-[X] Enchantment: So far you've still failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try to throw your authority behind commissions from glassblowers and blacksmiths. (-discretionary gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
--[X] Just buy. Defer setup if you get anything
-[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
--[X] Wilhelmina
-[X] These agents are getting expensive. Write up a proposal for your discretionary budget to be increased, instead of waiting for Van Hal to decide to increase it. (warning: attracts oversight to your current budget)
--[X] Budget increase dearly needed as the information network need huge expansion to refill the void left by the demise of the League, as well as watching the Watch to prevent corruption and hostile plants. Push for increase of 100 Gold at minimal, due to need to finding and keeping reliable officers.
-[X] Cut Embezzlement to 0. You have your own estate income now to cover your fees.

Information: 1/1
Watch: 1/1
Social: 1/1
Blessing: 1/1
@veekie Maybe I can persuade you please to not invite oversight on our black ops budget? The Special Branch option is much better long term, it allows us not to have to request increases over and over again.
Tally ho!
Adhoc vote count started by Exmorri on Feb 10, 2018 at 6:39 PM, finished with 215 posts and 78 votes.

  • [X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
    [X] [WAIFU] None of the above: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her.
    [X] [WAIFU] Van Hal
    [X] Plan Broken Heart
    -[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] [Network] Name: Grey Coats
    -[X] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    -[X] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
    -[X] [Additional] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Julia
    -[X] These agents are getting expensive. Write up a proposal for your discretionary budget to be increased, instead of waiting for Van Hal to decide to increase it. (warning: attracts oversight to your current budget)
    --[X] Budget increase dearly needed as the information network need huge expansion to refill the void left by the demise of the League, as well as watching the Watch to prevent corruption and hostile plants. Push for increase of 100 Gold at minimal, due to need to finding and keeping reliable officers.
    [X] [NetworkName] Shadow Watchers
    [X] [WAIFU] She likes both Van Hal and Anton. Van Hal is so cool and Bad Ass and handsome and he really seems to trust her, and Anton is so friendly and cute and charming and he's always so kind to her. How can a mysterious and beautiful wizard knight spy be expected to choose?
    [X] [WAIFU] Anton Kiesinger II
    [X] [WAIFU]None, period: Mathilde is not for romance.
    [X] [WAIFU] Sir Markus von Pfaffbach
    [X] Plan Broken Heart
    -[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] [Network] Name: Grey Coats
    -[X] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
    -[X] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Julia
    [X] Plan EIC and the Watch.
    -[X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina and Markus to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information. (NEW)
    -[X] Improve the training of the Watch, hiring trainers and dedicating paid time each week to sharpening skills.
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner. (NEW)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Extras
    --[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    --[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    [X][Network] Name: Grey Coats
    [X] Plan Adventure
    -[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    -[X] [Network] Name: Rumor Mill
    -[X] Seek out a new leader for the Watch.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Anton
    [X][Personal] Plan When Do I Get To Do Magic
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team intrigues Van Hal, but he wants more information. Write up a full proposal, including where it will fit in the existing hierarchy, and spend some time sourcing the equipment it would require.
    --[X] Name: Institute for the Study of the Undead Menace as it pertains to the Defence of Stirland, or Stirland Institute for short.
    --[X] Parent Organisation: Independent
    --[X] Reports to: A group of stakeholders (hah) representing the province of Stirland, the military of Stirland, the Witch Hunters, and the Colleges of Magic, all appointed by the Elector-Count of Stirland. In practice, these positions will be filled initially by Van Hal (for both Stirland and the Witch Hunters), Gustav, and Mathilde.
    --[X] Mandate: To gain new insights into the nature of the undead threat and thereby better defend against and destroy it, and to provide a hub for collaboration between various existing Imperial organizations, most notably the Witch Hunters and Colleges, such that they can share their existing knowledge and leverage the force of Stirland's military in mutual pursuit of said goal.
    -[X] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills.
    -[X] Free Time: Gustav von Jungfreud
    [X][Organisational] Plan The Best and Most Not-Being-Paid-By-Me Police
    -[X] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.
    -[X] Improve the training of the Watch, hiring trainers and dedicating paid time each week to sharpening skills.
    -[X] Network name: No name. It's a secret network of informants, why would you give it a name?
    [X] [NetworkName] Internal Affairs
    [X] Plan Broken Heart

    [X] [WAIFU] None of the above
    [X] Plan Broken Heart
    -[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    -[X] [Network] Name: Grey Coats
    -[X] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
    -[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
    -[X] [Additional] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. It's got to be good for something. (NEW)
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Julia
Probably going to support these
[X] [WAIFU] None of the above: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her.
[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
-make sure the cut in embezzlement happens well before the request for more funds
@veekie Maybe I can persuade you please to not invite oversight on our black ops budget? The Special Branch option is much better long term, it allows us not to have to request increases over and over again.
The oversight isn't a problem as long as we aren't embezzling(which is being dropped in the same plan, seeing as we don't need to embezzle ever since we got our own estate to pay for our fees and wizard chic). The Special Branch is somewhat problematic because it makes our black budget a publically accountable part of the Watch budget. Essentially it'd be putting the CIA budget inside the FBI budget.

That and for the sake of action sanity it'd cost us an effective 3 more actions to do it that way, as a budget expansion costs no action as long as its justified, while the Special Branch costs us one Intel Network and one Watch expansion in opportunity cost.
Thanks for listening... but I don't agree with your analysis. We've already lunched with Julia, we know her ambitions- make Stirland a trade hub, it's right there on the Dramatis Personae post.You know we're taking risks on the embezzlement oversight, but ignore it with a smiley. That isn't how things work here... Van Hal is inherently suspicious. If he finds out we're siphoning money, he will wonder what it's for. He won't be inclined to pass it off as 'well, she was raised poor'. We are a knight now. We swore vows. He will expect better. And... it's unneccessary to request an increase. Special Branch is right there.

So, I've gotta vote for another plan... and this one has momentum.

Nothing wrong with difference in opinion, if Van is ok with steward and co to play corny business then embezzlement is fine. "Knight" is a political/military position, the focus of the vows would be on duty and protection; but is embezzlement going against it? Depends on context really.
[X] [WAIFU] Van Hal

What can I say, I think that the two of them get along very well, add in that Abelhelm has more 1-on-1 interactions with Mathilde than anyone else, well, it makes sense for a crush.
Expanding into Woden- in another county- as per Orders... will probably lose us an additional action next turn unless we do this. @BoneyM is this a likely outcome?

No; the lack of bureaucracy for the watch means it takes actions to expand them and will make it more difficult to steer the watch as it expands, but it won't cost extra actions to run on it's own.


How much is our estate making in gold and/or misc stuff?

10g/turn after expenses.

Re: the current plan:

-[*] Enchantment: So far you've still failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try to throw your authority behind commissions from glassblowers and blacksmiths. (-discretionary gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
--[*] Just buy. Defer setup if you get anything

I'll go along with it this time because it's so late in the voting, but for future reference, everything in Personal Actions takes an action period. No deferring parts of an action to try to do it without an action expenditure.
Adhoc vote count started by BoneyM on Feb 11, 2018 at 12:18 AM, finished with 224 posts and 81 votes.

  • [X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
    -[X] Interweave your network with the Watch as it expands, so that you can use the Watch to cover your network's communication lines and actions. (NEW)
    -[X] Expand the administration of the Watch so that they can expand into other counties without your personal oversight.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing on Can I Come Too?
    -[X] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team intrigues Van Hal, but he wants more information. Write up a full proposal, including where it will fit in the existing heirarchy, and spend some time sourcing the equipment it would require. Write in details: Name, who it is technically a part of (Watch, Witch Hunters, Military, College, none), and whether it reports directly to you (becomes a new Organization you command) or not. (NEW)
    --[X] Name: Autopsy Agency
    --[X] Membership: College
    --[X] Control: Van Hal
    -[X] Enchantment: So far you've still failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try to throw your authority behind commissions from glassblowers and blacksmiths. (-discretionary gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
    --[X] Just buy. Defer setup if you get anything
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Wilhelmina
    [X] [WAIFU] Van Hal
    [X] [WAIFU] None of the above: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her.
    [X] Plan Broken Heart
    -[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] [Network] Name: Grey Coats
    -[X] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    -[X] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
    -[X] [Additional] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Julia
    -[X] These agents are getting expensive. Write up a proposal for your discretionary budget to be increased, instead of waiting for Van Hal to decide to increase it. (warning: attracts oversight to your current budget)
    --[X] Budget increase dearly needed as the information network need huge expansion to refill the void left by the demise of the League, as well as watching the Watch to prevent corruption and hostile plants. Push for increase of 100 Gold at minimal, due to need to finding and keeping reliable officers.
    [X] [NetworkName] Shadow Watchers
    [X] [WAIFU] She likes both Van Hal and Anton. Van Hal is so cool and Bad Ass and handsome and he really seems to trust her, and Anton is so friendly and cute and charming and he's always so kind to her. How can a mysterious and beautiful wizard knight spy be expected to choose?
    [X][Waifu] None of the above, yet: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her yet.
    [X] [WAIFU]None, period: Mathilde is not for romance.
    [X] [WAIFU] Sir Markus von Pfaffbach
    [X] [WAIFU] Anton Kiesinger II
    [X] Plan Broken Heart
    -[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] [Network] Name: Grey Coats
    -[X] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
    -[X] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Julia
    [X]Waifu no one for now
    [X] Plan EIC and the Watch.
    -[X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina and Markus to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information. (NEW)
    -[X] Improve the training of the Watch, hiring trainers and dedicating paid time each week to sharpening skills.
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner. (NEW)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Extras
    --[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    --[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    [X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
    -[X] Interweave your network with the Watch as it expands, so that you can use the Watch to cover your network's communication lines and actions. (NEW)
    -[X] Expand the administration of the Watch so that they can expand into other counties without your personal oversight.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Integrate the rat catchers, sewer-jacks and gong farmers into the Watch, and begin having the rank-and-file of the Watch learn from them (Watch speciality action).
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing on Can I Come Too?
    -[X] Overwork - Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team intrigues Van Hal, but he wants more information. Write up a full proposal, including where it will fit in the existing heirarchy, and spend some time sourcing the equipment it would require. Write in details: Name, who it is technically a part of (Watch, Witch Hunters, Military, College, none), and whether it reports directly to you (becomes a new Organization you command) or not. (NEW)
    --[X] Name: Autopsy Agency
    --[X] Membership: College
    --[X] Control: Van Hal
    --[X] The organization would have wizards from the colleges, along with surgeons and hunters to best locate, combat, capture and dissect the undead encountered. The key difficulties will lie in detection, location and capture, where a wizard is best suited to the parts of detection and capture, being able to identify the Dhar at work and also counter or trace any necromancers involved.
    --[X] While there may be political costs to a formal expansion of the colleges, the value here in Stirland should be well worth it, and there is the alternative of hiring Journeymen and keeping the control under Van Hal's personal authority if the politics prove stubborn about a formal expansion, as his position makes commanding journeymen wizards simple by law.
    --[X] With the information gathered, it'd be helpful to the roles of Gustav, Kasmir and your own office to get the detailed reports. Specific tactics to fighting the unliving would greatly ease the losses on the forces combating the supernatural in the field, while your informants would also greatly benefit from identifying the more subtle forms of undead hidden within the populace or lurking where the people will only report otherwise vague rumors.. Then Kasmir's office to assess if the locals are coerced, duped or in collusion.
    -[X] Enchantment: So far you've still failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try to throw your authority behind commissions from glassblowers and blacksmiths. (-discretionary gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
    --[X] Just buy. Defer setup if you get anything
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Wilhelmina
    -[X] These agents are getting expensive. Write up a proposal for your discretionary budget to be increased, instead of waiting for Van Hal to decide to increase it. (warning: attracts oversight to your current budget)
    --[X] Budget increase dearly needed as the information network need huge expansion to refill the void left by the demise of the League, as well as watching the Watch to prevent corruption and hostile plants. Push for increase of 100 Gold at minimal, due to need to finding and keeping reliable officers.
    -[X] Cut Embezzlement to 0. You have your own estate income now to cover your fees.
    [X] [Waifu] The Honourable Anton Kiesinger II
    [X][Network] Name: Grey Coats
    [X] Plan Adventure
    -[X] Consolidation: You currently have a patchwork of useful contacts. Backfill so that you can rightfully claim to cover entire towns.
    -[X] [Network] Name: Rumor Mill
    -[X] Seek out a new leader for the Watch.
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Pretty Good Swords: You've struck up a friendship with the Champion of the Greatswords and have discovered a talent for wielding them. Continue to cultivate this.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills. (NEW)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (no action required)
    --[X] Anton
    [X][Personal] Plan When Do I Get To Do Magic
    -[X] Complete taking control of the renamed Stirland Watch. (finishes action begun last turn)
    -[X] Expand the Watch into the County of Worden, prioritizing Worden and Potting.
    -[X] Formal Proposal: Your idea for an undead research team intrigues Van Hal, but he wants more information. Write up a full proposal, including where it will fit in the existing hierarchy, and spend some time sourcing the equipment it would require.
    --[X] Name: Institute for the Study of the Undead Menace as it pertains to the Defence of Stirland, or Stirland Institute for short.
    --[X] Parent Organisation: Independent
    --[X] Reports to: A group of stakeholders (hah) representing the province of Stirland, the military of Stirland, the Witch Hunters, and the Colleges of Magic, all appointed by the Elector-Count of Stirland. In practice, these positions will be filled initially by Van Hal (for both Stirland and the Witch Hunters), Gustav, and Mathilde.
    --[X] Mandate: To gain new insights into the nature of the undead threat and thereby better defend against and destroy it, and to provide a hub for collaboration between various existing Imperial organizations, most notably the Witch Hunters and Colleges, such that they can share their existing knowledge and leverage the force of Stirland's military in mutual pursuit of said goal.
    -[X] Undead Research: This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
    -[X] Can I Come Too?: Everyone seems to be riding off to Leicheberg lately. Tag along and see what's going on with these Haunted Hills.
    -[X] Free Time: Gustav von Jungfreud
    [X][Organisational] Plan The Best and Most Not-Being-Paid-By-Me Police
    -[X] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.
    -[X] Improve the training of the Watch, hiring trainers and dedicating paid time each week to sharpening skills.
    -[X] Network name: No name. It's a secret network of informants, why would you give it a name?
    [X] [NetworkName] Internal Affairs
    [X] Plan Broken Heart

    [X] [WAIFU] None of the above
    [X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
Last edited:
Voting closed, writing will begin once I finish waking up. Mathilde remains married to her work, but she will cast admiring eyes over Van Hal from time to time without acting on it.
Voting closed, writing will begin once I finish waking up. Mathilde remains married to her work, but she will cast admiring eyes over Van Hal from time to time without acting on it.


Thus, to celebrate our girl's first schoolyard crush, I will now go spend all my money on gacha games before drinking myself into oblivion. Or I'll just go to sleep. I look forward to having a good morning read!
@Seventeen the reason I dislike your plan is the organization proposal. It bogs them down with stake-holding bureaucracy, where half the stake-holders hate each other. While I would very much like for witch hunters and witches to work together to fight the undead menace, that's not in the cards for the short or medium-term.

Essentially, it's too ambitious and would end up being more of a headache for Van Hal than a boon. Having it be college-centric now, but adding witch hunters down the line after it has proved useful is what I'm going to be aiming for.

And that's the kind of feedback I would have appreciated earlier, instead of being ignored by just about everyone. At least I would have been able to change it based on people's concerns. Still, it doesn't matter now. I just won't bother writing a plan again.
Re: the current plan:

-[*] Enchantment: So far you've still failed to find suitable equipment (damn Wizard Chic) but you could always try to throw your authority behind commissions from glassblowers and blacksmiths. (-discretionary gold, action required to set up and learn to use equipment)
--[*] Just buy. Defer setup if you get anything

I'll go along with it this time because it's so late in the voting, but for future reference, everything in Personal Actions takes an action period. No deferring parts of an action to try to do it without an action expenditure.
Duly noted. It's how we've been doing it on the past turns, so didn't think we needed to change that.(bloody Wizard Chic)
This looks like a pretty fun quest

[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
[X] [WAIFU] Van Hal
Voting is open