Where did the estimate about how many Archmages Laurelorn has access to come from? This is the only post I know from Boney that mentions Eonir numbers. It's not about archmages, but elves who can enchant High magic.You might be able to scrape up 20 at a given time from Laurelorn.
The best guess Mathilde would have access to would be that there'd be more for Collegiate, but not hugely so. For some reason Laurelorn gets squirrely when humans ask them for exact numbers and skill levels of their mages.2. How many elves in Laurelorn are there that can currently (or at least quickly learn to) enchant the grey lord foundation compared to the Collegiate foundation?
I'm trying to figure out what foundation would be best if we wanted to send a Waystone version that Ulthuan could build on its own. The Collegiate option seems like the easiest option. Though the downsides of clockwork would be even less severe on Ulthuan than in the Old World. There would be much less deliberate sabotage or bad weather.