Who said the EIC doesn't have an army? They must be employing like 90% of men at arms in Stirland not in the army, and probably have the potential to hire enough mercs to stomp all over the stirlander troops not currently engaged in beating up skeletons.
Like, it's actually pretty dire, because it's sort of getting to the point where the actual elector count is sort of like a (very large) mercenary army, and a depressingly large amount of the actual governance is being done by an independent company who's only really held in check by a old woman with terrible inheritors.
(an, unorthidox solution might be to get the Empire's government to name Wilhemina the new elector countess, issue her a heir to train, and make Roswita her martial advisor and sort of hope that welds together the rapidly splitting apart Civil and Military stirlander government.)
Like, it's actually pretty dire, because it's sort of getting to the point where the actual elector count is sort of like a (very large) mercenary army, and a depressingly large amount of the actual governance is being done by an independent company who's only really held in check by a old woman with terrible inheritors.
(an, unorthidox solution might be to get the Empire's government to name Wilhemina the new elector countess, issue her a heir to train, and make Roswita her martial advisor and sort of hope that welds together the rapidly splitting apart Civil and Military stirlander government.)