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The man held back knwolege of his skills which might have cost dwarf and human lives since military plans by the expedition leadership were not made with full knwoelge of his abilities. That is reason enough to kick him out in my book, especially given how dangerous his research matter is.

I think kicking him out may be to harsh, but giving him a verbal smackdown is definetley merited. Also, at this point we can make it seem like we knew all along and waited for him to reveal the info on his own.

That's ridiculous. If a man offers to do five jobs for you, you thank him, you don't yell at him because he didn't offer to do a sixth job that he's also qualified for.

But this isn't a job, it's a military operation where exact knowledge of a person abilities (or lack thereof) is imperative. Also it's a thing of trust. If you can't trustsomeone to be straight about who he is, can you trust them to have you -metaphorical- back?

Also the only person who gets deceive people without consequence is us!!!1!!1!

Although I have to say in his defence, that putting him with the artillery was propably the best use for him anyways.
This sounds like QM code for
"You need to decide, from the information I've given you, whether the EIC has already gone too far, or whether it is likely to, and whether you should take any action." :V
We are the majority shareholder. Legally speaking, seems like we'd take the majority responsibility, too...
We have gave birth to a monster. The horror.

Joking aside though, I do want to give it some time and see whether Roswita will fix her act. If she doesn't and keep giving EIC more power, then it would be time for us to act. Still, at the moment, it's an issue to put into our backlog since we got a lot of other things to focus at the moment, such as giving Wolf a belly rub.
For reference, I think this is the current list of College Favor options:

I think this is everything we've been able to spend College Favors on in updates. I can't find guidelines on the actual favor pricing of Battle Magic effects (I was thinking casting number but looking up Regrowth that's 12+, so it's not that; maybe it's a flat 9?).

I'm pretty sure that outside of updates Earthing Rods were said to be 2 favors each and +1 Magic staffs currently unavailable for any Favor value, but I can't find those citations at the moment.

@BoneyM, could you please answer a few questions about whether it is possible to spend College Favor on the following and, if so, what the associated costs might be?
  • Getting a Perpetual Apprentice to serve as assistant/general minion
  • Getting a Journeyman/Magister/Lord Magister of a specific College/with a specific spell to come assist with a specific question/project/calamity
  • Getting copies of the Colleges' books for our library (is this the same 50gp+0/0/1/1/2 for common/extensive/rare/very rare/extremely rare that we have with Dwarf Favor, or some other ruleset?)
  • Acquisition of an animal suitable for being a familiar, or a specific type of animal so suitable
  • Getting powerstones for our personal research/use
  • Having a wizard lab/tower optimized for magical research/other specialized effects built
  • Acquisition of specific esoteric desired items (ex., what if Mathilde really needs a Lustrian flowering plant or the tooth of a sea drake or something for research, presumably mages have requests for this kind of thing constantly)
  • Getting permission to do push-the-limits sorts of research (ex., Johann is literally going to poke the skaven and their warpstone, Mathilde is in a great position to research multi-wind interaction and ways to avoid creating dhar when it happens, or to study probably-corrupted Waystones with an eye toward unfucking them, and the Articles are intentionally vague enough that what is okay and what isn't is basically a judgement call by the Colleges; can we pay in Favor to represent burning political capital on being given dispensation for this sort of thing instead of being uncertain whether we're crossing lines?)
That's all that comes to my mind at the moment but if we can get a solid set of answers together it would be nice to compile them all into the Important Information threadmark, as per the dwarf rep one.

Something to keep in mind if we go the learning adviser route. Elector counts and such are allowed to pay for wizards to be part of their advisors or martial forces. Belegar could quite reasonably request aid from the colleges of magic by giving bags of gold and as a very rich dwarf king he's in a great position to do that. We don't need to use our favour for this even if Mathilde can extract work from those wizards to assist her as well as she'll be working under Belegar any way.
Sylvania seems fairly profitable. Perhaps she's hoping if she pacifies it now, she could recoup her losses?
I'm not sure how profitable the marshy land is. Maybe a bit, but I suspect she doesn't care about making the cash back, she cares about attempting to eliminate Sylvania.
Technically only Dhar is forbidden. Human mages having access to large quantities of
Qhaysh is unknown and unprecedented.
I'm pretty sure we have GM confirmation that snake juice is weird before-winds magic stuff, not Qhaysh.

I don't know if you've gotten to my post about why I agree that this isn't insider trading, but I do feel like I've not been able to express why I think what we've done is equivalent to insider trading and why the spirit of what we've done is the reason why insider trading is illegal.

Insider trading isn't illegal because of the use of confidential information for profit, it illegal because insider trading undermines society's trust in a fair securities exchange where everyone plays by the same rules. The breach of that trust and playing by different rules is why insider trading is illegal.

And I believe that Mathilde, and the EIC in general, are playing by different rules when they are able to communicate valuable material information quicker than literally anyone else in the Empire. And that's where I'm seeing the connection between what Mathilde did and what makes Insider trading illegal.
Actually, insider trading is illegal if a duty of trust is breached. If you overhear a CEO talking about how their company will make more money than anticipated this quarter, then go buy up stock which goes up in price and sell it, you have not committed insider trading, unless you have some connection with the company or it's officers (friends, family etc.). Or you paid for that information.

We could, but based on the Grey Order's rules I'm pretty sure the impetus has to come from someone in a position of power with legitimate concerns over them, or it counts as an abuse of power on Mathilde's part.
Mathilde could probably investigate herself. Would be a breach of privacy, and probably illegal for breaking and entering etc. but wouldn't be an abuse of power unless she used her authority, rather than her skills, if that makes sense.
Oh! Re:Vow of poverty and fish that jump on deck; we should write out a will. Specify that the EIC shares and associated funds will revert to the elector count upon death or unpersoning of Mathilde. Make it very clear that we intend this to be for the good of the empire not us, even if we pointedly don't trust the stewardship of the current countess.

I'd also kinda love for Mathilde to pay her debt back, in person and in public, to Rosalita directly. We know she needs it, we don't, and we should get rid of cash asap. So let's be super petty about it. ;)
Well, I think it was mentioned that the EIC would be more likely to sell and buy from other expeditions who make the trip, rather than make said trips themselves.
Ah, sorry the thread goes too fast for me to keep up. Just saw the thread had moved.
While that makes a lot of sense at the moment the dynamic changes if we can get a monopoly position on the trade route, which is why I'd added an edit which you probably couldn't see yet.
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The only EIC action I would suggest right now is confirming whether the Stirland's current steward has stock in the EIC, or anything else incriminating.

That would be the difference between corruption and the EIC just taking advantage of someone else's incompetence.
Anyway, I would say the EIC has... Not crossed any lines yet, but is getting precariously close to some and has a critical point of failure in the sense that if Wilhemina dies the whole thing is going to go up in smoke because few other chair-holders would have her integrity.

She is... Reasonably honest, her heirs are not.
Makes me think that perhaps she could do with new heirs. Noble ones, from a family that also owns a decent chunk of the company.
But yes, the EIC is a very powerful tool, but we need to take care that it doesn't become a menace. Our 36% share-hold is our weapon to manipulate it, not something to create profit.

Makes me think that perhaps she could do with new heirs. Noble ones, from a family that also owns a decent chunk of the company.

A better solution would be Wilhemina actually training a successor from outside her family instead of just bitching about how her sons are garbage but giving them work anyway.
What we probably need to do, is parley some College favour (maybe via people with Emperors Spymaster favour, hint hint Regimand?) into getting/forcing on Roswita a better Stewardship advisor.

If the balance of expertise between Roswitas Council and the EIC is redressed somewhat, that would probably head off the worst excesses, while Stirland is still bigger than the EIC.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Night_stalker on Oct 2, 2019 at 6:55 PM, finished with 670 posts and 179 votes.
The company can mostly be controlled at this point with Wilhelmina, Mathilde and Anton working together.
Once one of them(probably Wilhelmina) dies there will be issues though but we should still have a good amount of control.
A better solution would be Wilhemina actually training a successor from outside her family instead of just bitching about how her sons are garbage but giving them work anyway.
To be honest, how much damage could one of her kids inheriting even do? They'd be a minor shareholder at this point. Wilhemina runs the EIC because everybody else agreed that she should. Somehow, I doubt they would agree to any of her kids running it.
One of the reasons I voted for Anton to marry for love is that I honestly don't think he needs the benefits of a political marriage? Between him and Wilhelmina they already own Western Stirland, and have notable influence with the rest.

May as well let him marry for love.

If we take the Court wizard position would I be correct in my thoughts above that we could essentially hire a magister or journeymanlings as part of the position and therefore have the state budget of K8P involved?
[X] Marry them...
- [X] Wilhemina

Uncertain about our role at the dwarves, so long as it's not external threats; Which I don't believe is winning right now....
So let the dice fall where they may.
I mean, not everything is spiralling out of control yet, and probably won't so long as Wilhelmina is the one calling the shots, but if she suddenly died (keep a damn close eye on the sons) then we'd be far too close to a situation where the EIC shareholders can basically stage a coup 'd'état: we should get Wilhemena and Anton in a room and have a talk where we make it very clear that the EIC will, at the very least, agree to not be quite so eager to become stirland's economy, or at the most, get them to start shuttering the company, splitting some of it apart, moving some into the elector count's hands, etc.
I actually really like the idea of Anton and Wilhelmina together, with it starting off and being almost a business thing but him actually managing to make her fall for him with how nice and genuine he is.
But this isn't a job, it's a military operation where exact knowledge of a person abilities (or lack thereof) is imperative. Also it's a thing of trust. If you can't trustsomeone to be straight about who he is, can you trust them to have you -metaphorical- back?

As a Magister he's basically independent nobility that answers only to the Colleges so the most anyone could do without irritating people back in Altdorf would be to kick him off the Expedition.

He did good job with the artillery so he's more than earned his keep.

What we probably need to do, is parley some College favour into getting/forcing on Roswita a better Stewardship advistor.

If the balance of expertise between Roswitas Council and the EIC is redressed somewhat, that would probably head off the worst excesses, while Stirland is still bigger than the EIC.

Roswita doesn't like mages though and it is her prerogative to make poor financial decisions.

As long as nothing shady in general and in particular nothing Chaos or Vampire or some other clear baddie rears its head there doesn't seem to be much reason to intervene.
Mathilde stands at a pivotal point in history, with a lever in her hand. It is not an exaggeration to say that the fate of the Karaz Ankor will be shaped, for better or worse, by what happens at Karak Eight Peaks. The question we must ask ourselves is simple: 'Do we want Mathilde to make the most of that lever, and work to ensure the greatest possible future for our new home, or are we content with a meager push and willing to let the dice far where they may?'. I know that I will not be satisfied unless Mathilde makes the most of the opportunity presented to aid Belegar, the Karaz Ankor, her god, and the Grey Order. It is for this reason that I am voting that Mathilde take the most important role offered to her, the post of Steward.

To finish the reconquest of his home King Belegar is going to need weapons to kill the Greenskins and Skaven, men to wield those weapons, supplies to keep those men in the field, and gold to pay for all of it. It is a simple fact that the strength of an army is built off the back of an economy. So, what is the strongest basis for an economy in K8P? Agriculture? No. The Orks have seen to the ruination of the local ecosystem. It will take time and a great deal of effort to restore it to a productive state. Mining? Not yet. Karagril is still in enemy hands and the depths are enemy territory. The traditional artisanal economy? There is nobody to buy the goods, not in any great number, not when we are starting from scratch. Finally, we come to trade. We have been told time and time again that Karak Eight Peaks is perfectly positioned to make a fortune from its position. The best part is that we can hit the ground running and start bringing in gold right away. There can be no argument that the greatest basis for a strong economy in K8P is trading, and we are the only advisor with trade as our focus.

Karak Eight Peaks is also an experiment, with significant populations of multiple races looking to make a long term home in a dwarven Karak. What better way to ensure that the experiment is successful than overseeing the human component? Being able to shape the culture and attitudes of the inhabitants' will greatly smooth the way for future cooperative ventures. It also provides the opportunity for us to redeem Ranald the Protector in a way that would be difficult within the empire. Finally, the connections we can establish and the information network we can build will provide the Grey Order with information more valuable than gold, a great way for us to prove our worth as a potential Lord Magister.

If we were playing as King Belegar, for which position would you select Mathilde for? Steward, where she can make the most of your strengths and keep a lid on potential internal conflict or Court Wizard, a position that can be filled by a Runesmith or the Prince of Zhufbar?

We will always be the Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks, but this is a chance to be something even greater. It is a chance to tie Mathilde's experience in Stirland and K8P together and harness our unique outlook to make the most of our abilities. We can be the right person, in the right place, at the right time. Do not let this chance pass us by.

[X] Steward
[X] Stay single. Marry for love.
To my view Court Wizard is where Mathilda can make the most of being that lever. We've shown an enormous talent and propensity for being able to get deep into enemy territory and getting both significant intelligence and massive results from those forays, but crucially our greatest results have been when we've been pointed at or found on our own magical threats rather than mundane ones. Trade is going to come either way because K8P is suddenly the safest round east, a trek people already make not-irregularly despite the enormous impediments along the available routes so while it probably won't be a special focus of the other Stewardship candidates, they're likely to grapple with it to one degree or another. At the very lease they will collect their share of the taxes.

Meanwhile taking on that responsibility ourselves is likely to seriously monopolize our time. Or it ought to at least, setting up a new city is not a simple job and trying to make it a major trade nexus is no small task. Which means we'll be pulled away from scouting and proactively searching out immediate and direct threats from the other occupants of the peaks. Oh I'm sure we'd still find the time to do some, but I think Court Wizard gives us the right responsibilities to respond to and search out exactly the sort of threats we're best suited to dealing with. Skaven doomsday shenanigans, orc rituals, awakening dragon ogres, etc.

On the phone. It was autocorrect's fault. It wants to kill puppies.
Or, it likes BUFF puppies.
What we probably need to do, is parley some College favour (maybe via people with Emperors Spymaster favour, hint hint Regimand?) into getting/forcing on Roswita a better Stewardship advisor.

If the balance of expertise between Roswitas Council and the EIC is redressed somewhat, that would probably head off the worst excesses, while Stirland is still bigger than the EIC.
I'd say step one is actually finding out who that advisor is. IIRC we don't actually know anything about them yet, though the fact that they apparently let Roswita do this is concerning.
What we probably need to do, is parley some College favour (maybe via people with Emperors Spymaster favour, hint hint Regimand?) into getting/forcing on Roswita a better Stewardship advisor.

If the balance of expertise between Roswitas Council and the EIC is redressed somewhat, that would probably head off the worst excesses, while Stirland is still bigger than the EIC.
I feel like we should make sure he's actually a bad steward before doing anything drastic. We've heard everything second-hand and do not know the whole situation.
TBH, one of the upsides to going Steward for Eight Peaks would be having the ability to identify someone halfway decent and then doing an end run to get them inserted into the council, ideally right around the time that she fires her current Steward when they lose the ability to fund the NUKE SYLVANIA UNTIL IT GLOWS fund.

Remember, she believed her father's reports, she just didn't want a wizard to explode around her and that outweighed them all.
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