Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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the time we have until someone else thinks of this brilliant idea to make thousands of gold very easily, and then does so.
Not gonna happen. For a trade deal this big, there needs to be a substantial level of reputational trust between the seller and the Eonir. There's no trader other than Mathilde who's got the rep necessary except for Thorek or a Forestborn; Thorek ain't trading, and no Forestborn has the capital or the contacts that'd let them buy all that ithilmar.

That said, I do think the ithilmar action's a good one to take before the Ulthuan trip.
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I feel more like someone will take the Ilthimar action soon. Reason being while the frost born do not have capital the houses they can talk to do have the capital to buy. Or Middenland who want to trade and are in talks could do it. Or possible a member of the waystone project.
Not gonna happen. For a trade deal this big, there needs to be a substantial level of reputational trust between the seller and the Eonir. There's no trader other than Mathilde who's got the rep necessary except for Thorek or a Forestborn; Thorek ain't trading, and no Forestborn has the capital or the contacts that'd let them buy all that ithilmar.

That said, I do think the ithilmar action's a good one to take before the Ulthuan trip.
For an ongoing trade deal I'd agree, but this doesn't really need any trust to achieve. If someone buys a great deal of Ithilmar across the Empire, rolls up to Middenland and says to the Eonir "Hey, I've got a pile of Ithilmar here, bring a bunch of gold to the capital city of the new allies you're already staking your survival on if you want it" then I daresay there'll very shortly be an extremely heavily-defended baggage train of gold charging up our new magical trade route.
Realistically, shouldn't the amount that Laurelorn elves be willing to pay for ithilmar go down significantly now that they have a treaty with Ulthuan and are talking with the Druchii?
Realistically, shouldn't the amount that Laurelorn elves be willing to pay for ithilmar go down significantly now that they have a treaty with Ulthuan and are talking with the Druchii?
To my understanding, there is one Ithilmar mine, and the Asur are very careful with how the magic metal is distributed. Yes, Laurelorn could theoretically buy Gromril from Ulthuan.

They have to be willing to sell it, and even then, they have a monopoly and their merchants can thus charge whatever they want. And I'd bet that they'd prefer to sell finished product rather than raw Ithilmar, out of both pride and greed.
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Then there's the Asrai and their rare Forest Dragons. Maybe they're also in a relationship of equals, similar to the Caledorians? I don't know. I haven't read all that much about them.
If I remember my Asrai lore, forest dragons have become part of the forest, not unlike forest spirits. So I guess the would-be dragon riders would have to prove to the forest that they are worthy.
And for human dragon riders, the only one I'm aware of is Karl Franz 'dominating the Imperial Dragon's will' or whatever it was.

... Are we *sure* Karl Franz wasn't secretly a wizard of some sort forming a psychic bond to control the dragon?

Well, I guess there's Egrimm and the chaos dragon too. Wonder how their bond is set up?
And for human dragon riders, the only one I'm aware of is Karl Franz 'dominating the Imperial Dragon's will' or whatever it was.

... Are we *sure* Karl Franz wasn't secretly a wizard of some sort forming a psychic bond to control the dragon?

Well, I guess there's Egrimm and the chaos dragon too. Wonder how their bond is set up?
Egrimm is not the only Chaos Champion riding Chais Dragons. Those are a mount option for a generic Chaos Lord.
I'm pretty sure that setting up
[ ] Eike Actions: Search for or create a familiar of her own
in a regular turn would run into the same hand-wringing about how controlling a master Mathilde is. If this purchase vote were a bit closer I'd maybe include it, but the consensus against Eike getting a familiar as part of her apprenticeship seems about as clear as I'd expected from previous discussion. That's fine though; a purchase turn vote like this is a very low-stakes way of getting poll numbers on a topic.

What was a bit unexpected is the impression a few of the voters expressed that Mathilde has been spoiling Eike, and that this would be more of the same. Because I don't have that impression of their relationship at all. What gifts or indulgences, specifically, has Mathilde gotten Eike?

As far as I can tell, while the thread has talked about things we could give her either now or when she graduates or as an inheritance after the quest ends, the most that Mathilde has actually given her to date is the opportunity to experience fantastic and unusual things by following Mathilde around in her day-to-day. And while tuition from a Lord Magister is a rare and valuable thing to receive, if us teaching her and bringing her with us where we go counts as spoiling her then there was never any possibility she could be otherwise, as there were multiple Lords Magister interested in her as an Apprentice.
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I'm not opposed to helping Eike find a familiar, but just buying a random animal and saying "here's your new familiar" seems a bit weird to me. Partly because it feels like it should be a personal choice, and partly because the birds in our Ranald Shrine are right there and I think they would be thematically appropriate, should Eike actually want a familiar.
partly because the birds in our Ranald Shrine are right there and I think they would be thematically appropriate, should Eike actually want a familiar.
I think you're under a misapprehension on how familiars work. You can't pick any animal off the street and raise them as a familiar. It's a very, very rare quality, on the level of or rarer than Wizard candidacy in humans. We took Hubert to the shrine as part of a social action; it was a way of casually engaging with him and his interests, not because of any expectation that the choughs were inherently magical. And, unsurprisingly, they weren't. It's been long enough that there's a new generation of birds now, but they're still no more likely to be familiar material than any other random nest, and Eike isn't Ranaldite to get a divine finger on the scales.

Holding out for a "thematic" familiar is the wrong way to go about it if you want it to actually happen. It's always going to be a case of "you get what you get" unless you're crafting your own. Or you cast an extremely wide net by recruiting others to find something to specification (which is what paying a Powerstone's worth of College Favour represents).
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Realistically, shouldn't the amount that Laurelorn elves be willing to pay for ithilmar go down significantly now that they have a treaty with Ulthuan and are talking with the Druchii?
Druchii probably need all of the Ithilmar they have for their own uses since the Asur control the only source, and even assuming the Asur would be willing to sell I recall Boney saying something about how the Eonir are wary of trading with Ulthuan because they're afraid of their own craftsmen being outcompeted and driven out of the market by Caledorian artisan-smiths.
[X] [LIBRARY] Back-fill: Social science
[X] [PURCHASE] Ulric (Imperial Esoteric, 100 gc)

A sufficiently well-stocked library is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
Is it actually possible to set up a familiar bond between Dragon and Human/Elf? Like, what does qualify something for a familiarship except some kind of magical quality (which all dragons have anyway?)

I imagine the problem is more that familiarship is massive invasion of self if you are smart enough to get it on the onset, which is why it doesn´t happen between people and between dragons and people. Less than any actual magical reason i mean.

(Also, what would happen with Wolf if Mathilde died, would he go simpler again?)
@Boney would Adela have any ideas or suggestions for improvements for the Gyrocopter (magical or otherwise)? Seeing as she's the pilot and probably understands the machine far better than we do.
She´s a little baby engineer, i don´t think tinkering with a machine that moves at high speeds in the air while we are in it is something we want her to do when its already working reliably enough to dwarf standard.
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Is it actually possible to set up a familiar bond between Dragon and Human/Elf? Like, what does qualify something for a familiarship except some kind of magical quality (which all dragons have anyway?)

I imagine the problem is more that familiarship is massive invasion of self if you are smart enough to get it on the onset, which is why it doesn´t happen between people and between dragons and people. Less than any actual magical reason i mean.

Theoretically it would be possible to set up a familiar bond between any two magical creatures, but the nature of the bond puts one in a pretty significant position of power over the other. Most thinking beings only consent if they're truly desperate or if they get something they really want out of the deal.

(Also, what would happen with Wolf if Mathilde died, would he go simpler again?)

No, but it would be psychologically traumatic for him.

@Boney would Adela have any ideas or suggestions for improvements for the Gyrocopter (magical or otherwise)? Seeing as she's the pilot and probably understands the machine far better than we do.

Adela might have a better idea than Mathilde, but you didn't @ Adela. Sure, Adela might have come up with all kinds of ideas as a result of spending hundreds of hours flying and maintaining it and Mathilde would be able to access all of that simply by asking, but I can't. For me to come up with a suitable suite of R&D suggestions would require a big chunk of time and effort. So instead that burden is placed upon the thread - if you want improvement ideas for the Gyrocarriage, magical or otherwise, it's on you to come up with them.
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