Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] [BLOOD] Empire (Canal linking the Urskoy and Lynsk)
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation

@Boney does Mathilde retroactively laying the groundwork for Blood include telling the EIC so they can do their insider trading shtick?
[X] [BLOOD] Kislevite military aid in reclaiming the fallen Nexuses of the Forest of Shadows
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation

I may end up approval vote for another appealing frontrunner, but these both sound like good outcomes to me.
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation
[X] [BLOOD] Empire (Canal linking the Urskoy and Lynsk)

If Canal doesn't look like it might win, I will probably approval vote "[] [BLOOD] Personal (Partnership between Kislev's libraries and KAU)"
[X] [BLOOD] Kislevite military aid in reclaiming the fallen Nexuses of the Forest of Shadows
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation
[X] [BLOOD] Personal (specify what)
- [X] Aid Karak Vlag in preparation for the next Everchosen.
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation

I really should have been participating in the debate earlier but recovering from both a cold and accumulated sleep debt makes NexusEye a bad at participating in the thread girl. Apologies.
I'm going to guess Divided Loyalties isn't going to use the lore introduced four years later wherein the real Ghal Maraz is shown to have five runes?

There's an alternate universe where I made use of all of that Empire Within, Prince of Altdorf, Turmoil of 2512 stuff from the start, and where I'd really be in a pickle by them coming up with new twists for plot points older than I am. But here in this universe, DL is mainly rooted in 2e instead of 1e, so I never felt the need to try to reconcile all of the early Warhammer inconsistencies, so I've never really made use of any of it, and don't see a reason to start now.

@Boney does Mathilde retroactively laying the groundwork for Blood include telling the EIC so they can do their insider trading shtick?

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"I wonder how the canal is doing" is such good food for Ulgu-brain that Mathilde is demanding it back.

[X] [Blood] Empire (Canal linking the Urskoy and Lynsk)
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation
Don't get me wrong, I think Fooger may be right that Marienburg can definitely recoup its losses in the coming years, but my point is that the other Houses may think differently and someone might do something in panic to try to stop a project half a continent away.

Ships have a much greater carrying capacity than any land transportation in this setting, don't get tired and can keep traveling 24 hours a day, so they can cover a much greater distance provided that the places they wish to travel to are near water. It's absolutely worthwhile.
That is definitely a major risk yeah. The the canal will definitely set alarm bells off from the Marienburghers who just got through one canal crisis and now another one is starting up right away.

I was mostly trying to figure out what trading goods that Praag and Erengrad make that end up in the Empire through Marienburg, rather than Kislev City. I was thinking that most of the trade from Praag and Erengrad was mostly headed to Bretonnia and the Southern Realms, rather than the Empire. Thus it wouldn't make sense for a good chunk of it to be diverted through the canal. I was mostly thinking it would generate more trade overall, without cutting into Marienburg that much because a bunch of locations just opened up to each other. I had forgotten about the Ivory Road. Praag is at one end of the Ivory Road.

Of course that means that Erengrad has a lot of reasons to be nervous at the canal, because Praag can trade a lot of the Ivory Road goods to Kislev City and the Empire without going through it extremely easily. But a lot of that will be balanced out by easier trade with Kislev City and the rest of the Empire too. More so than with Marienburg. Interestingly one of Boris's allies, who knew that Boris was planning to remove his father, is a Boyar from Erengrad.

[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation
[X] [BLOOD] Empire (Canal linking the Urskoy and Lynsk)
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I want to see the reaction for the new canal at the old canal opening ceremony. Because the dawi will quickly realize they can now move ships and other things all the way north in relative safety for Malus anyway. But the empire merchants will also realize they can become a trade center for Dawi and other human countries. Followed by Estalia and Tilea realize they could trade relatively safe with Kislev. Marienburg will scream.
[X] [BLOOD] Empire (Canal linking the Urskoy and Lynsk)
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation
Canals. I'm glad someone thought about this.
[X] [BLOOD] Kislevite military aid in reclaiming the fallen Nexuses of the Forest of Shadows
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation
Of course, the question of 'you want who's army marching through here' and 'wait, how many cavalry in the middle of the forest' are good ones, but I support these.

Canals are great, but both as a matter of having been too close to ASOIAF canal madness and the fact that Kislev realllllly has better things to do with its spare manpower make me reluctant to vote for it.
As for fleet basin rights, those are probably good, but frankly involve a lot of messing around in Erengrad's backyard, which might cause a good number of problems.
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[X] [BLOOD] Empire (Canal linking the Urskoy and Lynsk)
[X] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation

It may be a bandwagon, but it's a sweet bandwagon. It has great suspension, and the horses pulling it are of Ulthuan stock.