Christ. I mean, and it's not like it's easy to pick a "deserving" winner, the guy who "deserves" to win based on righteousness... ... or based on grievance.
This is inextricably tied into history, and also political power-gathering and power-jockeying... on both sides. ((And that's if you were to ignore the "And also, this is highly religious" angle too. And ignore that "Also, Gods are pretty active here" factor too.)) And it's not like "people like to compete with each other, people like to advance themselves, and one of the ways to compete can be to pick a deserving target... but other ways to compete can be to try to out-compete or out-perform somebody else, or take from somebody else" is abnormal; it's the normal state of affairs! You can't stop that, any more than you can try to get people to stop being enthusiastic, or spirited, or ambitious, or pissed off about grudges, or a bunch of other motivations.
And then there's the fact that a ton of Nordlanders and Middenlanders, and a ton of Ulricans, are... just a bunch of people. Who believe in their Elector Counts, and believe in their religious leaders, and believe their religion, and also hold their bloodlines and history to be important. And who might feel slighted or might feel bold or jingoistic or who knows. Even aside from the people at the top who might be planning things, there are also people at the bottom who just... exist. And who probably feel strongly about everything. And who might be clamoring for some of this, too.
Somehow, some way, people will want to have it out and to settle things until they come to a status quo that they will agree with or will find acceptable. Who knows what that's going to look like. Or what it's going to take.
We can do some stuff to mess with that, but... I dunno if we even should, even if we were able to identify what outcome we 'wanted' to go for and then were able to identify 'how to get there?' too. We're working with Laurelorn, and working on Waystones, and we've got our own hands full with our stuff too.
God, I hope Chaos Cultists or Sigmarites don't throw any hand grenades into this mess too. It's not like Sigmarites would be entirely political actors if they were to do this, either. "Maintaining or trying to maintain peace and justice!" might even be a true and valid motivation for somebody who had been watching all this and wincing and going 'The Empire really does not need this right now...' And they might be working under unclear and uncertain knowledge, or being provoked or motivated by outside factors or outside meddlers too.
We've barely gotten a handle on Laurelorn's politics, or Laurelorn's politicking or outreach to the Druchii, either. And all those are directly(ish) relevant to us, given our work with Laurelorn.