A Penguin Flailing Against The Keyboard Of Life.
Engage with what though? All magic? Because that is literally Tzeench's domain. Any line we might choose to draw following an encounter with one of his daemons would be arbitrary and can be assumed to play into his hands as much as not drawing the line due to the future sight nonsense. As an example maybe that daemon was sent to scare us away from Liminal Real studies because continuing is what is going to give us the key to save the world. Tzeench specifically is a bad villain because he can be supremely powerful/knowledgeable due to his domains and supremely stupid due to the canonical habit of working against himself at the same time. Engaging with him is like engaging with the narrative equivalent of a Rorschach Test. What you put in is what you get.
That's only true for, like, in universe Tzeench, though.But why? It could have said those words with perfect insight of how Mathilde would react, with a plan, with multiple plans or with no plan, it could have said them at random just because it thought they were funny or anything in between and it would have been in accordance to how Tzeench is treated in canon.
Very specifically, nobody who actually writes Tzeentch happens to live in the universe where it hypothetically exists, though.
For all that immersion in fiction is the point, one shouldn't be so caught up in it that it limits their ability to engage with the medium as entertainment. The forces of Chaos can tempt people like normal demons tempt people if that would make for a better story, no matter what color they are.
They can give good rewards, and act pleasantly, and keep deals, if any of that would help them fulfill their ultimate purpose of being entertaining bad guys.
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