Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.

[X] Give them away...
- [X] To the Amber College

[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.

I have been convinced.

[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks, as leader of the Undumgi and point of contact for the Ulricans.

[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
This suggests a future catching up on your pre-existing study topics
Regarding the advisor position; I was initially against leading the Undumgi, but that was because I thought it would be instead of or in addition to being an advisor to Belegar. If being their leader is a position on the council, I actually find that quite interesting.
While there's a very strong possibility that scouting might avert disaster, the friends option will sit there till next round no problem.

It's something of a no-brainer. Why risk it?
I like that other guy's point, that we could instead trivially revote to shut out the snake juice vote and then we get scouting AND human interaction.
[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.

[X] Give them away...
- [X] To the Amber College

[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.

Really might as well combine the visits, we have time to go scouting later.
Regarding the advisor position; I was initially against leading the Undumgi, but that was because I thought it would be instead of or in addition to being an advisor to Belegar. If being their leader is a position on the council, I actually find that quite interesting.
It is fitting, since the Undumgi will be a very significant portion of the hold's population for the foreseeable future. Specially once the town starts drawing in more immigrants looking to be close to that silk road trade money and the guaranteed jobs fighting for the dwarves.
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I like that other guy's point, that we could instead trivially revote to shut out the snake juice vote and then we get scouting AND human interaction.
That is something I refuse to do, the Snake Juice has been sitting on the backburner for way too long. We are going into the empire anyway so I want to get all the things I want up there done so we can fully focus on K8P.
I thought that argument was a slam dunk for ressurecting Abel, but apparently the thread's common sense outweigh their shipping goggles...
They have no passion or romance in their souls, and that's sad. But at least we'll get to know what's up with that fucking snake juice.
That is something I refuse to do, the Snake Juice has been sitting on the backburner for way too long. We are going into the empire anyway so I want to get all the things I want up there done so we can fully focus on K8P.
Just saying, I'm willing to rewrite my vote to include scouting if one of theirs is willing to add talking to adoptive big bro
I like that other guy's point, that we could instead trivially revote to shut out the snake juice vote and then we get scouting AND human interaction.
A significant part of the point of doing both is that there is significant synergy between getting the snake juice and visiting our friends as we will be in Stirland packing things up for shipping. Logistically it makes much more sense to do both at the same time, even with Gyrocopters it's still several days travel to the empire.

On top of which most of us want the snake juice available so we can finally start research once normal turns resume.

EDIT: It also lets us prep the EIC and let them know about the incoming flood of rich people.
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So hey, here's a crazy thought:

The Wisdom's Asp is a daemon. Where does studying daemons land on the ol' Black Magister Chart o' Heresies? Is it at the 'studying necromancy' level, or is it more around the level of studying skaven technology?
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That is something I refuse to do, the Snake Juice has been sitting on the backburner for way too long. We are going into the empire anyway so I want to get all the things I want up there done so we can fully focus on K8P.

Thing is, Mathilde already has a vial of snake juice with her. If we want to experiment with it as soon as normal actions start up again, that's enough by itself. The Armory vote moves the entire mirror-trap over, but there's no rush or need to do that right away.
So hey, here's a crazy thought:

The Wisdom's Asp is a daemon. Where does studying daemons land on the old 'Black Magister' chart? Is it at the 'studying necromancy' level, or is it more around the level of studying skaven technology?
It's more about dhar specifically, I think. Amber mages often call on some warp dude named Corvus, lord of crows, apparently, but they aren't burned at the stake or anything.
Thing is, Mathilde already has a vial of snake juice with her. If we want to experiment with it as soon as normal actions start up again, that's enough by itself. The Armory vote moves the entire mirror-trap over, but there's no rush or need to do that right away.
On the contrary, I think that while a vial would work for the initial experiments we will still need to go up and grab the box to do any more. Also I am paranoid about leaving that thing unsupervised for too long and want to have it safely within a dwarven vault as soon as possible.
So hey, here's a crazy thought:

The Wisdom's Asp is a daemon. Where does studying daemons land on the old 'Black Magister' chart of heresies? Is it at the 'studying necromancy' level, or is it more around the level of studying skaven technology?

If we were studying Chaos Daemons that would be 'kill it with fire' levels of offense and rightly so. Studying non-Chaos warp denizens would just raise a few eyebrows. Reember Van Hall, the paranoid witch hunter was not only supportive, he told Mathilde to make it public in a paper.
[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.

[X] Give them away...
- [X] To the Amber College

[X] Speak with King Belegar and King Kazador about the relationships and apparent rifts between Dwarfholds.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks with foreign relations, as a Spymaster focused on threats outside the Karak.

[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks with its reconquest, as a Spymaster focused on threats within the Karak.

[X] Try to follow Johann, to see what he's getting up to.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks with its reconquest, as a Spymaster focused on threats within the Karak.

[X] Join Karak Azul as they raid and scout in force the other portions of the Karak.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks with its reconquest, as a battlefield wizard.

[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks, as leader of the Undumgi and point of contact for the Ulricans.

[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
This suggests a future catching up on your pre-existing study topics.

[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
This suggests a future in Stirland, whether Roswita likes it or not.

So hey, here's a crazy thought:

The Wisdom's Asp is a daemon. Where does studying daemons land on the old 'Black Magister' chart of heresies? Is it at the 'studying necromancy' level, or is it more around the level of studying skaven technology?

The same way all Magisters justify playing around with slightly refined Choas energy. That Magic isn't as simple as black or white and it's fine as long as your careful not to get seduced or manipulated by Chaos.

Warp is a 40k concept, not WHF.
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As is usual in Quests: If you want something, vote for it now. Ask the snakejuice faction just how long a thread can delay an action for things more 'important'.
We first got the '[ ] Qhaysh Juice:' action back in Turn 8 – 2473.5 which was posted Feb 7, 2018.
1307 pages, 75 updates and 20 months ago.
Still waiting…

You don't want to bottle up steam when it risks exploding into literal murdershadows.
Be fair, our murdershadow has proven a net benefit thus far.
On the contrary, I think that while a vial would work for the initial experiments we will still need to go up and grab the box to do any more. Also I am paranoid about leaving that thing unsupervised for too long and want to have it safely within a dwarven vault as soon as possible.

Maybe. We only needed two actions to complete research on the box of death swords. But that's the thing: The Armory action doesn't itself actually advance us towards researching the snake juice. We're not on a time limit like with scouting, and it has basically no social unlike visiting friends (or most of our actions). Even if we don't do the Armory action, we can still research snake juice on our very first turn. The Armory action will only help us if we roll bad and/or need to do multiple actions on the juice. Otherwise I think it's a waste of time. It isn't itself actually researching anything.

This turn, we socialized with some interesting characters, butted heads with academics, and did more science to the spider hivemind. The Armory action is, IMO, boring busywork. It's not nearly as interesting as our other leading votes and isn't actually necessary for anything we want to do.
Maybe. We only needed two actions to complete research on the box of death swords. But that's the thing: The Armory action doesn't itself actually advance us towards researching the snake juice. We're not on a time limit like with scouting, and it has basically no social unlike visiting friends (or most of our actions). Even if we don't do the Armory action, we can still research snake juice on our very first turn. The Armory action will only help us if we roll bad and/or need to do multiple actions on the juice. Otherwise I think it's a waste of time. It isn't itself actually researching anything.

This turn, we socialized with some interesting characters, butted heads with academics, and did more science to the spider hivemind. The Armory action is, IMO, boring busywork. It's not nearly as interesting as our other leading votes and isn't actually necessary for anything we want to do.
Except it sort of is, while we might be able to do the research with what small amount we have odds are such research will use up our supply. Meaning that if we want to be able to actually make use of said research we will need retrieve the Snake Box and the stockpile of juice that has been building up ever since we got it.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Sinsystems on Oct 1, 2019 at 3:51 PM, finished with 1034 posts and 223 votes.
So, I have both good news and bad.

Recall when we hoped to speak to influential people of status in the Empire, to boost our ambition to reach Lord Magister rank? So of the three Knightly Orders present, we spoke (spook?) to Ruprecht Wolfhart of the Winter Wolves.
Grand Master Sigwald Kriegersen
Knights of Taal's Fury - 250 Demigryph-mounted Knights, 500 footmen.
Knights of the Vengeful Sun - 250 Demigryph-mounted Knights, 500 footmen.

Grand Master Ruprecht Wulfhart
Winter Wolves - 250 Wolf Riders, 2000 dismounted knights.
10,000 Nordlanders
8,000 Ulricans
Now, unfortunately for our political ambitions, we picked the Grand Master Non Grata Ruprecht, who alone amongst the Knightly Orders isn't returning to the Empire.
Both Demigryph orders are heading back to the Empire, their order heads un-interacted with by us. Clearly they remain loyal, but...
The Winter Wolves will build their new chapterhouse at the top of the valley on the other side, they like it nice and cold and up a mountain is the only place you get that down here. The Ulricans are talking of making a home in the valley, under the theocratic authority of the Wolves
So, picture Ruprechts' reaction. We've just won a telling victory, his Order has shown their value to a potentially powerful ally in King Belegar, and he's contemplating a possible future alliance.

All in all, the expedition is having early success, and unlike his peers, he has no intention of returning to the Empire. Then, just as everything is looking up, a shadow lays itself upon his ambitions, his and his alone among the Grand Masters:
Finally, Ruprecht breaks the silence. "We remain loyal to Ulric and His Empire," he says carefully, "and not those that claim to speak in His name."

You do your best to keep your face neutral. "I've no doubt," you reply.
"How... how did she know?" :o:ninja:
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We first got the '[ ] Qhaysh Juice:' action back in Turn 8 – 2473.5 which was posted Feb 7, 2018.
1307 pages, 75 updates and 20 months ago.
Still waiting…

Be fair, our murdershadow has proven a net benefit thus far.

This quest has been on hiatus for 15 months. That time shouldn't be considered in any measurement of the voter's unwillingness to do something.
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So, I have both good news and bad.

Recall when we hoped to speak to influential people of status in the Empire, to boost our ambition to reach Lord Magister rank? So of the three Knightly Orders present, we spoke (spook?) to Ruprecht Wolfhart of the Winter Wolves.

Now, unfortunately for our political ambitions, we picked the Grand Master Non Grata Ruprecht, who alone amongst the Knightly Orders isn't returning to the Empire.
Both Demigryph orders are heading back to the Empire, their order heads un-interacted with by us. Clearly they remain loyal, but...

So, picture Ruprechts' reaction. We've just won a telling victory, his Order has shown their value to a potentially powerful ally in King Belegar, and he's contemplating a possible future alliance.

All in all, the expedition is having early success, and unlike his peers, he has no intention of returning to the Empire. Then, just as everything is looking up, a shadow lays itself upon his ambitions, his and his alone among the Grand Masters:

"How... how did she know?" :o:ninja:
Over in Knightly Order Quest the players are freaking out in a paranoia spiral about the Grey Wizard Assassin sticking around when they want nothing more than to get away from her.
Voting is open