Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'll be real with you guys, Dammerlichtreiter does not roll off the tongue at all. What are we supposed to call it when we're talking about it casually, cus I'm not calling it that. DLT? Dammer? Reiter? Licht? Josh?

[x] Josh

There is something charming about naming a terrifying shadow monster Josh.

And the spell something like 'help me Josh!'

Or, here me out…

One rider verson.

[x] Ed

Two rider version.

[] Ed and Edd

Three Rider version

[] Ed, Edd and Eddy
[X] Knightbringer
[X] Nightbringer

It's got the image of the Dammerlichreiter, it doesn't also need the name - to my mind making the reference in both parts weakens the feeling of Ulgu, it's too simple.
[X] Knightbringer
[x] Josh

Ya, honestly, Nightbrighter for the rider, and 'Knightbrighter' for the spell works.

It's not Mathy at her punnyness, but it's not her worst ether.
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