Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] [RIDER] Great Cat Knight
[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire (Mathilde's Heraldry)
[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Demigryph Knight

[X] [SEVIROSCOPE] Auditory
This time has passed. The current leading votes are The Dämmerlichtreiter, Great Cat, Mounted Wraiths, and Mist-shrouded Grey Wizard on a Shadowsteed.

Mathilde's face is in sixth place and has less than half the votes of the top two options. If you don't want cats, don't vote cats.
I had already changed.

So on a slightly different note, assuming we manage to get the Seviroscope working do you guys think this will earn Erngrim Dwarf favor? After all we did it as a joint project and he was the one who came up with some of the ideas, not to mention he might do some of the casting. I am mostly curious to see how Kragg would get used to the idea that not only is there one Umgi wizard who cam be of significant use in his work, but several. Not to mention that it would be a hell of a shift from what Erngrim is used to. Dwarf approval may shift like mountains, but it is real right down the the ground and it is fair compensation not some asshole stealing your credit. 'Oh that is why she is so into dwarfs'. :V
I think he'll look at Egrimm the same way he did the grandmaster blacksmith who made the sword: a useful beardling manling. We had to do a lot to earn respect from Kragg.
She is still an apprentice, I do not think she would get any as she is assumed to be an extension of her master until she is cut loose
I do think Eike will get a higher starting level of trust by being our apprentice. In the assumption that the apprentice follows the master and Mathilde is... Mathilde(?)

(I'm betting some dwarf is making up a new word to describe being Mathilde to the karaz ankor.)
When it comes to the Visual Seviroscope I'm having some trouble picturing how a Fake Intaligos is supposed to look, visually.

Is it something like a pinscreen? (or one for each different color of wind)

EDIT: found the image resize BBcode
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As has been said by others, they don't leave streets of trampled citizens because the streets get closed.

And you keep comparing them to animals, well you realize even the most well-trained animals can seemingly still randomly attack people right? I have a family member who trains dogs, K-9s to be exact, and they get hurt all the time. Even by their most well behaved dogs. Also just because something isn't an animals chosen prey, doesn't mean they don't attack other things, funnily enough seen by the times animals attack humans.

A 'trained' tiger is a still a tiger.

If you can deal with it by roping of a street, they clearly have enough self-control not to go out and indiscriminately kill people outside of that small area. If they do kill civilians, rather than just being less mono-focused on a single wizard, it's still something to build on in training. We'd need Boney to confirm if they do kill civilians.

Because if they did, a Rider in Red would be a near-apocalyptic threat. An entity that's invisible to regular people, can't be harmed by them and feeds on destructive magic could exterminate many villages and towns before it ran across a wizard with good enough martial skills to put it down.
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We had to do a lot to earn respect from Kragg.
Blast from the past.
To go more into Kragg the Grim: this is the guy that centuries-old Runepriests have given up trying to get information out of. The chances of you getting anything out of him are absolutely zero unless you grow a beard and single-handedly save a Dwarfhold from certain destruction.

And it has to be one of the major ones, not any of the Grey Mountain holds or anything.
Mathilde: "How about two?"
To give a bit more reasoning as to why I am voting Dämmerlichtreiter, it is not to make the spell more powerful, it is to potentially make it more safe. Mathilde knows that belief carves meaning into the world, she has seen it in the supernatural fear of the Winged Hussars invoke, though no priest or wizard cast that spell and she knows that some of the people of Stirland keep an effigy of the Dämmerlichtreiter close at hand as a protective charm. This feels a lot more... meaningful to me than just making its literal bindings (the form is the bindings) in a shape evocative of the god of freedom
It's for use by dwarven runesmiths, so they would vastly prefer something that gives them far more precise measurements. Most likely, they would consider it being immobile as expected, because it would be something they would set up in their workshops and leave in place for long projects, and most runesmiths would spend years on even single runes. If it does need to be moved, it can be carried about by a team of apprentices the same way an Anvil of Doom is carried.

And something that takes longer to make but gives more precise information would be the proper way to do things for dwarves.
[X] [RIDER] Mounted Wraiths
[X] [RIDER] Knight
-[X] Conventional Empire (Mathilde's Heraldry)
[X] [RIDER] The Dämmerlichtreiter
[X] [RIDER] Mathilde on a Shadowsteed

God, the fact that Mathilde has actually done that still blows my mind.

Boney: I'm going to make a hyperbolic statement to drive home how unlikely it is for this to ever happen
Mathilde: And I took that as a challenge.

Amusingly, she'd outperformed on the prerequisites, being declared legally a dwarf, saving one dwarfold and helping refound another, and still hasn't managed the really hard bit, which is getting Kragg to give up some of his secrets.

God, the fact that Mathilde has actually done that still blows my mind.

Boney: I'm going to make a hyperbolic statement to drive home how unlikely it is for this to ever happen
Mathilde: And I took that as a challenge.

Amusingly, she'd outperformed on the prerequisites, being declared legally a dwarf, saving one dwarfold and helping refound another, and still hasn't managed the really hard bit, which is getting Kragg to give up some of his secrets.

Bah, we are female we are allowed to have plaits, and we do have plaits!

Or Kragg is, sadly, sexist. Wouldn't have thought so though.
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I like the idea of playing up to the legend of The Dämmerlichtreiter. Stirland left its mark on Mathilde, but she also made a lasting impression on Stirland, and she does go back to the province regularly to check up on things / do a bit of vampire hunting.

[X] [RIDER] The Dämmerlichtreiter
[X] [RIDER] Mounted Wraiths.
I do honestly wonder what Kragg will think when we hand off the Seviroscope. Like, it's nothing momentous compared to the shit she's already done, but it's still a really thoughtful gift that would probably help with other projects he has besides and she clearly made it for him.
I do honestly wonder what Kragg will think when we hand off the Seviroscope. Like, it's nothing momentous compared to the shit she's already done, but it's still a really thoughtful gift that would probably help with other projects he has besides and she clearly made it for him.
I imagine there are a lot of dwarven craftsmen who try to get his eye by submitting their best chisels and picks and hammers for his consideration. Masterworks that any human workshop would sell their apprentices to examine, let alone acquire.

He'll evaluate the tool and use it as he sees fit.

We may even get an "adequate" out of it.
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I do honestly wonder what Kragg will think when we hand off the Seviroscope. Like, it's nothing momentous compared to the shit she's already done, but it's still a really thoughtful gift that would probably help with other projects he has besides and she clearly made it for him.
It's small in comparison to the nonsense Mathilde accomplishes, but this is a tool golden age runelords would have killed to own. Among the biggest problem with runes is the lack of ability to see how the runes interface with the winds of magic to accomplish their effects
When it comes to the Visual Seviroscope I'm having some trouble picturing how a Fake Intaligos is supposed to look, visually.

Is it something like a pinscreen? (or one for each different color of wind)

A fake intaglio is a series of flat stamps of different depths where if you stamp them all on a blob of wax in the right order it mostly looks like you pressed a proper three-dimensional signet ring into it. They're trying to figure out how to take magical photographs before regular photography exists so it's kind of a rough process, they have the basic idea of how to make a sort of single-Wind daguerreotype and then overlay eight of them to create a single image similar to something called chromoxylography, which also hasn't been invented yet (except in Cathay), or to project light through all of them at once like technicolour film.

If you can deal with it by roping of a street, they clearly have enough self-control not to go out and indiscriminately kill people outside of that small area. If they do kill civilians, rather than just being less mono-focused on a single wizard, it's still something to build on in training. We'd need Boney to confirm if they do kill civilians.

Because if they did, a Rider in Red would be a near-apocalyptic threat. An entity that's invisible to regular people, can't be harmed by them and feeds on destructive magic could exterminate many villages and towns before it ran across a wizard with good enough martial skills to put it down.

They don't go out of their way to kill people that aren't using the type of magic they're after, but they're still dangerous to be around because they have the physicality of a metric ton of flesh and bone and they don't give any sort of shit about collateral damage.
Voting is open