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And by writing I apparently mean 'messing around in paint'.

As you're all about to learn, I'm no artist, but I've taken a shot at a simple, stylized version of Mathilde's shield. If there's anyone out there willing and able to do better I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one to welcome it.

Snek is derp indeed on this shield.
Maybe make the snake a little bigger? Its a demon after all. And there is a lot of empty space on the shield.
I will see what i can do about the snake can't really do anything about the empty space without making the sword bigger which would annoy the heck out of me, because I have no chance of making it look right without cutting some of it off. I could try something fancy with the snake by making it bigger to solve the empty area, but it is probably beyond my abilities unless there is a image of what the thorned one looks like. Any ideas for the empty space
I will see what i can do about the snake can't really do anything about the empty space without making the sword bigger which would annoy the heck out of me, because I have no chance of making it look right without cutting some of it off. I could try something fancy with the snake by making it bigger to solve the empty area, but it is probably beyond my abilities unless there is a image of what the thorned one looks like. Any ideas for the empty space
Leave the empty space. Empty space is good. No need to fill it with clutter.

But I think you could make the sword "bigger" in perspective rather than image-size, by shortening the hilt and grip a little so that the blade looks longer by contrast. Good art, anyway!
Since we're on the topic of coats of arms, here's a humorous selection of RL ones from our Empire-parallel.

Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV: "I'm Duke of Bavaria as well as Emperor. So I'll use the Bavarian blue and white."

Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV: "I'm King of Bohemia as well as Emperor. I'll use the Bohemian lion."
Fashion Advisor: "My liege, have you ever seen a lion?"
Charles IV: "Well I know they don't wear crowns. But it's a symbolism thing."
Fashion Advisor: "It's, ah, not the crown that bugs me."

Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III: "I'm Archduke of Austria as well as Emperor. I'll use the Austrian stripe."

Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I: "I married the heir to the Duchy of Burgundy, go me. Let's put Burgundy on half the shield next to Austria."

Holy Roman Emperor Charles, Charles V of Habsburg and Charles I of Spain, Frankly It's A Miracle We Didn't Have Namespace Collisions Earlier, And King And Duke Of Various Other Places Too: "Wait. You can put multiple territories on your coat of arms?"
Fashion Advisor: "I don't like where this is going..."
Charles: "Put the Spanish one on there, and, hmm, since split shields are usually quarters, we can't settle for just three, right?. How about the Low Countries as a fourth?"
Fashion Advisor: "Charles. What are you doing. Charles."
Charles: "Oh, that's right, the Low Countries don't have a common flag. Well, let's recursively divide that part of the shield so we can include all their separate flags."
Fashion Advisor: "Stahp. Pls stahp."
Charles: "And to balance it out on the other side, we can split the Spanish bit into Castile and Aragon and Leon and Navarre."
Fashion Advisor: "This is going to be such a mess."
Charles: "Austria needs to get its representation bigger than the Spanish kingdoms, naturally. And one of my ancestors led a Crusade, so throw on Jerusalem..."
Fashion Advisor: "What have I done to deserve this?"
Charles: "Not gone on a Crusade, I suppose. Does Sicily count as separate from Spain? Eh, just put them all on there. Oh! And Hungary too, mustn't forget Hungary."
Fashion Advisor: "Your Majesty, this is a prime number of coats of arms, even with the double-sized Austria."
Charles: "Well then duplicate some of them until they fit. Squish one in at the bottom if you have to."
Fashion Advisor: "Your Majesty, between the multiple incorporations and the duplications, this coat of arms is going to have twelve lions!"
Charles: "That's good, right? More lions than anyone else, and twelve is a nice round number."
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Uncertain Loyalties - an Advisors Quest
Turn 7ish

I like it guess. Maybe its just the mechanics part that I don't understand but where's the joke?

If it was moved earlier then we would have an amazing piece on the counts reaction to his hot Spymaster in her under clothes.

If it was moved up we can have the players reaction to her competence in having solved basically everything that had to do with the league.

The way it is now just seems like filler to me. Sorry about that, it's just missing something interesting to make it awesome.
Tempting, but I've spent way too much effort cobbling together an Empire knighthood ceremony to have Ranald make you trip on a banana peel or something, so dice are entirely banned from the knighthood portion of the turn.

Take two make snake for a viper thought I would better I did attempt to work on sword be I can't visualize it correctly and just ended up with something that looked wrong so stuck with the same one.
To all nobles to whom these present letters shall come. Abelhelm Van Hal, Elector Count of Stirland, sends greetings. Whereas Mathilde Weber has shown excellence in her feats on the field of honour, rendering high and noble service to the Empire in war and in peace, I am minded to elevate her to the rank of Knight. We do hereby elevate and affirm the attached Arms by these Letters Patent, to wit: Sable, bend argent, sword argent bendwise inverted, base dexter serpent supine vert and or, which Dame Mathilde Weber shall hold for her sole and unique use throughout the Empire. To which I set my hands this 9th day of Brauzeit, 2473. Abelhelm Van Hal, Elector Count.
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Take two make snake for a viper thought I would better I did attempt to work on sword be I can't visualize it correctly and just ended up with something that looked wrong so stuck with the same one.
Do you think the snake would look a little better with a darker blue or purple color, if that is possible, since it was a shadow snake it' your call but it is great so far
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