You spend a frustrating amount of time bouncing between these two seemingly irreconcilable facts. Earthbound magic is everywhere, and to your senses it is plain as day that it retains the same neutrality of nature wherever it resides. You skim through volume after volume searching for some explanation for why the Elementalists would pin their whole profession on something so plainly untrue, and you overlook the key to it all time and time again because of institutional ego. Time and time again you find it repeated within the books that Elementalists should avoid magical clashes with wielders of the Winds, and time and time again you react to it with only a smile. It's only in a treatise of an exceptionally boring Elementalist that you find the usually unwritten assumption actually written: that while Earthbound magic resonates within the material elements, it resonates much more strongly with the Winds that it originally was.
Of course you cannot see the elemental resonance within Earthbound magic - just by being in the same room as it, you have reverted it to its original nature. No experiment performed by a College Wizard, or performed within a College laboratory, will ever see anything but the neutral state of Earthbound magic. Come to think of it, anywhere in Altdorf would be subject to the same disruption, as for almost two centuries it has been constantly awash with the Wind of the current Supreme Patriarch. It is something like if you concluded that snow was a myth because you performed all your studies of it in the summer.