Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
You know... If gods with authority over rivers can use the continuity of the river to send winds and dhar from one part of the river to another...

Can we invoke Taal to send winds and Dhar from one part of the sky to another?
Eh, settling on martial is basically wilfully choosing to stop work on what's pretty close to a core part of Mathilde to me. So it's pretty much something I will flat out never be okay with.

That said I'm fairly sure people will immediately change their minds the moment Mathilde gets in a fight where something almost beats her again martially.
Huh. Speaking of winds, Winds, and Gods... ... I wonder if part of Khesar's shtick -- and the way that Morghur can go "lol fuck you" to magic in his vicinity -- is related to his being a god of the desert winds? ((As well as being a, uh, walking motherlode of Dhar or Warpstone or whatever he is.)) Or, well, maybe Khesar/Kavzar had some ability to direct the Winds of Magic -- good for being a desert wind god in Nehekhara, with its flowers of magic... and also good if you can put that into a "direct Winds of Magic in a city or if you are in an orderly and grid-like place like some ancient cities were built to be like" shtick as a City-Father type deity. Or maybe it's not that he had some ability to direct winds of magic, so much as that since he was a wind-related god he sometimes got called upon to do something related to the Winds (or the Breath of the Gods) and so just got a bunch of experience doing so over time.
Eh, settling on martial is basically wilfully choosing to stop work on what's pretty close to a core part of Mathilde to me. So it's pretty much something I will flat out never be okay with.

That said I'm fairly sure people will immediately change their minds the moment Mathilde gets in a fight where something almost beats her again martially.
Settling on swording seems fine for now, any further improvement is likely to require some kind of insight gained through combat or a new trait or the like. Ranged combat though? We're still only at a +1 martial from our pistols, not even at the advanced level yet. That seems like something we could stand to improve... especially as we've got the ability to one-hand our sword in a close fight with some degree of skill. Being able to do that and then sneak out a pistol shot at close range seems pretty fancy to me... and might be useful as a step towards grandmastery in our own version of combat. Though being able to snipe someone out with a marksdwarf pistol also seems useful.
You can send the Dhar by spirit or by correspondence. The Winds don't need either. Bribing a river spirit to watch over the Winds when it's just been tested that they're a pain in the ass to intercept individually and attempts to scoop them all up with dhar can be prevented by existing conventional patrols makes it all much harder and more expensive for marginal improvement.

The Iron Orc thing was one price. The other price was having something functional to show. If you're at the point where you're talking about dotting Bretonnia with brand-new Waystones you're not at the point where you need to do favours to bring them to the table, you're at the point where you decide what concessions you're going to wring out of them in exchange for permanently improving their entire country in literally every way.

It's something that will be picked back up if the thread votes to do something along the lines of 'try to negotiate with (Ogres/Cathay) for a reliable source of Titan-metal'.

There's no point to deploying this to the entire Empire. Most of the Empire still has the original Waystones. The purpose of this Project is to plug the gaps that have formed in the thousands of years of neglect, not to replace the entire network from scratch. The menhirs are scalable enough for that purpose.

The Pancollegiate Fascis is Mathilde's prototype. The impractical one didn't even make the list or get a name.

Well then.

[ ] Try to negotiate with Ogres for a reliable source of Titan-metal
So Waystone gold is apparently the work of Skytitans, either that or judging by the statement the Elves got it from past the Gate of Calith it's from Nippon or Cathay.

Possibly that's simply the best route for the elves to get it from, the Cathayans collecting it from the former Skytitan lands then selling it. Or they might have worked out how to make it.
The Hedgewise contribution is a leather pouch full of river stones with various patterns of dots carved into them, to be piled up on the site and a salmon or trout killed atop the pile every week.
@Boney How many piles per stretch of river? Also can the salmon or trout be eaten after it has been killed.
Like maybe we create some cook pots at all the stone piles.
So Waystone gold is apparently the work of Skytitans, either that or judging by the statement the Elves got it from past the Gate of Calith it's from Nippon or Cathay.

Possibly that's simply the best route for the elves to get it from, the Cathayans collecting it from the former Skytitan lands then selling it. Or they might have worked out how to make it.

Or the only people who know how to make it presently are in Nipon and Cathay, that is not the same thing as it being from there. We do not know what the Old Ones supply chains look like, but we can be pretty sure they did not rely on any human nations, indeed any nations as we know them today.
Mathilde did mention the shadow warriors from ulthuan during the swording turn. Given our style so far is a mix of all other style, further big sword improvement may lay behind learning some elven tricks, for a more mixed sword style. Then the Lizardmen swordstyle after that, how hard can it be to get Kroq-Gar to teach us
So next turn, we got great results this turn so i feel it's perfectly ok to tune it down a bit with the waystones. Personal adventure and research seems to me the most fun to have. So bretonnia (still actually helping with the waystones ) apparations, maybe the nut. Maybe the Kurgan shrine or weapons.
So Waystone gold is apparently the work of Skytitans, either that or judging by the statement the Elves got it from past the Gate of Calith it's from Nippon or Cathay.

Possibly that's simply the best route for the elves to get it from, the Cathayans collecting it from the former Skytitan lands then selling it. Or they might have worked out how to make it.

I think that the Sky Titans were alive and well when the Waystones were built.
Well then.

[ ] Try to negotiate with Ogres for a reliable source of Titan-metal
Ogres and reliable don't belong in the same sentence. We can likely negotiate with ogres for Titan-metal. We cannot ensure the ogre tribe we negotiate with exist longer than a week or actually bothers to follow through the moment they get hungry and go looking for food.

So next turn, we got great results this turn so i feel it's perfectly ok to tune it down a bit with the waystones. Personal adventure and research seems to me the most fun to have. So bretonnia (still actually helping with the waystones ) apparations, maybe the nut. Maybe the Kurgan shrine or weapons.
We should cash in on that elfcation.
The mechanics don't reflect every single facet of every capability Mathilde has, nor are they intended to. Look to the narrative to carry the narrative weight, it's what it's there for.

Fair. I think my feeling is mostly caused by the mechanics being the only thing that is here right now as capstone for this much-anticipated project.

I would actually love social actions that involve Mathilde testing her mettle. Could feature Asarnil or just be some fun worldbuilding about dueling her way through high-society.
Martial: 16+1+1+1+2+2=23 - You're no longer just a wizard that can wave a sword - you have become a warrior in your own right.
Greatsword, Advanced: You have married the techniques of the Empire's Greatswords as taught by the Champion of Stirland to that of the Dwarven witch-hunter group, the Order of the Guardians. +3 Martial
Greatsword, Master (3*/4)

Martial: 17+2+2+1+1+1+1=25 - You're passed the point of 'for a wizard'. You're skilled at combat by the standards of professional warriors.

Though amazingly, Mathilde's martial is still one less than Egrimm's Martial of 26... and I suspect his comes in primarily through attack magics rather than swording.

That guy is a combat monster.
Ogres and reliable don't belong in the same sentence. We can likely negotiate with ogres for Titan-metal. We cannot ensure the ogre tribe we negotiate with exist longer than a week or actually bothers to follow through the moment they get hungry and go looking for food.

We should cash in on that elfcation.
Hmmm i do like elfcation but that would probably eat up 4 action slots (3 for the 99 days and a Fourth for traveling) and we are running very low on "things to write papers about)
I wonder if the 'skytitin metal' in the waystone gold is Pinchbeck, rather than what the skytitins used for iron/steal, and the bits found on their weapons was the decorative bits.

Pichbeck kind of falls under the type of metal that is 'near-impossible to make until tech levels make it trivial to make' area.

Advanced civilisation (skytitins/Golden age elves/dwarfs): oh, that stuff, easy, mostly use it as cheap decoration/fake gold.

current levels of tech in setting: what the hell is this stuff?
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Though amazingly, Mathilde's martial is still one less than Egrimm's Martial of 26... and I suspect his comes in primarily through attack magics rather than swording.

That guy is a combat monster.
He did poke a hole through greater daemon.
I wonder if the 'skytitin metal' in the waystone gold is Pinchbeck, rather than what the skytitins used for iron/steal, and the bits found on their weapons was the decorative bits.

Pichbeck kind of falls under the type of metal that is 'near-impossible to make until tech levels make it trivial to make' area.

Advanced civilisation (skytitins/Golden age elves/dwarfs): oh, that stuff, easy, mostly use it as cheap decoration/fake gold.

current levels if tech in setting: what the hell is this stuff?
It would infuriate me to no end if the only way to actually shore up new waystones would be gated behind metal that noone knows how to make anymore, but thankfully magic and runes are here to save the day. Hopefully. Its entirely possible that the components have to be put in that specific way to make the whole thing work.

So next turn, we got great results this turn so i feel it's perfectly ok to tune it down a bit with the waystones. Personal adventure and research seems to me the most fun to have. So bretonnia (still actually helping with the waystones ) apparations, maybe the nut. Maybe the Kurgan shrine or weapons.
We are nearing the point where we can just actually make Bretonnians pay us to get to join. Why would we do the Orcs?

Elfcation or just continue with waystones, so that we at least know we can make the mid tier ones before we try to move on to nexuses.
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