I like to see it as some sort of pavlovian training. Most children (according to my experiences/knowledge) dont like any of those flavours and avoid them. So they are mostly aquired tastes. Once Ive consumed something enough times telling myself its something good or making my body happy by providing sustenance without experiencing negative repercussions my perception of the taste changes. Which taste and why exactly, now thats dependent on culture, location and availability. Taking bitter as example, weve got bear (or alcohol in general) which is the major intoxicant for most of humanity, whose recreational consumption is at least somewhat expected in central europe. So here its a combination of a positivly connotated context, cultural expectations and fun. A more general and maybe better example is coffee. Same bitter taste, recreational use and a performance enhancing drug. With experience you associate the taste with different experiences changing the meaning.
I like the idea of focusing the EIC effort into one direction instead of haphazardly doing whatever takes our fancy every single turn. I dont think the Laurelorn trade is the best direction it could be taken. The EIC is situated in the southeastern Empire and southern Karaz Ankor, Laurelorn in the northwestern Empire. They have no local connections, the distances are large and mostly over land through forests or absurdly large through Marienburg or Barak Varr. I dont know what the EIC would want from them, but at a guess the biggest things would be luxury wares and magic stuff. Both things whose target market isnt in the usual regions the EIC operates in. The reverse holds true as well. To my knowledge the EIC doesnt trade in anything the elves need that cant be traded with someone closer. Id say let the Thorek set up some trade deals, maybe facilitate trade with Nordland (making it more unprofitable for them to let relations deteriorate), but keep the EIC out of it.
The three directions Id like to take with the EIC are Imperial Spynetwork, Southern Trade or Eastern Trade.
Imperial Spynetwork meaning to expand interprovince trade in the Empire with the end goal of at least a minor presence in each province and expanding the information gathering, processing and distribution capabilities of the EIC. Maybe even build a business on alway being the first to know of a new opportunity to make it pay for itself
Southern trade meaning to expand trade with the dwarves in general and Barak Varr and Karak Eight Peaks especially. Goals being to make more money through more volume of trade, getting more superior dwarven goods and possibly military equipment into the empire (and maybe providing an incentive to ramp up production or getting access to knowhow like the repeater factory). Using trade and money to support the positions of Barak Varr, Karak Eight Peaks and the new expansion settlement they are trying to set up. Being even more in position to use the opportunities provided by the canas that are being set up
Eastern Trade would be the most risky, but potentially most profitable and/or interesting. As I see it the EIC is in a premier position to cut out a lot of middleman for caravans trying to reach Ind or Cathay, staged from Karak Eight Peaks and maybe Mount Silverspear once its retaken. Would need a little bit of preparation and maybe some financial and/or logistical support for the planned reclamation to generate goodwill in Karaz a Karak, would be risky, but could generate a lot of profit, information and the possibility to access rarer goods that normal caravans wouldnt consider (BOOKS!
