Not caught up but have to post because of how ridiculous I find several of the arguments so far.
1) Don't simplify aspects to a general and binding rule of "Don't tell people, ever."!
2) No, you are not automatically dooming everything by telling dwarves that their ancient enemies did something *grasp*
3) It is
incredibly patronizing to treat someone close to
fifty times her age or even their entire
race as children who will throw a temper tantrum and/or kill the messenger of some disliked news.
4) The fact that Mathilde does not know the strategic and theological implications of an event is an argument
for telling the people who
would know, not against it.
5) Ranald is not some super-hated deity worship of whom will turn everyone against you.
Extra points:
Ranald is NOT THE GOD OF (always keeping) SECRETS.
I don't get why this misconception is so persistent. Quoting from the lexicanum: He is a "charming and rogueish thief" "driven by his irrepressible sense of humour" who likes "humiliating pompous and imperious merchants". Making his exploits public is not a downside or somehow a huge betrayal of his core tenants. It's the opposite, if anything. Get away with tweaking the nose of some bigshot, then make the humiliation as public as possible.
"Need to know" means
telling people who need to know.
I have seen the phrase thrown out several times as a blanket argument for not telling them, which is absolutely ridiculous. The very
point of the discussion is finding out
who needs to know. Saying that the info being "need to know" means we don't tell the dwarves already requires the pre-supposition that these two don't need to know. It's putting the carriage before the horse.
Mathilde being possessed will not make the reputation of all wizards plummet.
Everyone already knows that gods can directly influence people. The fact that a god could channel their power through her to do
what she wanted to do anyway is not some big gotcha. Duh, if you act on behalf of a god in a nexus of their power and they care enough they can act through you. That's not a big relevation. The only somewhat interesting point is that you don't have to be a worshiper of that god for this, but when will that even come up? Even if it does, they are just strengthening what you are already trying to do, so who cares? (I do, this has very interesting theological implications. I just don't think it's a bad thing.)
It's impossible to tame an arcane mark, they are part of the bearer's soul.
Pretty sure we already had trying to gain more control of the shadow as a choice.
I can't imagine how it would be relevant to be honest. What are they suposed to do, send a letter to their mad kin to stop with the sorcerous experimentation?
Finding out that Black Orcs are not fully integrated into the greenskin pantheon/worship might have wide-ranging implication. For example, this might lead to religious schisms and them killing each other… kind of like what happened here.
Grey Wizard of Ranald who Couldn't Spit It Out for the one guy she was interested in. Unless Mathilde plans on giving Kazrina competition, she should keep her mouth shut.
What does not confessing her crush to her boss have to do with withholding strategic information?
are you really saying he is a closer friend then Anton?
Why would they be required to be friends to talk to each other!?
The very concept of need to know is something people can't stand
As said above, the question of who "needs to know" is at issue. It is not an argument for either side.
it's in the dwarves best interests not to know about the origin of the black orcs
That is extremely patronizing, especially for someone who has no chance of even fully understanding what has happened, much less the consequences.
No, she isn't; she's being loyal to her god. Her loyalty to her god comes before any loyalty to the dwarves.
These loyalties are not mutually exclusive.
@BoneyM even directly said that this was Mathilde's choice and not Ranald's.
there is also the real chance of getting something like [-20 Ranald's annoyance] for breaking the core tenet of don't tell non-Ranaldites you're a Ranaldite to tattle on his latest hist.
There is no such core tenet. Another quote from the lexicanum: "Ranald is widely and openly worshipped".