Page 123 of the 2E Core Rulebook for WFRP has a poison named Manticore Spoor:
"Manticore Spoor (Average): Harvested from Manticore dung, this poison is lethal, but has soporific side-effects. The first hit made by a weapon smeared with Manticore spoor that also deals damage, requires the victim to succeed a Challenging (–10%) Will Power Test or fall asleep. If the victim fails this test, not only does he slip into a dreamless slumber, he must also succeed a Hard (–20%) Toughness Test. If he fails this test too, he dies."
Manticores have all sorts of interesting anatomical oddities. Warriors of Chaos 8th Edition page 29 says that "no two Manticores are alike. Some have manes of writhing serpents, some have iron hard scales, and many have spiked tails containing a poison capable of boiling a man's blood inside their body". There are a few different upgrade options you can take for them despending on if you're playing Chaos or Dark Elves. There's also a mention in End Times of Manticores having multiple hearts. There's a lot going on there.
I have to say though, of all the poison ingredients to give Panoramia, Manticore dung would have to be one of the ones I'd be less enthusiastic about. "Hey, we've been dating for three years, so I thought I'd bring a present. I gathered this poisonous dung for you to concoct something from if you want. Have fun."