I am personally happy to not give the Asrai the benefit of the dought.
not because they are elves or any other race/ethic/sex/etc context that people are trying to throw around. (I like the Enoir thank you very much.)
Its because they have a well-known history of being dicks for the lols of it.
The high elves have dick moments, but they also have a lot of doing good for the sake of it moments as well and generally try to do what's good for the world when the chips are down.
The enoir honestly just wanted to be left alone, if anything the humans have been the dicks in that relationship.
The Asrai do shit like go on hunting trips of sentiment people because they feel like it.
they do shit like kill everyone in a white flag envoy.
they do shit like take soldiers that have surrendered in battle to either be killed and fed to the woods or promised that they can go as long as they win this ritual fight against someone they know the soldier cant beat and then kill them as slowly as possible 1000 cuts style.
they are not liked by the other 'order' nations because they have repeatably and gleefully broken the rules of engagement (treat prisoners well, dont attack a white flag, fight battles-not hit and run on none combatant villages, etc etc) that all the others 'Asur, Dwarfs, Empire, Kislav, Kightland etc' respect in a way that only the 'bad' groups do more often.
now, that's not to say that none of the above hasn't done so, Asur are implied or out right stated to practice slavery, many Kightlanders mistreated non-noble combatants, empire attacking villages, dwarfs don't really have a concept of 'mercy' or not ok targets etc etc. (The Enoir are the only ones that have technically never broken engagement edict, tho I think no one would say their clearing of the villages from their, by treaty, land as not a yikes moment.)
But those are the exceptions and are considered bad moments in their history, The Asrai do it quite regularly and are often very smug about how they 'outsmarted' the silly humans/dwarf/other elves.
So no, I don't feel the need to offer parlay to a group that regularly abuses such concepts when they don't ignore them altogether.
the Asrai are not the good guys, they are at their best the neutral guys.
even at the absolute best interpretation of their current actions, that, somehow, they have only killed vampires and their willing agents, they still took a warhost to the otherside of the world to pick a fight instead of contacting Kislav and going, 'yo, I've got a problem with that guy, lets talk before we go to arms... oh, and did you know he is a vampire?'
they are dicks, because they have chosen to be dicks.