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Oof. Crappy rolls for Mathilde here. Good thing Johann was around to pick up the slack.

"Not Bechafen, then." You close your eyes as you try to dredge up maps you haven't closely studied recently. But Kislev being Kislev, there's not a huge amount of landmarks that it could be. "Kislev City."

Johann frowns at you. "I thought they were on board with the waystones?"

"So did I. The Tsarevich told me himself the Kislev City nexus, below the Bokha Palace, was active."

"So why's there nothing coming in from Kislev?"

"Good question."
Hmmm... the trouble supposedly crosses over to Kislev at times, right? Methinks there's an intermediate waystone somewhere between Bechafen and Kislev that is either shut off or being siphoned by something.
So, local creepy forest is feeding on the waystone stuff from Kislev to feed some big and spooky plan, correct?
Probably ask Laurelorn for help, and if we are framing it as "help Queen get another friendly Elector Count", it naturally follows that we should talk to the Elector Count to maximize the angle.
I think we should go for the Warden of the Storms, she is an advocate of human interactions and she is both older than the queen and less tangled up in elf politics. We need someone who can speak fey... wild fey of the sort no elf has spoken to an elf in an age of the world. I think the Stormwitch is best of that.
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What option would "Hag Witches" fall under? It's literally their thing, and partially their territory. Tsarevich Bokha? If so, we can also check the waystone anomaly on the way.

Also, those rolls lmao.
Johann really helped us out here. Let's get him a puppy.
[Mathilde's insight: Learning, 2+29=31.]
[Johann's insight: Learning, 57+18+10(Guest of Tor Lithanel)=85.]
[Mathilde's Magesight: Learning, 5+29+10(Windsage)=44.]
[Johann's Magesight: Learning, 72+18+15(Magnetoreception)=105.]
Mathilde really didn't bring her A game to this, huh. Maybe it's the low quality ale throwing her off.

I have no idea who we should talk with about this, or what 'this' even is. The Stormwitch is an interesting choice - it feels to me as though she's the least obviously qualified of the Eonir allies, but she's also the only one we're not going to work with and get to know anyway so this could be a way to scout a new potential ally for the Waystone project.
@Boney Thank you for the update. It's been delightful and I can't wait to pick it apart when I get back home.

For the moment I would like people to consider that perhaps there is something in Kislev that might be feeding on the Waystone's energy. Something that fuels the power of the "Motherland" and frm which the Ice Witches would benefit from keeping directed to it.

I'm implying the Ancient Widow is eating the energy to keep Kislev safe and fuel the Ice Witches. It's a possibility.
That's some poor rolls from Mathilde, good thing Johann was here.

I'm thinking Morrites.
Or possible Cadaeth.
Though i am intrigued by the stormwitch.
And getting a recommendation from Queen Marrisith might be useful.
What option would "Hag witches" fall under? It's literally their thing, and partially their territory. Tsarevich Bokha? If so, we can also check the waystone anomaly on the way.

We would not even know where to find a hag witch. Our best bet would probably be to talk to the Tsarevich, but even so the wheels of political power are likely to struggle to find what is basically witches in the woods who intentionally seek solitude of the wilds.
You nod. Forest Spirits, then. And not the arch and underdressed kind you get in Laurelorn, the kind that live in the darkest and deepest corners of the most sinister forests and water the roots of trees with the blood of men and beasts and plot vengeance upon anything that dares disturb what they see as the balance of nature
To be fair Mathilde, I'm pretty sure that kind doesn't wear clothes either.
We would not even know where to find a hag witch. Our best bet would probably be to talk to the Tsarevich, but even so the wheels of political power are likely to struggle to find what is basically witches in the woods who intentionally seek solitude of the wilds.
This option has been blaring Hag Witch from the beginning:
[ ] The Ostermark Hedgewise
The Hedgewise of Ostermark are a matriarchal mystery cult with ties to the Hag Witches of Kislev, and many of them are part of Kurtis Krammovitch's extended family. They have eyes and ears in the odd nooks and crannies of Ostermark, and are likely to know more of what's going on here than anyone with official authority. But they are unsanctioned magic-users, and dealing with them might be problematic.
Someone who knows something about the Hedgewise, is there reason to think they would be able to help with forest spirits? Otherwise I'm thinking the Stormwitch. But if we can get a meeting with the Hedgewise out of this it would be better.
For the moment I would like people to consider that perhaps there is something in Kislev that might be feeding on the Waystone's energy. Something that fuels the power of the "Motherland" and frm which the Ice Witches would benefit from keeping directed to it.

I'm implying the Ancient Widow is eating the energy to keep Kislev safe and fuel the Ice Witches. It's a possibility.
Or the waystone was damaged 180 years ago and no one noticed.
Or the connection is clogged, resulting in the energy pooling there... leading to a buildup of bad juju...
Mathilde doesn't really have an in with them, but the Tsarevich, the Ice Witches, and the Hedgewise might be able to bring them in.


I think then going to Bokha is a good option. Just also check beforehand if the forest anomaly extends to Kislevite territory. If it doesn't, it's an interesting point for investigation, but makes seeking help from them asking for a big favor instead of proposing cooperation.
[ ] Elector Count Wolfram Hertwig

Gives us a ton of resources, but makes this "official". Might be best to rope him in when we have a solution—elector counts love it when you say "you have a problem, I have a solution".

[ ] League of Ostermark

A lot of resources, but they may see us as a trade rival and attempt to keep their secrets/monopoly from us also.

[ ] Morrite Witch Hunters

Probably only know the same things the longshanks know.

[ ] The Ostermark Hedgewise

These guys are right in the thick of it, we have a foot in the door with them, and we might want them for waystones. Problem is that they are quite decentralised and might not actually know much themselves, as well as being highly illegal.

[ ] Tsarevich Boris Bokha

He has a lot of power, a lot of connections, and is on the other side of the border. Problem, he's on the other side of the border, and may make the politics... complicated.

Probably the same results as the Hedgewise, I'd guess?

Lets not—we barely know this territory and the people within, and we rolled really badly this turn.

[ ] Queen Marrisith's suggestion

Politics again, and this one would tie Ostermark into the Nordland/Middenland thing. Ostermark worships both Ulric and Sigmar, so that could get messy.

[ ] Vicereine Cadaeth

How do you fight a creepy forest? With a sexy one.

[ ] Lady Kaia 'Stormwitch' Fanmaris

We know almost nothing about this person, and I'm tempted just for the novelty alone.

Very powerful, very eccentric. Would be interesting to see them in action before the waystone project begins.
Someone who knows something about the Hedgewise, is there reason to think they would be able to help with forest spirits? Otherwise I'm thinking the Stormwitch. But if we can get a meeting with the Hedgewise out of this it would be better.
Their lore is about the Hedge and Spirits. Several of their spells let them interact with spirits. More modern spells allow them to make pacts with them.

On another note:
You nod. Forest Spirits, then. And not the arch and underdressed kind you get in Laurelorn
I wanted to make sure what arch meant in this case. The first definition I got was curved symmetrical shape and I assumed Mathilde was referring to Cadaeth's curves. Then I saw the second definition and knew she meant the other one, teasing/playful. My mind lays in the gutter.
Or the waystone was damaged 180 years ago and no one noticed.
Or the connection is clogged, resulting in the energy pooling there... leading to a buildup of bad juju...
I suggested it as a possibility, not the one true answer. I understand there is a need to refute people's theories as soon as they come up because the assumption is that if someone posts an idea then they believe it to be the 100% truth, but sometimes people just be posting possibilities, not scientific journals.
How about going for a write in? Specifically, House Tindomiel.
They're the house that worships the Goddesss of magic, so they'll likely have some insight into magical matters, and we know that there's something going on with the Waystones here. If we ask house Tindomiel for help we can gauge how much knowledge they have about Waystones, which will give us an idea as to how useful to the Waystone project they could be.
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