The comparison doesn't hold. The Unfleshed were transformed humans who retained memories of their previous lives, and weren't soul-bound to a warp entity beyond passive corruption for being on a daemon-world. Trying to redeem a Skaven would be much, much more difficult due to said soulbond and their alien psychology predisposing them to a laundry list of bad shit.While this assessment does come from a reasonable place, I do believe that it may in fact be an overestimation of the difficulty.
In 40k, some Chaos guys created the Daemonculaba, which were mutilated, mutated women and made to birth live Chaos Space Marines. Some of those born in this way were born mutated, disfigured and without skin, called the Unfleshed, and were flushed through the sewer systems to die. Some however survived, and not only did they survive, they weren't evil and worshipped the Emperor. Also all this was happening on a Daemon World.
So yeah. Chaos mutants born through Chaos sorcery on a daemon world, yet were Emperor-worshippers and good people. If we took a skaven baby and grew it right with Order gods in mind, that might all that'd be needed to take it away from Chaos.
EDIT: "For little gain" is probably correct though. Very few skaven actually have the potential to be heroes and such, while most are just slave stock and the like, and skaven have very short lifespans no matter what. Just not worth it.
EDIT2: Shallya would love us for it though.
Agreed. At that point you are basically creating a new species out of the Nazi-rats.No, it's not actually possible, because Skaven are still a beastman strain.
Beastmen literally, actually, genuinely cannot coexist with anything more complicated than roving marauder gangs. Skaven barely function because they've got their god riding shotgun, and you see that aggression being taken out with their incredible infighting and tendency to kill each other more than anyone else can kill them. It's not a matter of upbringing, it's not a matter of nurture. They are engineered to be monsters by laughing gods.
It's to the point where the Skaven literally weaponize this, the most deadly spell they know does one thing--it turns a bunch of people into Skaven. Those Skaven instantly and without hesitation turn on what was once friends and comrades, and then join the rest of the rat horde.
40K can allow the maximum tragedy thing, because the scale of 40K is such that the exceptions are literally irrelevant, they exist merely to grind the boot in further. Fantasy breaks down if you do that because it's ultimately a heroic fantasy--if one in the vein of the Elric stories.
The effort needed to pull away even the smallest portion from the Horned Rat's interference would be enough that if you can do this, you could spend it doing something else instead, and then it probably dies out because the Skaven cannot function as a species without their monstrosity.
By the time you've carved away everything that makes the Skaven wicked... You don't really have Skaven anymore.