Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
The nature and plots of Divinity, and Mathilde's broader efforts towards deepening her understanding of the metaphysics of the world, are two of the most engaging parts of this quest for me. Truth takes a great stride forward for both of those. I will be very disappointed if it loses.

[X] Truth
You didn't actually say why you thought that would change the risk evaluation. Do you think the major gods are more likely to notice?

Possible- they have more power. Or not- the minor gods have fewer places and artifacts too split their attention between.

Do you think one minor gods could discover us while the major gods still have no idea? Possible, but no way to judge.

So I don't actually think your approach reduces our risks.

So... Why isn't this knowledge shared already? Being able to identify cultists on sight and track down chaos gods masquerading as legit gods would immediately cripple chaos cults everywhere. So why are the order gods keeping this a secret?

I've said before I think that this information opens the gods up to new threats, but I'm open to other suggestions if people think they know why this very, very useful information is kept secret.
I don't have a clue. No one knows right now. That is part of the problem- gods are really not that open about how they work. But hey, there are a lot of minor gods of varying power around , and we could just make some test runs. See what happens. Make observations. Make theories. Test them. Then, when that process is finished to our satisfaction we have a conclusion and act with that information. As long as we aren't as sure as we like to be we don't have to take a big risk.
You know, with all this, something comes to mind.

The Winds of Magic are 'New' as far as Magic goes--in its natural state, it's either what we've seen in the Aethyric Vitae or horribly corrosive megatoxins. But the moment it makes contact with the world it initially splits into the Eight Winds, only stagnating if it's locked up in one place or if they're forced to mix.

And now we've just established that you can create a Wind by exposing 'Pure' Vitae to any of the Winds. We've also established too that when expose to divine power, it... Converts into a duplicate of that divine power.

We also know that some of the northerners worship the Eight Winds as Gods in their own right.

I almost wonder... Is the 'Real' truth behind "Wind Magic" that the Old Ones effectively created eight lobotomized, artifical 'Gods' that 'Type' any Magic that enters the world to one of their forms? Godly Power tends to have an 'Intent' behind it which renders it more stable but limits what you can do with it, but the Winds are different in that they have mindsets they prefer, but otherwise don't care how they're used as long as you don't gather too much of it in one place (At which point it starts acting out--possibly in an attempt to restore balance?)

And thus, Teclisian theory doesn't actually recognize the Gods as distinct in their own right from Magic, because 'Well gosh that goes without saying', it's just that humans are weird in that they discovered Divine Magic with specific Gods first, with the implication that Miracles are a thing given by a small handful to be used in certain ways in exchange for furthering that Gods' agenda in the material world.

I dunno! It is a mystery, but I'm still figuring out which side of the scale I want to come down on.
Well if nothing odd happens with the altar we go for the gods no one gives a damn about, like Gundred and Diet Slaanesh whose name I forgot, I can't really tell you how step 300 will look like before we took step 1
I'm not asking about step 300 in the plan. My concern about getting caught messing with the divine and the blowback on the college has only been addressed with "that's not a problem right now".
[X] Truth

I was a close one, but ultimately I talked myself away from Faith, because Truth just seems to have such potential for excitement.

Also, Mathilde having to spend more time on lying about how she figured out her discoveries than actually discovering them for her paper because she's got some many sources of forbidden knowledge just amuses me. (QM of Mathilde RPG: Why did you take Drawback: Forbidden Knowledge three times?)
It's good she's got a whole library to serve as justification now.
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I'm not asking about step 300 in the plan. My concern about getting caught messing with the divine and the blowback on the college has only been addressed with "that's not a problem right now".

That is because it is not a problem right now, we are not planning to make a run on the flame of Ulric next turn. We take it slow and systematic as a study is supposed to and we do the best to minimize the risks and if we judge some too risky, as I would indeed judge say Sigmar at the moment, then we avoid them.
I picked faith, for a few reasons, but first is that it doesn't actually preclude doing this again. it's just that doing it again would seem to imply needing to have Ranald as a collaborator.

And if he thinks it's a terrible idea, maybe he's right.
But if he's delighted, then the "war on secrecy" will have a potent ally.
I don't have a clue. No one knows right now. That is part of the problem- gods are really not that open about how they work. But hey, there are a lot of minor gods of varying power around , and we could just make some test runs. See what happens. Make observations. Make theories. Test them. Then, when that process is finished to our satisfaction we have a conclusion and act with that information. As long as we aren't as sure as we like to be we don't have to take a big risk.

How is the risk of a minor god finding out different than a major god finding out?

That's the assumption I'm questioning. That there are low-risk gods we can identify before we start experimenting.
…Hey, random question, but what was the record for voters again? Because it hasn't even been twelve hours and we already have over 300.
Y'all want a plan for what we'll do if Mathilde? I'll give y'all a plan for what we'll do if Mathilde gets caught!

Kick the problem upstairs.

The thing to keep in mind is that this? This is all legal. Mathilde has broken no laws of the Imperium and have kept to both the letter and the spirit of the articles. This is quite possibly the least legally ambigious vote we've had in the thread's history! You can even see this in the arguments that people use. The vote is neck and neck enough that if there was a finger to point at Truth legally speaking, the Faith faction would hammer it like a Sigmarite hammers orc skulls.

The worst case scenario of Mathilde getting caught is that it would cause the cults to declare a "war" on the colleges, right? Well, that sort of scenario is exactly why we have the articles in the first place! The social contract states that the various magic users swear to serve the Empire faithfully and loyally for their entire life, with no legal possibility of backing out or leaving, and in return the Empire protects the wizards from zealous lunatics attacking them because their chosen lord or lady in the sky tells them to! The Empire, as an institution, is duty-bound to take our side and protect the people that we care about.

Most cults aren't going to mess with that. Oh, they'll complain and they'll move in the shadows of plausible deniability, but openly acting against the Empire is a step too far. Or rather, if they were willing to act against certifiably loyal servants of the Empire because an entity who doesn't even pay taxes says so, it's probably best that we figure that out now and not in the middle of a crisis like a Storm of Chaos.

And if the Empire doesn't support us? If they abandon their oaths and leave our people to hang and dry? Then we evacuate the colleges to the Karak-8-Peaks. Belegar would never abandon us, not without some serious oathbreaking on our part, and the people who live there are already (somewhat) used to the presence of Wizards. It'll be rough, and we won't be able to save everybody, but we can with indeed carve out a new place for human magic-users to live and be as safe as magic-users can get in the Warhammer universe. And this time, it'll be in a country that actually appreciates what we can do for them.
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I picked faith, for a few reasons, but first is that it doesn't actually preclude doing this again. it's just that doing it again would seem to imply needing to have Ranald as a collaborator.

And if he thinks it's a terrible idea, maybe he's right.
But if he's delighted, then the "war on secrecy" will have a potent ally.

Actually it likely does, while the GM has stated that it is not impossible for Ranald to allow us to get truth, he also said that if we want research we should vote for research
How is the risk of a minor god finding out different than a major god finding out?

That's the assumption I'm questioning. That there are low-risk gods we can identify before we start experimenting.

Because they are minor and petty and kind of pathetic, which is why the witch hunters stomp them as an afterthought. There is a distinct lack of witch hunters being smote for murdering the hell out every worshiper of a proscribed god they can find. If those guys we are very likely just as fine.
Also, Mathilde having to spend more time on lying about how she figured out her discoveries than actually discovering them for her paper because she's got some many sources of forbidden knowledge just amuses me. (QM of Mathilde RPG: Why did you take Drawback: Forbidden Knowledge three times?)
It's good with a whole library to serve as justification now.
I wonder if we could actually use the Verenans to launder the knowledge at some point. If they'll protect a literal demon in book form, they'll probably safeguard a book of divine secrets just as well, and as a "source" of the knowledge, I imagine another clergy would rouse slightly fewer pitchforks than a wizard.

Or maybe not? Dissemination of literally anything we discover would be difficult, and they're one of the few relevant paths I can think of. Regardless, that's an issue that's still many votes (including this one) away.
…Hey, random question, but what was the record for voters again? Because it hasn't even been twelve hours and we already have over 300.

It was 663 voters... So we have a LOOONG way to go if we want to beat that record...

I'm not quite ready to start writing yet, but I'll break with tradition and call it here after one day of moratorium and three days of voting.

Adhoc vote count started by BoneyM on Mar 9, 2021 at 7:22 AM, finished with 4113 posts and 663 votes.
I'm not asking about step 300 in the plan. My concern about getting caught messing with the divine and the blowback on the college has only been addressed with "that's not a problem right now".

My plan is simply 'don't mess with any of the friendly gods'. I don't have any intention of sampling any of the Empire or other friendly gods, just stick with gods that it doesn't matter if they hate us because they're enemies to us and all good peoples by default. We can start with minor ones, climb up to more significant ones such as Khaine, then the Horned Rat or Chaos Gods if we decide we've learned enough to make a solid risk assessment and decide to move forward.

Meanwhile, so long as we don't poke them I doubt the Empire Gods will declare war on us even if they do find out about it, which is already unlikely considering we don't already have a war on our hands from the Liber Mortis. Is Gunndred gonna go complain to Sigmar about us? Hell, I don't intend on doing it because it sounds incredibly difficult to try without exposing ourselves to the cults but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the friendly Gods offer their help if we could prove it as an potentially effective weapon against Chaos and we ask them for help politely (emphasis on I don't expect that to ever come up).
I wonder if the this is a common problem in the Grey College?

Everytime a Lord Magister dies it turns out they had a large vault of secrets and left them to the College after their death.

From regular stuff like big scandals of important Imperials or proof of colleagues engaging in questionable research, over very serious things like forbidden tomes and heretical secrets to real game-changers they never dared to publish because they might cause wars (civil or other).

And everytime it happens one of our esteemed colleagues, maybe the Patriarch himself, maybe the Bursar or whoever is responsible for censoring papers, has to look through the whole pile of terrible secrets and then decide which to use, which to keep in reserve and which to burn and bury.

Edit: It's a funny idea, I think, though not completly out there...
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Actually it likely does, while the GM has stated that it is not impossible for Ranald to allow us to get truth, he also said that if we want research we should vote for research
So the odds don't sound great, but I'm okay with that really.
The failure state of Truth seems a much bigger setback than the failure state of Faith.
Poor communication kills.