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You mean the capital city of the empire built on conquest, industrialized cruelty, slavery and necromancy? Even before Nagash wrecked the place? I'll pass.

Huh, that actually does sound useful, but I feel like there's an easier way to go around doing it, that doesn't involve stealing from as many deities as possible.

Probably because I lack the vision. :V

But seriously, I feel like the risks far outstrip the benefits, but this argument on SV is kinda unpopular.
Oh I'm with you absolutely risky as hell. I'm currently debating whether I trust the voters not to follow up truth with any risky actions. I think there is a pretty good chance we take truth and then never put another AP into this at all (See apparitions, windherding, becoming a master of necromancy and raising abelheims corpse whilst conquering the empire with our army of the dread dead).
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Ah yes... we of course support the much more Enlightened Empire of Man, where all these things do not exist. Also the Nehekarans did not practice necromancy, unless of course you want to call the Sally Port of Gazul that.

Settra the Imperishable?
The Tomb Kings?
Literally centuries of ritual sacrifices in front of his pyramid?
The GM just implied that Renald might want us to work this as a black ops project for him. Not saying this is true, but it is at least a reasonable possibility so maybe you should get off the high horse.
If Mathilde sacrifices the crystal, Ranald may give a thumbs up to further study, but that's Faith. Truth is disregarding what he wants, going behind his back, and stealing from him. You think he's legitimately okay with Mathilde doing what she's doing? Vote Faith.
The GM said in some many words that this may be a case of Ranald not being able to grant permission if told but being more than capable of looking the other way.
It may be an act of plausible deniability, or it may be a test of character as I mused on; we don't know. Boney essentially said that if Ranald isn't paying attention right now, then maybe one explanation for that is he is trying to maintain plausible deniability.

Equally he also said an offhand mention of 'You could pick Faith and get a high-five and get told to research away'. Which I then went 'So it could be a test of character?' to, and Boney went "That's not impossible, but really, if someone wants to do the research they should vote to do the research."

Don't mistake "possible plausible answers for hypotheticals" for "this is the truth, definitely."

I'd note that while Silver719 went 'Okay, if we assume this, then maybe the reason is...' and theorized that maybe Ranald is okay with mortals getting a way to get one over Gods... my reaction to his theories was "Maybe Ranald doesn't want to be blamed for any theft (or whatevers) we might wind up doing against other Gods?" i.e. It's not about Mortals Versus Gods, but about being able to dodge blame. If Mathilde does wind up doing something to piss off another God or hurt them, he wants to be able to duck blame for that.

Though again, this is all hypothetical and theory.

Personally, I think the most likely result of the Faith, now, is "Sacrificing some energy/fuel, and presumably get a boon/blessing/boost/reward of some sort." That is, that seems to be the most straightforward assumption or common sense assumption here. Sacrifice a thing, get a thing in return, right? (Previously, I thought it might be faith-related variant of doing the research, but Boney clarified that a bit. So... I still am basically comparing this to like the Mystic path of the Mystic/Theologian path like from Karag Dum. But I don't know quite what it means or what it might result in.)
…Real question, but just how much divinity is needed to spark the change? Because we might not honestly need to go to temples and steal shit right from under their noses. How hard would it be to, say, acquire minor blessed items? It can't be too much harder than getting small enchantments, right?
So what you are saying that ritual sacrifice is necromancy? Quick we need to kill the evil Slaan necromancers of Lustria, for great justice! :V

It resulted in a semi-immortal undead abomination with an army of lesser undead abominations. Ergo, necromancy.

No, you know what. I'm out before I start getting angry.
While I'm loosely in favor of Faith, there is one compelling argument for Truth: Outsmugging the Elves. Because if we fingerprint human gods and elve gods, then we might be able to tell if they're the same (or closely related), and when they give an unhelpfull answer, we can (internally) go 'I knoooow', and they'll feel the smugness, even if they'll never know why.

(It would also really impress Cython, but sadly they don't get SO secrecy privileges because the vote ended going against a Dragonfriend. Very Sad.
Panoramia did bitch about the eternal debate in the Jades, but somehow I think this solution would get an even worse reaction than Dwarf Hellfire Mountain Weeding. Also Sad.)
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…Real question, but just how much divinity is needed to spark the change? Because we might not honestly need to go to temples and steal shit right from under their noses. How hard would it be to, say, acquire minor blessed items? It can't be too much harder than getting small enchantments, right?
Presumably this is something we would investigate after voting for truth. Right now Mathilde only knows that a powerful artifact like the coin is enough.
…Real question, but just how much divinity is needed to spark the change? Because we might not honestly need to go to temples and steal shit right from under their noses. How hard would it be to, say, acquire minor blessed items? It can't be too much harder than getting small enchantments, right?

Acquiring things the seller assures you are totally minor blessed items is very easy. Acquiring actually minor blessed items is much harder. Acquiring minor blessed items that you're totally 100% sure of the provenance of, harder still. Going right to something majorly divine cuts out any possible ambiguity.

(though once you actually have a library of fingerprints, you would be able to trivially identify the divine provenance of any dubious artefact)
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Guys, I don't think Ranald is testing us here, that just sounds like a big assumption.

I'd rather not do this behind our friend's back.
Presumably this is something we would investigate after voting for truth. Right now Mathilde only knows that a powerful artifact like the coin is enough.
Sure, just… best guess based on what we know about AV. Every other change seems to have come at the slightest provocation, such as just touching an emotional being or the light of the Chaos moon. I kinda doubt divine energy is different.
Acquiring things the seller assures you are totally minor blessed items is very easy. Acquiring actually minor blessed items is much harder. Acquiring minor blessed items that you're totally 100% sure of the provenance of, harder still. Going right to something majorly divine cuts out any possible ambiguity.

(though once you actually have a library of fingerprints, you would be able to trivially identify the divine provenance of any dubious artefact)
Fair enough. Probably less chance of being caught though.
I'm sorry, but is "Hubris is a Coward's Word" not a tagline for this quest?
Are we not a worshiper of The Gambler? The sneakiest, risk taking-nist, stealingy-nest god this side of the Metaphorical Realm?
Are we not in a profession were we risk our very soul ever time we use our power?
Is Deep Lore not the Coolest Shit?

The best moments in this quest have come from extreme risk, and even without any mechanical reward, I have zero doubt the Words Boney would smith to detail this quest would be the greatest reward yet.
Acquiring things the seller assures you are totally minor blessed items is very easy. Acquiring actually minor blessed items is much harder. Acquiring minor blessed items that you're totally 100% sure of the provenance of, harder still. Going right to something majorly divine cuts out any possible ambiguity.

(though once you actually have a library of fingerprints, you would be able to trivially identify the divine provenance of any dubious artefact)

Wouldn't Mathilde be avle to tell if an artefact is blessed just by Windsight (without being able to tell which specific deity did the blessing)?
Taking this as Ranald just pretending not to notice strikes me as a flimsy rationalisation and begging to fail a SAN check.
I don't really care about researching this beyond that it'd be neat, If he wants it he'll tell us, but faith is the end in itself. I expect no reward, maybe even a punishment.
Let me put this into perspective, a wisdom's asp is like a warp rat, the least of lesser daemons, Ranald is like a dragon in that comparison. Dripping rat blood into the dragon's mouth is not going to do much.

This is true and it's probably wrong as well.

A wisdoms asp is like a warp rat, but the multiple gallons of AV are incredibly significant and outstrip the source of it's creation. No wisdoms asp is equivalent to a storm of magic, but the gallons of AV we have absolutely are and more.
Wouldn't Mathilde be avle to tell if an artefact is blessed just by Windsight (without being able to tell which specific deity did the blessing)?

She could tell if something has divine energy lingering in it, but that could be because someone sprinkled some holy water on it or rubbed it on an altar or something. Like how a Priest with Windsight but no knowledge of Enchantment would have trouble telling between a very minor enchantment and something that's made of Wind-appropriate material that's been in a high-Wind area.
There's no way for me to read through the hundreds of replies, and I'm late to the party anyway, but one thing came to mind immediately.

I've heard that Mathilde may be doing things similarly to Ranaldian priests that steal 5 important things. I can't remember all of them here, but for Mathilde we're operating on another level. Queekish from the Horned Rat, and that dwarven settlement from Slaanesh (just Chaos?). This here, is this the next heist? I was wondering on what it could be, and the thing that came to my mind was maybe something to do with the slaves of the Dawi Zharr.

That said, I'm gonna leave the serious discussion to more dedicated and experienced folk. The last thing I can really comment on is how Mathilde's study of Dhar and necromancy is probably a joke compared to this.
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