Don’t think of it as dying; just as leaving early
- Location
- Earth
Interesting.No, no, in Tome of Corruption Chaos Armour is openly listed as not giving any penalties to spellcasting to the wearer.
Interesting.No, no, in Tome of Corruption Chaos Armour is openly listed as not giving any penalties to spellcasting to the wearer.
Fair point, but there is sort of a unity of expectation between worshipers of 'Handrich'; in Bretonnia 'Affairiche', in Tilea, like they are just translating the name, but then you do have cases where the gods are starting to branch off and various heresies.
My theory is that one Norscan tribe can worship 'the Hound' and another one worships 'the Brass Warrior' and both of them will agree that they worship the same thing, but at the same time if you were to show them some of the more extreme acts of Khorne worship they practice up in the wastes they would lose their lunch and not recognize their god in that. The masks would thus be more similar to each other and to southern gods than to the daemon god at the end of the path of skulls.
I am still damn interested in Expat Dwarf communities. It would have been one of the pros of going Skaven hunting in Nuln.while a few expatriate Dwarfs who live among Humans worship him in his local form.
My view is that they would recognise it, and respect it those behaviours as holy acts in devotion to their gods, but also think they were extreme acts of devotion, like how a middle age Orthodox Christian might think of a stylite sitting on their pillar, which they would never contemplate doing themselves as they lack the required level of dedication.
I mean, the Aztecs literally did build pillars of the skulls of the people they sacrificed, and they didn't even get supernatural powers out of the deal.
I mean canonically they're frequently worshipping Daemon intermediaries instead of the Four directly, with a smattering of the more warlike non-chaotic gods as well, so in a very real sense they don't know who they're worshipping. If you're say a marienburg trader showing up to buy furs from a norscan tribe, figuring out whether their war spirit King Of Wolves is Khorne, a daemon of Khorne, Ulric or even just some local nature spirit would be a not insignificant amount of hard work.That doesn't seem to matter though. They all know who they're worshipping.
Nurgle has a sourdough culture whom they have affectionately named Tuberculosis. They consider themselves a pretty seasoned baker.
Or Ulgu. Secret communication. Although I would expect their telepathy to work by exchanging meaningful looks.Telepathy does not seem like an ability that the wind of death would give, if I were to name one that fits it would probably be Hysh, but only with other Light Magisters.
Or Ulgu. Secret communication. Although I would expect their telepathy to work by exchanging meaningful looks.
Amethyst wizards aren't using what you're probably picturing when you think "telepathy". What they're doing is talking in the way ghosts and spirits can talk. Without physically moving air around or creating vibrations in the atmosphere, just projecting their meaning in the same way a ghost can project the horrific images of its final passing without, you know, verbally explaining them to you.
Mathilde: "So how does that telepathy thing work, anyway?"Amethyst wizards aren't using what you're probably picturing when you think "telepathy". What they're doing is talking in the way ghosts and spirits can talk. Without physically moving air around or creating vibrations in the atmosphere, just projecting their meaning in the same way a ghost can project the horrific images of its final passing without, you know, verbally explaining them to you.
I doubt it. Ghosts and spirits are not Shysh aligned, they are Dhar, unnatural. The Wind of Death is the wind of endings so anything that delays or defies that end is anathema to it.
There's currently a Harry Potter/Warhammer crossover quest about an Amethyst Apprentice stuck in Hogwarts after a Warp mishap. Being used to talking in telepathy is part of his characterization.Pg 41 of the book also mentions that "Amethyst Magisters typically speak in telepathy" which is why their voices tend to be so hoarse since they don't talk with their own voice much. That seems... weird. I've seen telepathy as an ability/mutation for Chaos, and Karitamen had it in Lure of the Liche Lord, but I don't think it's ever mentioned as a thing Magisters can just do? I'm not sure if Amethysts using telepathy is DL canon.
Where's that from?Amethyst wizards aren't using what you're probably picturing when you think "telepathy". What they're doing is talking in the way ghosts and spirits can talk. Without physically moving air around or creating vibrations in the atmosphere, just projecting their meaning in the same way a ghost can project the horrific images of its final passing without, you know, verbally explaining them to you.
Well, if the original Amethyst wizards were from the Cult of Morr, and some of their traditions were maintained, telepathy would definitely be one of the more useful candidates to keep.Telepathy is something I could see being associated with Morr—it loosely fits with the dreams and prophecy thing, but Morr is quite clearly distinct from Shysh, and I see no reason why Amethyst wizards should share that ability?
I'm not sure that ghosts or spirits have anything to do with Dhar. They're natural parts of the world, souls or bits of souls that haven't been drawn into the Aethyr.
You can use Dhar to make ghosts manifest and able to interact with the living, but ghosts themselves aren't anything to do with the Winds of Magic.
Well, if the original Amethyst wizards were from the Cult of Morr, and some of their traditions were maintained, telepathy would definitely be one of the more useful candidates to keep.
They congregate under the green moon and generally act malignant. I'm pretty sure they are not supposed to be around if there was no magic floating in the air.
What if we used a similar idea as rite of way? Ulgu can be used to sense confusion and discontinuity I assume both physical and mental so a Gray wizard gives a person a meaningfully look that they would normally not understand at all, but lots of (very) tiny ghost sounds fill in the gaps, like a sort of sublimatal message. So the least possible sound is used to communicate your message to the person well leaving anyone else watching the exchange in the dark.Ulgu is not really about getting anything clear secret or no, it is the wind of confusion, unless you wanted to project pure babble into someone's head... which come to think of it might be a good telepathy defense if one was ever needed.