Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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You'd met Lady Magister Stanisława Skłodowicz, the High Wizard of Middenheim, once before, but that was a brief meeting while you passed through her domain for a meeting with the Ar-Ulric. As Middenheim is the obvious waystation for personnel and materials that the nascent project may require, and the Wizards and Alchemists Guild the obvious middle-man for handling it, you organize a lengthier meeting with her to take place before the arrival of your first three fellows.

"Mmm," she says distractedly, her eyes never straying far from a softly simmering alembic. "Well, I won't pretend I'll be put out by all this. Ulrican hosts can be prickly, and you working with their new friends is going to make that easier. Just Wizards, is it?"
she really just doesn't give a shit about anything but her pet project if she doesn't have to, does she?

She looks directly at you for the first time in the conversation. "The Light Order is taking an interest?"

"Just Egrimm," you correct.

She gives you a long, searching look. As focused as she is on her own research, one doesn't become a Lady Magister or the High Wizard of Middenheim by being ignorant of politics. But in the end she doesn't ask any of the questions she might have. "Just Egrimm, then," she says. "Very well. I'll have someone prepare rooms for their arrival, and I'll have word sent when they arrive. The Graf has birds that can carry messages to their city."

but she does often have to it seems.

"But I'm still not sure why I'm here."

"Mira didn't mention?"

"If that woman says jump, I don't ask questions, I jump. Especially considering..." He looks sideways at Johann and Maximillian. "Well. Considering."

"Very well. We're here to work with the Eonir."

He frowns. "The Orders are getting involved in the Nordland mess?"

"Led to believe," Egrimm echoes.

"What if there is nothing for the Empire's contribution?" Egrimm interrupts.

"What is it?" Egrimm asks, staring transfixed.

As dissatisfied as he was with Alric, it's still rather a step down in prestige to go from the most senior Magister Patriarch of the Orders of Magic to the most junior Lady Magister, so any little thing to shore up your own status in his eyes could be helpful.

I just only released how much we cold clocked him by going over his head with... basically the whole situation. hopeful he will forgive us for our good intentions, but really really should use '[] Spend time assisting or ingratiating yourself with someone else' before hiring someone in the future.

This is your first extended foray into the city of Tor Lithanel, and it's one that proves quite effective, as there's none so helpful and patient as someone who's about to make a substantial sale, whether that someone be human or Elf.

I wonder if some elfs are going to join that booksellers guild in the 'Mathy sugar baby' club.

a gamine Elf singing longingly of the freedom of the treetops, and over a mug of spiced wine you quiz them on the subject of their song, and they admit sheepishly that they're more longing for one specific person enjoying the freedom of the treetops, namely a member of their 'kithband'.

Elf Audrey Hepburn sighted! (or just Audrey Hepburn, to be honest.)
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What an amazing look into the life of the Laurelorn Elves. I admit this game has become complicated enough for my to find difficulty in considering a vote but I love what has been made here nonetheless.
It is a pity that these elves have been so short of space, honestly, they are one of the more reasonable cultures in this world but much like the dwarves and the empire they do a good job at hampering themselves.

Hmm, slyvania as a comparison eh? I am sure some people genuinely felt decently about sylvania, didn't vlad have several human volunteer units in his armies?

I love that Johan is enjoying himself and being honestly helpful here what a marvelous time of things. Also that diplomacy boost just gives a smile to my face.
Hmm, I'm wondering if Ulric is a member of the Cadai or the Cytharai, or if he exists outside the of the elven pantheon? I suspect that's a hearty debate the elven priests are having at the moment.
Tor Lithanel has a surplus of population
Eight peaks has too much land to properly defend...

There are no outstanding grudges between Laurelorn and Karaz Ankor.

How bad an idea is this thing in my head?
A small reminder that Mathy does not have a moral bias against torture when it comes to getting information from reluctant sources.

she even found it a good bonding experience with Abel.
She also confirms that it is an unreliable method to acquire actionable information when you have no way to confirm it, because a person will say anything to stop the pain.

As shown with Qrech, she goes to other methods first. Torture is immensely unreliable.
She also confirms that it is an unreliable method to acquire actionable information when you have no way to confirm it, because a person will say anything to stop the pain.

As shown with Qrech, she goes to other methods first. Torture is immensely unreliable.
I'm not saying its her favourite, or her first (or tenth) choice.

just that, when it comes to something like 'save the world from slowly losing the ability to keep the demons out' mathy is very unlikely to take 'no' for an answer, if she can get what she wants from other, no matter how distasteful, means.
You smile, imagining a legion of leeches blunting their teeth on his golden skin. "You'll see. But Johann, you might want to wear clothes you won't mind ruining."
"Johann proceeded to show up wearing naught but a loincloth"

I'm getting a very strong feeling that Johann would have gotten on great with Abelhelm. They're both individuals who prefer to just go out and do it in jobs that require far more twisty thinking than they really want to engage in.
There's a way to make this happen.

... Well okay, technically there're two ways to make it happen, but that other one is both illegal and unethical.
We really need to refit that 'copter for comfort. Particularly if we want to grab VIPs.
Once we get our gyrocarriage from KaK, it should make logistics much simpler and more comfortable. That's why we bought it, after all: it will let us make use of our facilities in K8P and Laurelorn with our whole team more easily whenever one or the other is required. This turn, for instance, it seems Egrimm is going to be examining the Arm without the benefit of the Room of Neutrality, which is a bummer.
A small reminder that Mathy does not have a moral bias against torture when it comes to getting information from reluctant sources.

she even found it a good bonding experience with Abel.
I'm not saying its her favourite, or her first (or tenth) choice.

just that, when it comes to something like 'save the world from slowly losing the ability to keep the demons out' mathy is very unlikely to take 'no' for an answer, if she can get what she wants from other, no matter how distasteful, means.
A small reminder that there was a staff post in this thread about torturous interrogation seven months ago and we should just kind of draw a veil around the entire subject, by mod decree.
[WARNING='this is certainly putting the "fantasy" in warhammer fantasy']

One of our Staff members, @Strypgia, is a military intelligence specialist and has been for close to twenty years. He wrote a landmark post a long time ago about how no, torture never works. Then people kept on pretending it did so a few years later he wrote another one. I suggest anyone who thinks "but actually" reads them and considers deeply what they have to say. Because torture does not work, no matter how specific you'd like to get.

This discussion is otherwise over and it will not start again.

Eh we got Albion, the guys who impressed the Old Ones enough to get special treatment which even the elves didn't get. Plus saving the world when Caledor I fucked up his math on the Vortex. The elves are pretty clearly Anglo.
1. Albion didn't impress the Old Ones more than anyone else, every race was being taught there. Men impressed the Old Ones mostly by being very adaptable. The Truthsayers were just the Men who took best to actually learning what the Old Ones were teaching.
2. Caledor I didn't create the Vortex, that was his grandfather, Caledor Dragontamer. Caledor , better known as Caledor the Conquerer was the 3rd Phoenix King, who fought against Malekith after Bel-Shanaar was murdered.
3. Although Albion's Henges played a significant role in the defeat of Chaos, that wasn't because the Dragontamer screwed up. The Henges were built before the Vortex and "stemmed the flow [of daemons]". They allowed the Elves time to plan the Vortex and fight back, they didn't correct a failing.

Hmm, I'm wondering if Ulric is a member of the Cadai or the Cytharai, or if he exists outside the of the elven pantheon? I suspect that's a hearty debate the elven priests are having at the moment.
Assuming they don't syncretize him with some other God, I imagine he'd be part of the Cytherai. Winter + War is part of that sort of 'dark reality' thing Boney mentioned as the difference between the Cadai and the Cytherai.
I feel like going straight to the queen would be garish. there is always an order to these things, you don't presume to talk privately to a queen until A) she invites you, B) has openly claimed you as a friend (Hidi) or c) you have enough friends among the dukes and courters that your a 'player' or at least friends with one of them. (at least that was how old engish and France courts worked)

probably should stick to the clans and the ward of the frost until we know more.

Fair. Mathilde being on first name basis with multiple people with more temporal power plus the fact that the Queen personally showed us our new house after two other officials second only to said Queen walked with us may have caused me to miscalibrate. We are dealing with Elves after all.
  • She manipulated her son into turning evil, and started boinking him pretty much the moment they left Ulthuan.
I thought he can't take off his armor.
3. Although Albion's Henges played a significant role in the defeat of Chaos, that wasn't because the Dragontamer screwed up. The Henges were built before the Vortex and "stemmed the flow [of daemons]". They allowed the Elves time to plan the Vortex and fight back, they didn't correct a failing.
The story I saw was that were developed at the same time and acted as essentially a surge capacitor.
Hmm... you know something I'd love to see in the future? Johann introducing Kadoh to the Way of the Pick. It seems like something that'd be right up his alley.
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